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Could it be travel shock? My daughter has a bottle, and when she wears it my entire home smells like this. On her, it's pretty strong and very sweet.


No, I don't think so...I've had it for quite awhile at this point, so I would assume it would be over any travel shock it may have had. Perhaps it's just my skin chemistry.

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  • 4 months later...

I forgot about this one and left it in my "to test" box for a long time, but I'm so glad I pulled it out again! The florals are more obvious in the vial, but on me (and on my pillow) the drydown is just soft and fruity and absolutely delicious.

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  • 3 months later...

I didn't really like this one for the first ten minutes or so. It just smelled kinda strange to my nose. Then the creaminess emerged and it started to smell more pleasant. It became flowers mixed with peaches and cream. But I felt like the floral notes were intruding a bit. I wanted more of the peaches and cream and less of the florals.


After about half an hour I got what I wanted. The flowers started to hang back and the peaches and cream became more emphasized, though not really fruity and sweet due to the still present florals.


Finally, after a few hours the florals go away completely and all that's left is a really yummy sweeter peaches and cream scent. This last stage lasted forever (this LP lasted 14+ hours on me) and smelled so good. The peach definitely undergoes an interesting metamorphosis in this perfume, starting out smelling almost unripe during the initial stage and then progressively becoming sweeter and riper.

Edited by Juliana
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