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The mere word "avoidance" might say it all

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:nice04271:You're welcome, ComingUpRoses! Love finds ya when you least suspect it.....Hey, I noticed you friended me. I friend you back. Not sure how to do that, but will figure it out. Thank you, sweetie.


You did it! Checked my profile and you're listed as a friend, thank you doll :Love09751:


I was trying to insert a little flower in my post above, but only the name of the emoticon showed up....(nice04271).....dang computers, lol.


:say19: I hear ya' -- it takes me a while to get them in my posts as well. Took me a month to figure out how to do response quotes to topics. Turns out Internet Explorer is incapable of doing that on my laptop. I have to use Google Chrome. Check and make sure you don't have more than one emoticon window open when you wanna add an emoticon to your post. I've noticed when I mistakenly open two emoticon windows exactly what you've described happens.

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Use the multiquote button in the order you wish to respond, then hit the "Reply to X quotes" button in the lower right screen.


I have seen people say they do better if they lay off pheromones for a day or two every week, but not where changing them up is better for you physically.



Thanks, ComingUpRoses! I still don't know how to do response quotes, but at least I have an Avi now (thanks to Mara/Heather), he he.


Congrats on the beautiful Avi and your handle on the emoticons ^_^ the quotes are easy peasy! See if QG's instructions help, quoted above. If that doesn't work, try using another browser. I had the most confounding time trying to quote...I got lucky with Google Chrome as Internet Explorer was a no go -- try as I might :wacko:

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  • 2 weeks later...


Spoiler alert, I don’t have the guy. I wore Gotcha to work and sure enough shyguy was mesmerized. He was waiting for me to leave that day and proceeded to follow me out the door. I was very excited because I just knew this was the moment when he was going to make his move! Well, wouldn’t you know it, I was called back into the office and had to retrace my steps. I nearly bumped into him as he had been following behind me that closely…he blushed and mumbled a ‘see ya' later.’ I was disappointed but figured we’d have the opportunity for a do over.


Gotcha, round 2, scene 2: Later that week I decided to add LAM to the mix. Ok – if dude could have done cartwheels to get to me he would have. LAM is some serious mojo! All day, he hovered around me like a moth to a flame. We work in a fast-paced environment so alone time is hit or miss. We didn’t get any solitude that day. Work was nuts and I also had to spend a fair amount of time deflecting casualties from wearing Gotcha and LAM to work :arf:


As shyguy is getting more drawn to me I’m noticing something weird. A girlfriend who works with us seems to be eyeing our interaction and isn’t feelin’ it one bit. Long story short dolls, this looks to be a love triangle. I dunno what transpired (or is transpiring) between her and shyguy but she’s not happy I’m in the picture. On one hand I feel bad but on the other I’m ticked off. I told her I was crushing on the guy early on and divulged a lot. All she had to do was tell me she was interested or is / was involved with him and I would have backed off. I don’t know what hand she’s playing. I’ve been going on and on spilling the tea…she should have said something. I’ve since clammed up of course and you best believe “She gets no mo’ info from me.” We now speak in general terms and I think we’re relegating to acquaintances. I can’t believe how this is going down and I’m kicking myself in the tush for being blind to what was under my nose.


Present day shyguy has found a way to be ‘in my space’ every day since being Gotcha!’d. He’s been watching me and she’s been watching him watch me. And I’m watching her watch him. Oy vey. Totally not worth it. What’s currently driving me to see this thru is the pissed off-ed-ness I’m harboring towards the situation as a whole. I feel hurt, betrayed and saddened. I want to get to the bottom of it. Thanks to LP’s indispensable blends I’m sure all will come to light. Eventually.

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OMG, Coming Up Roses! See? As StacyK would say: BELIEVE! The pheros really can work. Soooo glad you're trying out the GOTCHA. You are a brave one wearing it to work...that must have been an interesting day for your male co-workers, he he. BTW was it the UN version or Tickle Tickle? And if it's the UN, what were you using for LP fragrance, and/or what version of LAM? Enquiring minds must know, lol.


I hope you stay the course and find out at some point what's really going on. She could just be living in hopes and is wondering what your "magic" is. Hmmm....got any TMI or True Confessions at hand? There was a vial of TMI in my Women's Sampler kit. I remember you saying you got a sampler kit too..Maybe you can try that, get the lowdown on where things stand with them and then make a decision whether to pursue it further or not. Just be careful, because TMI or TC can make you say more than what you might intend.


You GO, girl! :thumb_up11:

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Hi dear, great phero minds think alike, xoxo. I have used TC but did not get one on one time with either of them that particular day. Our workplace is hustle bustle so alone time is a rarity. I'll keep trying with TC but a lil' scared of TMI because I don't want to get TMI'd myself. Need a tad more experience so that my powers don't get used against me lol.


I will stay the course for sure!!! I used UN Gotcha that first time with LP Pink as a cover. Shyguy has a sensitive nose so I have to be careful to cover well. The other time I used UN Gotcha with an off ranch cover (Pink Sugar, maybe?) and LAM Sugared Vanilla and Honey. That's the day the workplace got turned on its ear :lol2: . Spoke with one of the guys today who wasn't there when I wore LAM. Apparently when he came in the following day, he was told what he missed out on. Sounds like I started an urban legend that LAM day, giggle-giggle.


I'm conflicted about this approach because it seems I'm sacrificing many for the sake of one. In trying to get to the bottom of this shyguy thing, other guys are having to look down at their feet when speaking with me lol. Everyone is gentlemanly and I know they would never try anything. Men being men I believe they're enjoying it tho. They do know I'm not "That Kind of Girl" (even tho I just scored a bottle of an LP with that exact name lol). -So, no hanky panky to be had, they're just not used to seeing me in that light is all :blush:





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Well, Roses, it seems like you're having a blast! Whooo-hooo for you! And as you know, pheros just enhace, so LAM and Gotcha are just bringing out your fabulousness. I just love your shyguy story, I think he is already quite entrapped. As for the triangle situation, well it might not be a bad thing, cause when you're know you're being watched you dont go overboard that easily.

Years back, when some of my colleagues at work were still in that phase of playing the field, but looking to settle down, there was this one sexy guy at work that every gal had a crush on. You could tell from the preening and prancing that went on around him, and he did start a thing with one of the girls who fell hard for him and made the mistake to tell all the other chicks about the fling and how things were going, never aware that the others wanted him, too. Which was strange enough, dude was a dreamboat. The affair went south pretty fast, with all the others doubling their efforts now. At some point he went away and married someone else. When it comes to love and crushes: never tell anyone, trust no one. U never know who secretively might have the hots for whom...


And another thing (sorry for the grandmotherly ramble), I don't think that this other girl has something going on with shyguy, but it looks like she wants to. But I really understand her not conveying her feelings to you. If I had a crush on a guy, and another girl told me she was into him, I would never say: hey, back off, dibbs! Especially if I thought the other one might have a shot. Cause you dont know how it will play out, the guy does have a say in the matter after all. You might make a fool of yourself. Feelings and wishes are not something you can just tarry out like that. So your "rival" is probably doing the thing all those chicks at my workplace did back then: hung back, watched, bided their time and were very sweet and flirty with the guy as soon as girl-in-love's head was turned, all the time professing to be her friend and consoling her when he didnt call.

So it's a good thing you picked up on that vibe. And with your arsenal of heavenly pheros, I guess you wont have to worry



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Well, Roses, it seems like you're having a blast! Whooo-hooo for you! And as you know, pheros just enhace, so LAM and Gotcha are just bringing out your fabulousness. I just love your shyguy story, I think he is already quite entrapped. As for the triangle situation, well it might not be a bad thing, cause when you're know you're being watched you dont go overboard that easily.

Years back, when some of my colleagues at work were still in that phase of playing the field, but looking to settle down, there was this one sexy guy at work that every gal had a crush on. You could tell from the preening and prancing that went on around him, and he did start a thing with one of the girls who fell hard for him and made the mistake to tell all the other chicks about the fling and how things were going, never aware that the others wanted him, too. Which was strange enough, dude was a dreamboat. The affair went south pretty fast, with all the others doubling their efforts now. At some point he went away and married someone else. When it comes to love and crushes: never tell anyone, trust no one. U never know who secretively might have the hots for whom...


Thanks so much Maroon, :love: , things are getting fun! I mentioned that I met shyguy when I didn't know a thing about pheros. He was the reason I stumbled onto this heavenly addiction. Even if nothing transpires between us, I won't forget him for that alone. I'm so grateful to have found LPMP!


Great anecdote regarding what happened at your workplace. I feel for the gal who wasn't able to stay with dreamboat :-( a cautionary tale for sure. Your advice on love and crushes is one that I'll surely remember to follow. I'm flabbergasted at the curve in the road my situation is taking...never saw it coming! I won't make the mistake of blabbing my business in the office ever again. "U never know who secretively might have the hots for whom..." - so TRUE!!!



And another thing (sorry for the grandmotherly ramble), I don't think that this other girl has something going on with shyguy, but it looks like she wants to. But I really understand her not conveying her feelings to you. If I had a crush on a guy, and another girl told me she was into him, I would never say: hey, back off, dibbs! Especially if I thought the other one might have a shot. Cause you dont know how it will play out, the guy does have a say in the matter after all. You might make a fool of yourself. Feelings and wishes are not something you can just tarry out like that. So your "rival" is probably doing the thing all those chicks at my workplace did back then: hung back, watched, bided their time and were very sweet and flirty with the guy as soon as girl-in-love's head was turned, all the time professing to be her friend and consoling her when he didnt call.

So it's a good thing you picked up on that vibe. And with your arsenal of heavenly pheros, I guess you wont have to worry



You're probably right in that there may not be anything going on. I was just so surprised at her not saying anything. Looks like I thought more of our friendship than she did :arf:. Your reasoning makes perfect sense and I can understand why she wouldn't speak up however. I believe the heavenly potions here had a hand in helping me to see what was what. As well, they're putting grease on the mechanics of it all. This is one of the slowest love sagas I've ever been involved in for goodness sake...will be sure to update this thread as things unfurl. Thank you for weighing in, it's always great to get a different perspective...being on the inside mine is cloudy :wub:

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Roses, I say, enjoy this love saga, even if you don't know what the outcome will be. I've been with Mr. Maroon forever and I still love to remember how we first met, how I thought he was interested, but couldnt tell for sure. It's a sweet game, the glances, the smiles, things like arriving at a party and seeing that he notices immediately, so you know that he's been waiting for you: priceless. He was attentive and sweet to me, funny, sexy, just all that, but for weeks and weeks he wouldn't make a move. When he finally did, it was heaven. Now, my mister is not a shy guy, but he told me that over the years a guy does get a lot of rejection. It's always them that are expected to take the first step, and if a gal has set her eyes on another, well, they get hit on the nose. He was just making sure my intentions were on him.

From what you're relating, I think shuyguy does have a crush on you, and it seems the men at your workplace think you're easy on the eyes. Enjoy every minute! Take pleasure in picking your clothes and your scent of the day and in every complimentary glance and comment. You will have a blast and some butterflies, too. It's like being fifteen again ;-)


And if by chance some other sexy man discovers you in the process, well shyguy better make sure he gets his move on

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:love: Your recollection of the courtship you and Mr. Maroon shared gave me butterflies in my tummy. Thanks so much for sharing Maroon, xo. The fond memories of that time in your life speaks volumes of your relationship present day. Wishing you so many more years of happiness, health and LP experiences :wink2:


I ordered The Surrendered Single and can't wait to dig in once I get it! Men do have a daunting role in the mating game. I don't envy them and am glad I'm a woman lol. It's important to also play our part and I'll continue to be mindful...I have to be more outgoing. Open Windows has helped me a lot and I think shyguy likes it too. :^^: Its' great fun picking out the blends and potions to wear everyday. Overall I believe everyone at work is benefiting - wore Cougar + Perfect Match one day and it was nothing but love, peace and happiness lol. The selfies were great but effects on others, priceless.


Whichever way the cookie crumbles, the shyguy saga will have been quite a memorable one. That aside, I am a free agent. So like you said, if some other sexy fella crosses my path, one never knows, lol. Shyguy better get his move on, yes ^_^

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You would be more likely to get a definitive result using just the Gotcha. Gotcha is a potent mix, already a lot going on there. By adding A'nol you are canceling out some of the effectiveness of the phero. You can add some cops though I don't recommend a lot of cops at work. But if you are going to do it, I recommend letting the blend work it's own magic.

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You would be more likely to get a definitive result using just the Gotcha. Gotcha is a potent mix, already a lot going on there. By adding A'nol you are canceling out some of the effectiveness of the phero. You can add some cops though I don't recommend a lot of cops at work. But if you are going to do it, I recommend letting the blend work it's own magic.

Thank you Stacy, I'll stay on course with the Gotcha! Which one has the A'nol? I sure don't want to cancel out any efforts. Have to familiarize myself more with the ingredients and congruency.


ETA: Haven't tried straight cops, EoW, at work yet. Just what's in the blends. I just got Occo Ambrosia from a trade, and have Occo Pink on order. I'll play around with very (very-light) applications of those with the Gotcha. Do you think that would do?

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It's the LAM it's A'nol and cops.


Gotcha is just fine on it's own. The amount of cops in Gotcha is very small, but effective in the blend.

I don't really recommend adding cops to it at work. I just stated that's an option if you felt you needed the cops, you were adding LAM and that has a lot of cops. So I'll leave that to you.

I think you should just try the Gotcha a couple of times. See what transpires. Gotcha is also helpful in gently loosening someone's tongue. Part of the whole intimacy effect. Gotcha really can have that mesmerizing effect as well. You want it to do it's thing.

It would just seem to me that the LAM which is very incongruent to Gotcha, would muddle or nullify the effects which Gotcha is famous for.

Edited by StacyK
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Thanks so much Stacy :hearts09793:

Gotcha it is! I'll commit to having a go with just that blend this upcoming week. I have Tickle Tickle and the UN so lots of play to be had. Will cover the UN with LP Pink or LP O. I also have Betrothal Potion which I love the smell of. Can use that as a cover as well. Not looking for a proposal quite yet, lol, but it'll be fun to see what happens. Overall having a great time playing with the treasure trove of Love Potions :heart: . So glad to have found y'all! Thank you again for commenting :heart708:

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ComingUpRoses, just wanted to say I'm so enjoying the blow-by-blow of your office adventure with shyguy, et al. It's amazing what pheros can do to help enhance our own personal aura and work to our advantage. I look forward to reading the new installments as you chronicle your escapades!

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ComingupRoses: Betrothal is beautiful. That and the UNGotcha sounds like a plan.......I too would be careful about how much cops to wear to work and I'm glad Stacy mentioned about LAM having Anol. Tickle Tickle has Gotcha (not crazy how it smells), and I love LP Pink, but my vote's for UNGotcha and Betrothal. Lovely. Sounds like shy guy got down off that fence at last and is figuring out which way to set his course! Yay!

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Ditto, JudyO, I also love to see that story unfolding. It's like were living vicariously through Roses and sharing that great experience. And on getting that book, Roses: good for you, you'll love it. I am every inch a woman on my own two feet, but I loved how reading that book made me focus on my feminine side. I got a lot out of it. I changed the way I behaved, dressed, moved. I also was a lot easier on Mr. Maroon after reading that book and "Surrendered Wife".


The "Single" version tells you to do a lot of dating, and not just go out with the No. One pick – cause you might unearth hidden treasures. I remember being on some reunion thing of Mr. Maroon, and he pointed out a thin, worn looking woman to me; we were all in our thirties back then. He told me they used to be friends in high school and hung out a lot with other people from their class. He had had a bit of crush on her, as she was very pretty, but always kept a respectful distance, cause she was usually involved with someone. One day he dropped by her house to bring over a jacket she had forgotten somewhere, he had called ahead, and when he arrived he was met by her father at the door, who told him to not come by the house or call anymore, cause she was not interested in having any contact with him anymore. I was so shocked by that story! Like he was a criminal or a drug addict! And she sent her Dad to the door to tell him! My mister told my he had been really hurt by this behaviour and to this day has no idea what brought it on.


Anyway, next thing people tell me is that Miss High-and-Mighty had picked a real class act for a husband, who had cheated on her, getting the other woman pregnant in the process (a boozer and party guy who by now has five children by three women and can't pay alimony). At 35, she was a single mom of two, and I couldnt discern one inch of the alleged former prettiness. And I know my heart should have gone out to her, but I just couldnt get past that unkindness she had shown my husband when he was just 19. I kept thinking: serves you right! I am fiercely protective of Mr. Maroon. And of course, besides looking fabulous, I made sure everyone at the party got to notice what a darling and sweet wife he had. I was pure charm the whole evening.



Don't know how I did it all without pheros, but I guess outrage can be pretty stimulating... I never spoke a word with her, by the way, and Mr. Maroon ignored her, too. Good for him.


So keep us posted, Roses! We want to know all about shyguy in the thralls of phero magic! And any other fella who might be entrapped

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For me personally I won't mix work and dating. Just seen it create so much drama in lives of women I have worked with.If it doesn't work out it can be really awkward for the both of them. If you really want this to happen, just find the nerve to ask him out. Honestly it will be a yes or no.....better to find out sooner rather than cat and mouse it to the point you have high hopes especially if there is another possible woman in the mix. Pheros are fun and can sway things but take care with cops at work. A little of those go a long way. I second the Gotcha only...no need to add cops to that for work. Read as much as you can as well. Others have mentioned that sending obviously sexual ( cops) signals at work may end up creating a distancing effect with the intended target. Not because he isn't interested but cops can make work environments uncomfortable for some men. Especially if they are shy. I am sure others can word it better or can input experiences they have had. Not saying you shouldn't go for it. Just tread lightly with the sex vibe and ask the guy out. It would be better to save the extra cops for outside work. Just my 2cents.

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JudyO ^_^


Thanks for reading sweetie J this thread is amusing to say the least. I’m happy to oblige and will post anything report worthy. So glad you’ve joined us at LP and I’m glad you’re seeing the pheros are indeed amazing! I’m quite new myself and became a believer very quickly. Both of us can learn and grow here!


Olderbutwiser :love:


I can’t wait to try Betrothal with the UNGotcha. I’ll use those two most of the upcoming week. Cougar is the only blend I’ve worn to work consistently with cops. I got excited the first time wearing Gotcha and decided to amp it up the following day with LAM. Had a blast – it was fun to see what could happen! However I’m not clamoring to repeat the experience in that setting. In other words, no more extra cops at work!!! I’ll treasure the memories of that day tho lol. There are a lot of blends here at LP that can illicit strong responses without cops. Our mutual love, LP Pink for instance! I get some great reactions from that...and Flying Potion as well. Neither blends have cops but ya’ sure could've fooled me based on the reactions lol. Regarding Tickle Tickle, I sometimes add some vanilla eau de toilette over it. That’s helped...


Maroon :heart:


That is some story! I can understand why Mr. Maroon was hurt by her actions L. I’m sorry your guy had to go through that. But then, things happen for a reason. I mean look how well things turned out, you and Mr. Maroon found each other! So, she did y’all a favor in the end. And sadly, her story doesn’t sound like it’s going so well. The reap what you sow adage is so true.


I’m glad you were able to get your ‘sparkle’ on that evening, there’s sweet revenge for ya’! Nothing better than looking, feeling and acting great. I’m sure she was deeply regretful and a little jealous. Yes, I agree, outrage can be stimulating. And now that we’ve found pheros we can sit back a tad and let them do a little of the work for us J


Shyguy is my main crush but I don’t have blinders on to potential suitors. There are three fellas in my life. One of the potential relationships is in “move in” condition lol. Really nice gentleman, intelligent, stable, great cook, would give me the world...but I’m not that attracted to him L. I could grow to love him but don’t believe I could ever be in love. The second guy is a curmudgeon and it’s a bit of a struggle combating his negativity towards life. And the last one, his ex-wife is a little nuts. I’m virtually baggage free and would like to hold out for someone whose similar. All three fellas know about one another. At different stages, they’ve all vowed to win me over and make themselves my main squeeze. We’ll see J.


Incidentally I don’t wear pheros around those three suitors. If wearing pheros on a particular day, I apply around 8-9am. I don’t reapply during the day. One day I met one of the fellas after work, 6ish, for dinner. Wellllllllll – he caught a whiff of whatever potion I had on from the morning. My gosh, it was awful -annoying. When someone is into you and you’re not into them as much, not good L. So for them I am au naturale.


So my dear(s), not to worry, I have a life outside of the shyguy crush.


Irish Eyes :D


Thanks for weighing in, I appreciate your candor! I don’t blame you for not wanting to mix work and dating. It can be awkward if things don’t work out. I have dated one coworker way back in the day and was lucky it didn’t end badly.


I don’t think of what’s going on as cat and mouse as much as innocent flirting. Perceived anyway in my mind J. If asking shyguy out was the only way for a relationship to develop in this instance, it just wouldn’t happen. I’m a bit of a realist in that my crushes tend to be surface ones. I’m unable to develop true feelings for a person without spending time with them. So it’s all good, I don’t know shyguy on those terms so I’m unlikely to be brokenhearted if nothing transpires.


Scouts honor – no more extra cops at work. Again I went in on an experiment without much foresight. This time it didn’t backfire so I was fortunate. Your 2cents haven’t fallen on deaf ears. Thank you again for taking the time to post!

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Dear Roses, I think you'll do just fine. I would not ask the guy out straight, cause I'm just one who loves the mating dance too much. All that leads up to that moment when he finally makes his move, I just cherish that. And I am pretty sure he will muster the courage and ask you. Then you will always have the pleasant thougt that you were asked, and he that he conquered. Read up in the Surrendered Single, there's a lot of tips how to let a guy know that you would like to be asked out without asking yourself.

I am all for being straight instead of playing mind games, but since no one is involved with no one yet, there is no harm in enjoying being courted. Once there's a relationship you got your straight boundaries. But I still love to play the game of seduction with Mr. Maroon and I also love being flirted with at work. Just makes you feel good about yourself and adds fun and laughter to a work day. And I guess most of the ladies here do, or else they wouldnt enjoy their phero hits so much ;-)

As long as we're not out to wreck homes, I say all is fair in love and war...

And thank you for friending me! I'm such a dud, I dont even know how to do that

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...but since no one is involved with no one yet, there is no harm in enjoying being courted. Once there's a relationship you got your straight boundaries. But I still love to play the game of seduction with Mr. Maroon and I also love being flirted with at work. Just makes you feel good about yourself and adds fun and laughter to a work day. And I guess most of the ladies here do, or else they wouldnt enjoy their phero hits so much ;-)

As long as we're not out to wreck homes, I say all is fair in love and war...

And thank you for friending me! I'm such a dud, I dont even know how to do that

We're on the same page :rolleyes: thanks so much Maroon, xoxo. It's a fun roller coaster right now, lol. I am infinitely grateful to have the LP pheros at hand to guide and formulate these experiences with shyguy. All IS fair in love and war, for sure! And no, not in the business of wrecking homes. My first marriage was ruined by a gal who didn't have the foresight to not take up my husband on his solicitation. Well, actually he said she solicited him. No matter tho as the results would have been the same. It takes two, he was to blame more than she in my eyes. So - I'm not that girl, more so because I've been hurt on that end of it.


The friending worked :^^: we're buds now, thanks for accepting, xo!!!


So much fun following your phero discoveries...enjoy it! I miss that experimentation when I never knew what each one had in store for me. I also enjoy the work/flirt thing if you don't take it too seriously and just have fun with it. Makes going to work more interesting.


Thank you MDC, glad to have you in the thread :) . I've enjoyed reading your posts as well! You have me in stitches due to your dry wit. I think it was the TC or TMI thread where I first noticed your great sense of humor...looking forward to reading more of your work, lol.



*Edited for syntax*

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Nothing new to report on the shyguy biography; talk about a slow to develop Harlequin novel. I wore Gotcha 4 out of 5 workdays this week. We had the opportunity to exchange just a few words. Not anything exciting –casual pleasantries.


Gotcha is an excellent LP, awesome sauce for sure :love:! The blend works well with my chemistry and is fittingly received. On my chemistry scale (safe to sexy-dangerous) it would be as follows: Cougar, Gotcha, Flying Potion, SS4W and then LAM. Cougar is the be all to end all. I don’t know how many of you dolls don’t have Cougar. If you’re among the few, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Truly. Please Get You Some. I digress…I can wear Cougar to work no problem. Turns out I have to save Gotcha, FP, SS4W and of course LAM for date nights. They’re too effective to wear to work lol. When wearing Gotcha this week, the guys I work with were quite complaisant. Fine and dandy you might say. Well the day I wore Gotcha and Betrothal Potion there was an underlying current of “Girl I wish I could see what you got goin’ on under all those clothes you wearin’!” At work I have to wear an oxford shirt and khakis. I always wear a shell or two underneath and a jacket over that. In addition, we’re required to don a florescent vest, steel toe boots or shoes and a protective hat for safety compliance. You know how you’re speaking with someone but you could clearly see their mind isn’t on the conversation at hand? Exactly :wub:. Like that y’all. That’s the wide eyed reception I was getting. So Gotcha is a no go for work.


Shyguy liked Gotcha, FP, SS4W and LAM a lot. Especially LAM hehehe. He’s gravitating toward me more and more as time progresses. If he and I should end up dating in this millennium, it’s going to be so much fun treating him to the various LPs :heart:. In trying to land him however, I have to be regardful of our surroundings. I don’t feel right involving unwitting bystanders. The other guys ‘got nuthin’ to do with my shyguy fishing expedition…


So here we are, on slow simmer. I think he’s taking his time feeling me out and trying to find out what my deal is. He’s happy with the packaging but wants to open it up to see what’s inside :). It’s all good. No rush on my end. With the approach of summer, the other fellas I’m dating will keep me busy as they’re all outdoorsmen.


I'm just going to continue Cougar-ing him. He seems to get the warm and fuzzies with Cougar. That and Perfect Match and he's golden. I think I wore Pithivier over those two one day this week. He seemed to be okay with a foody scent. I think I'll try some more of those to keep him huffing :P .


One day at a time y’all…speak again at the next shyguy installment.


ETA: Pithivier review http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=2630&hl=

Edited by ComingUpRoses
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