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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. ahahhaaahaaa! Only because you spelled it right and I spelled it wrong. Or at least your auto-correct spelled it right!
  2. I used a deep autumnal honey that I have personally named CIVIT HONEY, wrote it in black sharpie right on the bottle. I totally get what you get there, it def has a civit quality to it, but it is in fact honey!
  3. FYI: Cassia bark EO has a little more of a woody impression, spicy bark, rather than a sweet sugary cinnamon impression. Both are in the Cassia perfume, but it will not be as sweet as Buns of Cinn. re: Heartwood. The Stag from last Oct was really a true pine forest impression. This year's Heartwood also stars pine, but there is a ton of dry vanilla in it as well as other more perfumey ingredients, so in my view it's more of polished perfume, whereas The Stag was immersion in nature.
  4. Bunns of Cinn is more dessert-like and Cassia is more breakfast-like and less sweet.
  5. Hey, May!!!! We've missed you, welcome back! It's been rough, yes, but we think we've hit on the right way to send packages to UK these days, and packages have indeed been getting through lately. We are keeping our fingers crossed. Keep in mind EVERYTHING is slower due to covid and the moron now running our postal system, so you have to be prepared to WAIT. Thanks for checking in! XOXOXOXO
  6. And the Luv and Etsy sites are up now too... here: https://luvpotionperfume.com/shop/21642631/new-releases Thank you! Good night! ❤️
  7. Helllooooo! And they're UP! https://lovepotionperfume.com/collections/new-releases?page=1 Tomorrow I will get them up on Etsy for those that prefer to purchase there. I need a few days to get the SALE! up and running. Remember that trial sets and specials are not eligible for the sale, but individual bottles and trials are, so please place your orders accordingly. Thank you! And please let me know if I messed anything up so I can fix it. I always appreciate you guys proofing for me! Kisses to Luna for the awesome descriptions, and to Roanna Zoe for the beautiful labels, and to all of you for your love and patience! xoxoxox ❤️
  8. Eastwood, that Holliday guess was quite impressive!!! We debuted the scents at the shop tonight, First Friday party, and this one sold the most of all of them!
  9. No! Luna told me about the song afterward, I don't think I've ever heard it! I just liked the flow of the words. She said it's about pot? This potion is not about pot. lol.
  10. Woooohooo! These will be up and orderable by the end of the weekend, and the SALE! will start shortly thereafter! It's gonna be a fun 'Weenie season! Gorgeous label images by my friend, fantasy photographer Roanna Zoe. If you're in the Chicago area, you can sign up for pix with her too! Sooo, any guesses what's in them? Ambre Fox BeeWitched Bonflower of Autumn - Phero Enhanced w/ Charisma for Women Cassia Creme Cake Ghost Dust - Phero Enhanced w/ Open Windows Heartwood Hemwicke Holliday Infusion 2021 Lantern - Phero Enhanced w/ Blatant Invitation Mourning Glory Rite Sweet Leaf Woodland Creatures w/ Mega Watt
  11. Potion Master


    Thank you for the lovely review, @tyvey! So good to see you on the forum again! ❤️ xoxoxox
  12. Potion Master


    I love this one so much I am wearing it almost every day. It smells delicious on my skin and makes me really happy. An upbeat mood elevator for me. I hope some others get to share that experience. Aloha also worked well for me but I like this one even better.
  13. Just want to let everyone know that we are running a little behind...we were waiting for a late bottle delivery that finally arrived 2 days ago, we also had the holiday and a couple of people out this week due to quarantining after the holiday weekend, so we are a little discombobulated over here but we are on track, just a little tardy. And everyone is coming in tomorrow to make sure the rest of the new release orders make it out the door tomorrow. Thanks so much for your patience! <3
  14. @Snakecharmer49311 I might have a spare sealed bottle lying around in my personal stash. I will go hunt for it if you email me. This was a personal fave of mine as well so there may have been hoarding involved, lol. The closest thing to the satisfying natureyness of Fair Ground, imo, would be Northern Comfort. Not the exact same, but the earth and cedar are in both, and I am mad for them both in the same kind of way. We only have a couple of bottles left of Northern Comfort, but I want to make it again. It's too good to lose and a local fave up here. (Thanks for the tag, Snoops!)
  15. Thank you for your order! ❤️ We split the total amount of available bottles between the LP Site, the Etsy/Pattern sites, and the sales floor in the shop. So while it's accurate to a point, it's not the whole picture. Sometimes we sell out online but can grab one from the sales floor. Sometimes things get grabbed for a customer in person, and we forget to remove one from the cart, and it might get oversold online. It's a lot of moving parts to manage.
  16. Best for us is via the LOVE site, which is where you ordered from! The main site is LOVEPotionPerfume.com The Etsy Pattern site, our temp site we kept up cuz some peeps preferred it, is LUVPotionPerfume.com
  17. For those that prefer to order on the LUV or the Etsy sites, the New Releases are now live there too.
  18. Sorry Bruja, I only made the one phero enhanced scent this month since everyone was asking for virgin scents lately, but I did not make two versions of it.
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