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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Beccah, I think we are going to do a Psychic Fair for November. Mini readings of tarot, palm, oracle, runes and crystals at each different station. We have 6 readers, I just have to figure out how to stuff everyone in!
  2. Our Palm Reader Rebekah, in the best witch get up ever! Laura is our amazing Tarot Reader - she's got 3 books out on the subject! She dressed as the Queen of Diamonds tonight. Alexis - too friggin' adorable. Barbara - she does Angelic channeling and spirit paintings! Jennifer and Jesse, who did the perfume labels this month, with Rebekah. Mae with one of our adorable forumites - I will let her identify herself if she wishes... Look! Brigid is wearing a witch hat! Two of our beloved customers...they were knocking on the door weeks before the store even opened! Pictures of the action - it got so packed at times I couldn't even move around. This is after the party - wanted to get a shot of the all the little lights inside the lanterns, the digital camera doesn't show how dark it really was in there. We kept the lights quite dim all evening. John shot a short video that we posted on facebook. It's loaded there and can't be shared offsite so come look here: https://www.facebook.com/LovePotionPerfumes/ We had a BLAST!!! Every day should be Halloween.
  3. There was nothing healthy to eat at this party. Hot Dogs, cotton candy, popcorn, and I filled a giant cauldron with every Little Debbie's cake they make, and I had to refill it all too! BLOODY EYEBALL PUNCH! We couldn't keep the eyeballs on top! They kept sinking to the bottom, lol, I thought they would float. Cauldron Punch of the Month was Cranberry, raspberry, apple, grenadine and a splash of sweet & sour bar mix - with the added "magic" of dark rum, light rum and vodka. Jessica adding extra magic to the potion. Izzy saying if you post my picture you will hear from my lawyer! lol. (El Diablo's cape courtesy of Quiet Guy!) A smoking cauldron! And GHOSTS!!! Mae giving out the party favors...a perfume sample from the new releases, a trial of my pumpkin seed massage butter, one of our witchy postcards and some incense. John John at the helm. It was really packed! We kept the lights low to show off the efects. Like my floating hats?? John John being wizardy. lololol I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!!
  4. TONIGHT!! I caught a snatch of video of a visiting ghost last night in the shop!!! Come over to our Facebook page to have a look! More pix later, but I do hope you can come on down and see for yourself! xoxoxoxo
  5. Let's see, regular price would be $365, so full set price $295.00. Lots of bottles, plus the spray makes it higher this month. You can still get the regular 10 bottle deal if you just want to choose 10 oil bottles, just an option.
  6. Just putting this here since people will see it. Adding a bunch of GGGs to Etsy today, and have also done a SALE price on Halloween themed scents there.
  7. Birkeys, I have that bottle of Masked Woman for you. If you still want it, please email for an invoice. Thank you! If not, it will go to the next person, so no worries either way.
  8. A few comments about this collection.... I was in the mood for very rich scents this month, intense and bold - you'll see what I mean when you get the sampler!. I even prepared Flying Potion more concentrated than previously, and it's awesome. There are a few that lovers of older scents might want to seek out: If you like Allumette, try Indiscretion If you like Blue Smoke, try Bloodroot If you like Ensence de Cafe, try Liquid Shadow Variants on a theme, but not the same by any means. You'll notice that Luna prepared something special for us this month! It's one continuous tale, and if you read the NRs in alphabetical order (except LP Pumpkin is first) then you will read it in the right order. They appear in order on the front page, but we also told you where to find the next chapter at the bottom of each installment. Have fun!
  9. And, we're up! Please let me know if you find any typos or programming errors. Thank you and enjoy!!!
  10. We've got 6 awesome Private Editions this month, Peeps! Lina's Buttered Caramel Lina's Autumnal masterpiece - those who enjoyed Warm & Toasty will love this one too. Hot caramel, butter C02, hot milk, toasted vanilla accords - bready and sweet, warm and super buttery, and salted too! 5 Bottles Available (Luna, BlueBear, BlackCat, Cougariffic, WildVixen) Chrissy's Autumn Halo A team creation by Chrissy and Halo, wonderfully Autumnal and delicious too. Like a walk in the woods on a cool Fall day, wrapped in a cashmere sweater. A centerpiece of English Toffee drizzled with sweet syrupy fig, smooth vanilla and a gorgeous Napalese amber with a natural hint of spice. 4 Bottles Available (JLisa, Cougariffic, LadyV, Hearts) Alt: StacyK, Witty Kitty's Sweet & Juicy Witty Kitty asked for a simple combo of her favorite notes from OCCO Ambrosia and Honeyed Love Potion, so here be mounds of luscious mangoes drizzled with light and sweet Spring honey, a dash of medium-weight golden amber, and a single drop of ginger EO. 4 Bottles Available Black Cat's Cottage Black Cat gave me a couple of wonderful challenges this month and I am really impressed with how beautiful they both came out and by her inventive choice of notes! This first is a homey scent of freshly baking bread - rosemary and lavender bread at that! - with a hint of lemon peel too. omgyum. 1 Bottle Available (SeaJam) Black Cat's Pie of Power Black Cat chose this name, and I found this Cthulu Octipie image to go with it - come on, it's hilarious. I crack up every time I look at it. Anyway, in the tradition of the Prophetic Pie, Black Cat crafted an empowering melange of elderberry, walnut, pie spices and a delightful choice of rosewood for the base. Wonderful creations from BC this month! 1 Bottle Available (Tink) Polar Bear Lovers Created by a loving couple for their 20th Anniversary! They wanted something smooth and cool they both could wear and it's quite lovely. Wintery woods and dry sage over velvety white musk with tiny dashes of spicy bayberry and peppermint. Oh yeah, and forgot to mention, Hubby drew this sketch of them as Polar Bears on the spot while Wifey described what they wanted. So cute!!! 3 Bottles Available (QuietGuy, PE Itty Sets are $7 this month ***Please make sure to order this along with something else to ship with. In Amazon terms, this is an ADD-ON ITEM. Thank you. 16 Itty Sets Available (Bella, WildVixen, Lainey, Tink, Chelle
  11. Notice: Anything from this bunch that hasn't been claimed or paid for is going up on Etsy on Monday. This thread is closed. Thanks everyone!
  12. Let me tell you, it's so much better being in a band than being a solo artist. 13 Potion Set this month, with exceptional input by my bandmates John John - Le Wizard, Luna the Lady, and Jennifer King (on labels). This set came out fantastic, I really hope you all enjoy it! Happy Halloweeeeeeeen! P.S. PE's are all ready too, just finishing the last of labels and will post those tomorrow night in their own thread. Love Potion: Pumpkin Brewed on the Equinox! Black Fyre Unisex Bloodroot Unisex Desperation & Djinn (Where's Tyvey?) Flying Potion 2016 - Spray Enhanced with Levitation Potion, but I made a dozen bottles Virgin too. Gargoyle Gargle Goblin Tamer Enhanced with a variant of Mother's Little Helper with a touch extra of Est & DHEAS 6 Virgin bottles available Howl Enhanced with Teddy BB - Unisex Indiscretion Enhanced with TMI and a smidge of Cops - Unisex Just Desserts Are you a Good Witch or a Bad Witch? Nyehheheh... Liquid Shadow Unisex Universal Antidote Inspired by an idea from forum member Midnight Requiem! Zombie Repellant Enhanced with Lace & Hedione And try to make it if you can to our First Friday New Release Party! I have some AMAZING treats planned, it's gonna be the party of the year! We summon thee to Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie for our First Friday Halloween Party! Come experience our limited edition fragrances for Autumn! Fantastically phantasmic concoctions and devilishly delicious treats await you, and our Cauldron Punch of the Month must not be missed!. And we're not kidding here, there will be ghosts. Come see! Wear a costume and get 10% off all your purchases this eve! Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie 703 Main St 5-9 pm
  13. FYI: I have 6 more bottles of Summershine just added to the cart.
  14. This one has been sold out for a while but I just made a few bottles more and put it back into the cart, 12 bottles available. This will be the last of it as one of the ingredients is now gone forever.
  15. I would be careful if she has nut allergies. All of the oils I use have some degree of natural ingredients in them. You may want to think about a scent locket for her in this case.
  16. The skeeters up here are fierce. This never happened to me before, but when I get bit up here I get a reaction the size of a golf ball, it's awful. They sometimes sneak in through the cat door and the other night as I sat at my computer one landed on my arm. I tried to kill it and missed three times. He was seriously after me and wouldn't quit. So I remembered this potion and applied some to my arms, chest and even on my back because of what that lady said. And guess what? The little bastard got me anyway, on my pinky toe!!!! I forgot to put any that low on my legs. One bite on the toe. It definitely could have been worse.
  17. So, our employee Alexis who is 20 years old tells me that "dank" is the new word meaning "cool", and says it pretty often. I told her what it really means, and that I think it's somewhat ludicrous of a word swapping choice, but hey, I'm old.
  18. Welcome! I would also consider giving Teddy BB a try. It lends the air of a calm male presence while being perfectly fine for women to wear on themselves. It has a surprising effect on a group of women, they seem to show warm respect for ladies who wear it. One of our good customers came in to tell me about a recent experience with it, she works in an all female environment with a boss who is high strung and doesn't usually speak to her much. She usually uses Sharks at work, but tried Teddy one day and said the response was wonderful and unexpected. The boss was much more calm, respectful and friendly.
  19. Huh, no I did not think of that, thank you! What kind of catnip oil do you use? I have two different ones and neither is really right for this kind of purpose. One is in a heavy vegetal oil and the other is a botanical extract and neither blends properly, so I use them for spell potions but not perfumes, usually. I haven't had much luck finding the right kind.
  20. Birkeys, there might be an extra at the end, I try to list conservatively.
  21. I made more yesterday, and put some on. I think it must be the best smelling bug repellent in history. Very pleasant and fresh, and by the end of the wear you are left with a beautiful lavender on the skin. I should note that you should be careful about applying this on bare skin in bright sunlight as Citronella and tea tree will both amplify the effects of the sun. Save the direct skin app for dusk - when the skeeters are at their worst - and try applying to your clothes when the sun is bright.
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