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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Thanks, Tink! I am glad you are enjoying it! You still need the charcoal, the salt trick is just to use in case you do not have a metal burner - lay the salt thick, then put the charcoal on that. Just making sure we are on the same page! xoxox
  2. Stacy do you also need the charcoal for the incense, and do you have an appropriate burner? Charcoal is $5 per roll and metal burners are around 10. You can use any fire safe dish and line the bottom with a thick layer of salt too.
  3. Reserved, SeaJam, thank you! And all the threads are now unlocked. Thank you for the reviews!
  4. Lainey, you're in Canada right? I think the minimum to ship there is like $9 and change now, so if you want to pay that for just a $7 purchase, you can, but yeah you can wait for new releases if you like, which will be released around the 1st of the month.
  5. Yes, Stacy, the ritual incense is for sale - 8 oz jars for $9.95 each plus shipping. I think we have maybe 6 jars left. It was more popular than I expected!
  6. Black Cat, I crafted this with the addition of SwS in mind, as this is one of JLisa's favorite pheros. It's perfectly congruous.
  7. Updated first post with notes and available bottles. Please post to confirm the "blind" reserves and I will go down the list in order of the original posting. Thank you!
  8. Didn't get to take too many pix that night, new helper Lupita snapped these for me . I did everything up in purple, because purple is the color of the subconscious mind and helps to open the psychic centers. No pic of the punch! Wah! I did a hot punch in my big black cauldron! Peach herbal tea, local organic honey, thinly sliced strawberries and lemons, and a gallon of Black Velvet whiskey. YUM!!! For food I wanted something that would go nicely with the hot whiskey punch, so I served cookies, dippers and pastries, and a large array of dried fruits and nuts. (This is actually a pic of the morning after, still lots left, come on down for a nibble!) At the big table we had Barbara doing a crystal oracle method and Angelic Channeling, and Kit reading Tarot. Kit had an idea that I think was rather clever - take note Medium friends! She offered gift certs for Psychic Readings as Xmas presents, and made lovely hand printed cards for people to present their gift. At the two little tables were Mama Gaia reading Runes, and me. I did crystal readings and also showed people how to use all the tools in the store. The object of most curiosity that evening was the crystal ball. Everyone wanted to know how to use one. People also really seemed to enjoy fun methods of just getting yes or no answers to their questions. I had little speeches prepared for every item but the interest was on just a few items. What I found extremely interesting about the crystal readings, and also noted from my store experiences of the past few weeks, is that 80% or more of the people I encountered seem to be extremely attracted to the color of Lapis right now. That is not the norm - usually I would say it would be closer to 20% or less. This is the color of communication - I think people are very much craving accurate communication right now because of all the election misinformation going around. We had our new hand painted sign outside, with purple balloons...on the other side it says, "Prepare to be Enchanted...Come Inside" For the giftie I made Ritual Incense, for aiding in Psychic Communication and a whole bunch of other uses too. We gave away samples with instructions and 2 sheets of prayer parchment. 30 Ingredients! Ingredients and Why I Added Them It was very fun, we'll do another Psychic Fair in a few months, I think! The next morning I started decorating for Christmas! I made a display of all our hand crafted ornaments, lots of colored sparkling glass. And I made these gorgeous crystal angels with spinning wings, I'll snap a pic of those for you this weekend.
  9. We've got 6 wonderful PEs this month, Peeps! There are 16 Itty Sets available, for the price of $7 per set. (BlackCat, MidnightRequiem, Bella, SeaJam, Lainey, Nutrix, Tink, Tyvey, Banshee, Chelle Charmed Chiara A gift by Midnight Requiem for her friend Chiara, a sunny happy good luck charm crafted of juicy mango and coconut cream, rich vanilla, fresh pineapple, and a little sprinkle of pink peppercorn. 9 Bottles Available (BlackCat, Saffron, Jennifer's Blue Moon Another unique and wonderful potion idea from Black Cat! I was faithful to her directions, using deep black vanilla and a splash of vanilla bean, sweet roasted chestnuts and smidges of deep violet and blueberry. She used the words "soft yet definite", so I added a few ingredients of my own to round out the potion. I added just a splash of velvety vanilla musk for softness and sensuality sake, and 1 drop each of precious labdanum - for power, and coffee - for determination. Best of success, Black Cat! 5 Bottles Available (BlackCat, JLisa, Stacy, SeaJam, Invidiana) Alt: DDolls Oshun & Ogun The creator says: "based on the Yoruba legend of Oshun and Ogun, a "beauty and the beast" type tale of soft and laughing femininity overpowering savagery with sweetness of honey and musk (and Aja copulins) saving humanity from the brute ways of the most hardened warriors of the patriarchy. Scent of river water, female arousal and lubrication, ambrosia, coconut, raw wild forest honey fresh from the comb in the tree hive, blacksmith smoke, the crisp smell of "just turning autumn", kola nut and red clay, red sandalwood and warm, moist, fertile earth atop which a Princess and a Hunter have just made love, the sound of her jingling waistbeads and ankle bells the music of their consummation, honeybees and butterflies their witnesses and chorus. Please make this dream come true! Thanks!" Thus, this is a wildly sensual blend, an SLF to be sure, crafted around several types of Honey & Aja, grounded with smokey African black musk, sandalwood and black coconut, with ambrosial peach flesh and blossoms, and a splash of homemade "river water" accord. 9 Bottles Available (JLisa, Spoonki, BlackCat, Kitty, Spoonki, CycleKitten, Banshee, QuietGuy Madame President This is JLisa's wonderful concept, and she allowed me to choose the notes. One can't help but be inspired and I think this is a minor masterpiece, lol! I chose every ingredient with very definite intent and while this is a beautiful perfume that is fully appropriate for the workplace, it is also a powerful spell. I started with sandalwood and musk in the base - these have great power magically but smell velvety soft...like silk.Strong, yet yielding...sensual, but not passive. I featured orchid on top because it represents dignity and refinement, and olive blossom because it represents enormous power - think Alexander the Great. I added a splash of ginseng because it represents power and virility, protects and wards off evil. A few shakes of black pepper EO to remind people that the kitten has claws, and a single drop of carnation to inspire admiration and also for it's quarrel mending reputation in lore. The result is a deliciously fleshy clean scent, it's approachable yet highly respectable, and I think gives off an aura of health and wealth. Yet, it's still easily wearable for vanilla and foody lovers like JLisa. 8 Bottles Available (JLisa, Stacy, BlackCat, Bella, WittyKitty, CURoses, SeaJam, JJL) Alt: DDolls Tyvey's Bermuda Breakfast This is just gorgeous and one of my faves for the month. Wonderful concept Tyvey! In Tyvey's words: "super girly pink grapefruit on top, super ripe passionfruit, some freesia (the heady, honeyed, yellow kind), and a little bit of the green stems of the freesia." A lovely, happy happy joy joy kind of feeling from this scent! Remember, grapefruit always starts off really loud but calms in just a few minutes on the skin, so don't just judge this one from the vial (although it smells great that way too), you want to test it on your skin to experience the full rainbow of ingredients. A+ 6 Bottles Available (JLisa, CURoses, SeaJam, MidnightRequiem, BlackCat, Saffron) Tyvey's Gooey Crunch As requested, a yummy, gooey, crunchy autumnal delight featuring English toffee and marshmallow fluff, maple sugar, and my beautiful chewy aged patchouli in the base. Ok, now I'm hungry. Thanks, Tyvey. 5 Bottles Available (Invidiana, Nutrix, MidnightRequiem, SeaJam, Saffron)
  10. Come try out all our wonderful readers at once! Tarot, Palmistry, Runes, Crystal and Oracle Readings! And I will be doing Divination Lessons and explaining how to use all the nifty tools we have in the shop. Come have some fun with us! Should I dress up like Professor Trelawney? lol I will post pix later, if I manage to take any! Gonna do a hot whiskey punch tonight, with cookies and biscuits. Should be lovely. If you are local, hope to see you there! xoxoxox Oh and PS, I plan to have the PEs up on Sunday night.
  11. Thank you for all the sweet words and the Cat Magic! I love you guys so much!!!
  12. Next NRs are for December, then mid Jan will be Valentines/Phero Month releases. Haha! Love the Doggie!
  13. They are trying to halt the flow of money in this country. What they really should go after is all the offshore accounts.
  14. They didn't hit any individual companies in this case, they hit the directory servers of the entire web. The focus of the attack was the east coast servers, that's why we didn't have as many problems on this coast - the servers are all over the place I guess. I don't really understand it fully either, I just recognized that the target was where all of the websites basically plug into - the core addressing system of all the websites I have ever worked on.
  15. You guys clearly get it, but I don't think the general populace is comprehending how truly "not good" this is. I am stunned they attacked the core DNS servers. And it's pretty amazing how adeptly the attack was fended off in this case. Why did I assume the system was untouchable? How is it that only the English speaking world was affected? I thought DNS serviced the entire world??? There is worse to come, no doubt.
  16. http://americanmilitarynews.com/2016/10/breaking-massive-internet-blackout-cyber-attack/?utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=alt&utm_source=johnburk
  17. Reallly? This is my favorite of the month!
  18. We've got a severe storm warning for tomorrow that may knock out power, phones, and internet so we have decided to keep the shop closed for tomorrow so no one has to endanger themselves driving in it. If you can't reach us, you'll know why. Be safe out there, kids!
  19. Yay, Black Cat, so happy you are happy! Ivy, that one is taken sorry.
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