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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. No worries at all! No stress! Whenever is fine. I have so many new things to post already, must remember tomorrow. Got some lovely aquamarine bits.
  2. lol, maybe anytime sandalwood and vanilla are blended it reads as creamy?
  3. I would classify it as a third kind, I think. I was trying to go earthier with this set - lots of attars and EOs - and used Indian sandalwood attar and blended that with non-foody vanilla. It should read as more organic feeling than the others.
  4. In my opinion, most definitely. It works the best for me.
  5. You're welcome, Eggers! xoxoxo Packaged and ready whenever you are.
  6. For Eggers... Dalmation Jasper - tumbled - $1.00 per piece. Side by side with Zebra Jasper hearts, $6 per piece.
  7. Bella, for you... Beautiful luminescent moonstone - hard to see the sheen and dimension in the pix but it's gorgeous. Peachy toned or silvery, wrapped in copper.
  8. Everyone, did another PE rebrew tonight of Oshun & Ogun, so there are currently 10 bottles available of this lushus scent.
  9. DD, I made another 10 bottles of Oshun & Ogun, so you are in if still interested! Thanks!
  10. Hi Molokini! Yes, thank you! Please send an email with a list of everything you'd like and John will send you an invoice, thank you! CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  11. I have quite a few stones to choose from right now, do you have an idea of what you might want? I've got red jasper, clear qtz, rose qtz, blue agate, black onyx, black agate, green parrot stone, topaz, moonstone. moss agate, unakite...a bunch more. Not in the shop today - snow day! Will be in tomorrow and can snap some pix.
  12. Moonstone is traditionally the traveler's stone. I have some tumbled pieces that are peach-hued, and I can wrap one for you, no problem. We also got some bigger "palm stones" at the last show - peachy beige, and a few black. Those range from like 12-24$ but I assume you want something to hang from your rear view mirror? and those would be too big. NOTE to EGGERS - the Dalmation Jasper tumble has arrived but we have not unpacked it yet, we expect to get there by the end of the week.
  13. Yes, they can. And it's actually ok to leave them out too - it's only after they are opened that the clock starts ticking, and that's because of water getting in them in the shower.
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