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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Got them to here. Thanks, Bella for the instructions, I was just gonna post that! You rock! xoxoxoxox Thanks everyone for the well wishes, they are much appreciated!
  2. Got em all to this point, I think! Thanks everyone! And thanks for the well wishes too. I NEED them! going into my second week of this awfulness and it's driving me nuts! Ack! Thanks, Memorare, I already have an additional one saved aside for you, not counted in the list. We're good! And thanks, no the screen name was not on your order. This helps!
  3. I added some descripts and will be back later for more, Still sick, out of steam at the moment. Be back soon.
  4. Here's my test scheme for sampling the PEs this month, with a limit of 20 sets. Nine itty vials containing about ½ an ml each, no frills, just paper labels and shipping included (small padded envelope), for $10 per set. Let's see how this works out and we can adjust for future sets as necessary. You can reserve your set here.
  5. Apologies for making you all wait for the labels this week, I got hit with a monstrous flu and it's been difficult to sit at the computer. But everything's ready now and Luna has made the wait worth it, with a wonderful story that encompasses all the PEs made this month! Read on below!!! (I'll come back tomorrow and fill in the notes of each and available bottles and the scheme for sampling these, but until then, Luna's story should inspire some great guessing! Here's my test scheme for sampling the PEs this month, with a limit of 20 sets. Nine itty vials containing about ½ an ml each, no frills, just paper labels and shipping included (small padded envelope), for $10 per set. Let's see how this works out and we can adjust for future sets as necessary. You can reserve your set here. 5/20 sets available (Luna, Phergineer, Curiousnose, Seajammarket, SprightLeigh, ChrissyRez, Bella, Lainey. Invidiana. EOSP, CM, LadyV, Blackcat, Tink, Chelle, Sunshine Strawberry A sheer and fruity coconut suntan oil/skin scent that will take your mind off your troubles and leave you daydreaming of tropical paradise. Sweet strawberries melded with Jamaican Guavaberries (aka Rumberries) over oily Thai coconut, with a dusting of powdered sugar. If they made fruit infused suntan oil it would smell like this! 10 bottles available (Salex, StacyK, CinnMel Opal's Joie de Vivre Blackcat came up with some very clever combos this month. The first, a love letter to her precious little Opal crafted of fleshy black coconut overlaid with green grasses, a touch of linen, and a trio of fuzzy animalic musks. This really has a lovely warm skin and clean fur kind of vibe that surprised me with it's authenticity. Love! 3 bottles available (SeaJam, Aphrodite in Vermont A fresh and inviting aphrodisiac comprised of just-plucked strawberries and freshly snipped roses of the baby pink sweetheart variety. The body is comprised of sweet butter lettuce leaves, a hint of chamomile and herbs, with a dot of fresh earth in the base. Happy, smiley, daytime love, by Blackcat. 4 bottles available (StacyK, Inviting Aphrodite And Blackcat's nighttime ode...thick attars of red and black roses over rich black coffee and dark chocolate, with drops of warm silkiness in the base courtesy of vetiver and myrrh. 4 bottles available (StacyK, RoseB x2, CinnMel) Alt: DolphinDolls Queenie's Delight Queenie asked for a spa-like refreshing orange and ginger perfume, of the type that is often used at luxury hotels and spas for moisturizing creams and such, but she wanted it concentrated enough to wear as a perfume. I used refreshing German Blue Chamomile as a base, and over that blended 3 types of orange EOs - blood orange, tangerine and orange peel, spiced it with ginger root EO, and added a few drops of smooth amber and silky sandalwood as a base. A pretty and well rounded perfume with a nurturing feel. 3 bottles available (Stephanie, Wanderer Wanderer is Amanda's ode to the great god Odin, crafted of ingredients that she associates with him, some traditional, some a dedication of her own. A base of spicy dragon's blood resin and leaves of the mighty oak, a dash of blond woods, a splash of mead and dark civit honey, and pipe tobacco smoke. Deep and strong and mysterious, this is a scent that both sexes can wear. 3 bottles available (QuietGuy, Maililyann, Invidiana) Ginny Lee An ode to Janet's beautiful Mumsy, Janet asked for a mix of our scents Bonnie and Sugared Oranges, with a tiny touch of Sneaky Clean-ness. So, in the end, we've got a lightly green fresh air scent, with an orange spritz. I used five types of orange EOs over heather and hay and a drop of ozone, a sprinkle of white sugar (not too sweet) and a splash of Nepalese amber in the base. 3 bottles available Lady Victoria's Sweet Little Pussycat - Rebrew 6 bottles available - we think we have 6 left, this might change. (Sunnycowgirl x2, Curiousnose, Juliana, Maililyahn, Phergineer) Compromising Positions - VIRGIN 3 bottles available (Tyvey, Sunnycowgirl, SprightLeigh) "Too Many Pussycats" a Detective Odin mystery by Julian Lune Detective Herbert Odin sighed for about the fiftieth time that day, staring at the file before him on his desk. The city’s notorious cat burglar had struck again, emptying one of the shopping district’s most high-quality jewel emporiums and spray-painting her initials upon the front window: SLP. She was shameless, that Sweet Little Pussycat. And she liked shiny things. He tapped the surveillance photos, which were not helpful. Though Ms. SLP, as he’d come to refer to her, was petite yet shapely, she donned a cleverly-designed catsuit for her capers, concealing her from head-to-toe in stretchy black velvet with leather and lace accents, complete with a hood which covered her face, save for her eyes, High-calibre night-vision goggles took care of the rest. Fashionable, to be sure. And wherever she had been, a delicious scent of creamy coconut musk with just a hint of floral lingered in the air. “So how we gonna find her?” one of his detectives had asked. “Sniff every dame in this town?” Half the force raised their hands for that particular detail. “Get outta here!” he yelled at them all, going outside to smoke his pipe and think for a while. How much jewelry did a woman need, after all? His assistant Reina approached him - now she smelled very nice, he thought, like oranges and clean air. “Reina, do you think we should try to find this perp’s perfume?” he asked her. “I was just about to tell you, sir, an expert has arrived to consult on the case.” Odin shrugged and followed her back inside. The expert was a woman attired - much like his suspect - all in black, but her style was severe as much as Ms. SLP’s was sleek and tantalizing. He shook her hand and caught a whiff of strong coffee and something dark and resinous clinging to her leather jacket. “So, uh -” “Opal. Just Opal.” “Well then, whatever information you have -” “This woman is clearly seeking notoriety. Her actions will become increasingly more reckless and daring. She is a woman who craves adventure and recognition.” “And diamonds,” Reina interjected helpfully. “I put it to you that the jewels are not her true desire.” “No?” they each exclaimed. “No. What this woman seeks is an even creamier, sexy, fragrance to slather herself in!” Reina smiled. She didn’t care for creamy scents, but she understood the importance of a signature scent. “And so how are we going to catch her?” “With the perfect bait, of course!” Detective Odin had a heck of a time explaining to his chief that the department needed to foot the bill for perfume blending, until he made the acquaintance of Ourania Fraise, famed nose. Her scent changed from day to day but always contained a hint of fresh strawberry, and her pink attire ran the gambit from champagne to Shocking. The chief was quite taken with her aromatic personality. “We must give the pussycat her cream, non?” The department nodded, as if hypnotized. Reina snorted, and continued to type up reports. The behavior of both Opal and Madame Fraise was rather eccentric. The squad room was bizarrely disturbed when one afternoon Opal suddenly shouted, “WHO IS WEARING VANILLA IN HERE?!” The culprit turned out to be someone’s spilled milkshake. “Interesting,” she murmured, sniffing the cup. “Real bourbon vanilla, a nice touch.” Several of the detectives began wearing vanilla extract to work after that, and Reina kept her office door closed. Odin had become obsessed with profiling Ms. SLP, though he had so little to go on. Madame Fraise suggested he scent himself with vetiver and black pepper. “Is very good for the brain, non?” The chief marched in after several weeks of smelly conjecture and declared, “This had gone far enough! Do you have any results yet?!” Madame Fraise drew herself up to her full height of five-foot-five and haughtily replied, “Monsieur, you cannot rush the genius!” But she was finished with her blending, and the result was a sensual dream of cream, spice and a resinous finish which no one could resist, everyone in the station house eagerly dabbling themselves before going off-shift. “Now she will come!” its’ creator declared, “We will put her in the compromising position, non?” The chief was too busy hungrily sniffing his wrist to reply. One day later, a petite voluptuous woman attired in a knockoff catsuit surrendered to the police after smashing the window of a discount jeweler at the mall. “That’s not her!” Odin cried. “Our perp is much classier than that!” Dozens of cat-suited women turned themselves in or allowed themselves to be caught in the act, and once inside the station house practically purred to experience the perfume created to capture the real Sweet Little Pussycat. “Reina, what am I gonna do?” Odin despaired. Reina leaned in to get a whiff of her boss...he smelled so...peppery. But she liked it. “Oh she’ll slip up eventually,” Reina theorized, spritzing herself with her sunny signature scent (which no woman should be without, she believed). “She may have all the diamonds she wants, but all these other ladies smelling so creamy and yummy? It’s driving her crazy, believe me.” “I can’t wait that long!” he cried. “Herbert,” she said, taking his arm, “have you ever considered aromatherapy?”
  6. Stacy, I think it's more that they have no physiological effect if absorbed at all.
  7. I think Xev is probably the best one to speak on this as she is a scientist, but hormones and pheromones are not the same thing. I know there are phero businesses out there that experiment with hormones and steroids in the hope (or implied promise) that they might produce a pheromonal response, but most have not yet gained acceptance as such. Even DHEAS is much debated...I think that might be the only molecule we use that straddles the line, everything else is a confirmed pheromone if I understand correctly. Our blends do not contain estrogen or progesterone.
  8. According to Dr Stone, Pheros are not absorbed thru the skin. And even if they are, says he, the effect would be negligible.
  9. I just finished the brew! I made about 14 or 15 bottles worth, but I can make more if the numbers go up. So anytime people are ready, let me know and we'll send invoices or you can pay using the GC option. Our email is CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com Thank you!
  10. I ordered them. It will please me every time I scoop poop in the cat box. ha!
  11. Another item from two of the Fideau creators - the label artist Robert Grossman, and his daughter the dog trainer/writer Anna Jane. Ltd Ed Poop Bags .... http://storeforthedogs.bigcartel.com/product/limited-edition-poop-bags-dump4trump
  12. File a complaint. It's amazing how things miraculously turn up when you do. If your package still isn't found, let us know. Sorry for the aggro, I am living it right now myself. But actually, you are on the opposite coast so the package isn't even late yet. It will probably turn up in the next few days, they just haven't been scanning it along the way.
  13. Yes, they come from the same plants but they are distilled in different ways which bring out different characteristics. Neroli can be bitter. Orange blossom can be softer, but there are many variations from maker to maker. I used Neroli EO in Sug Neroli but I lightened it up to come across more like orange blossom absolute. I often blend them together. Stacy, you'll prob like Sug Neroli.
  14. Very good advice here already so I just want to add one little thing. You are not likely to experience selfies if you are only applying it to your wrists, you will get much stronger results from others and yourself too, if you wear them in the vicinity of your cleavage/chest/torso. Body heat has a lot to do with diffusion, important with products in an oil base. Wrists just do not produce that much heat - aim for hotter parts of your body. Thanks and good luck!
  15. I was thinking making them available as itties, in a collection each month. Since the edition won't be as large as a regular release, and we don't know how many there will be each month, we'll have to take it month by month...sometimes there may be 25, sometimes there may be 5, but I'll try to figure out a way for everyone to sniff at an affordable price. Well, QG, I will not deny that I welcome the fresh ideas that come in from PE making. After 30 years of perfume blending, with the last decade+ being very intense and prolific, I do tend to feel like I've 'done it all' sometimes. I am constantly searching for new ingredients to buy that will help me make new and interesting things, and when the industry slows down in that regard and I am left with only the 10,000 ingredients I have on hand, , I appreciate the influx of creativity from others. I'm a "band girl" remember. To me, creativity at it's best is often a group effort. But as to how I come up with ideas? Never ending research. Reading all the time - fantasy, history, religious texts and reference books. And also exposing myself to lots of artwork; sometimes just a picture will inspire a perfume. I don't offer as many things in the store as we do online. We of course have it all available if one of our knowledgeable online customers comes in, but when dealing with newbies in person, it's best to give them only say, 100 things to choose from, rather than 400+. So, thus far, I have not offered other people's PEs in the store, but when I start brewing daily behind the bar, that may change. My initial plan is to offer everything here first. I plan to start brewing the PEs in the store in smaller batches than the online orders. I will start with the minimum - only an ounce, which is 3 bottles. Sometimes things can't be done that small because one drop of an ingredient can be so potent it requires more space to spread than that, but I'm going to start those smaller, unless I think it's brilliant and in that case I'll grab a larger bottle so we can share it around. It's actually quite difficult to brew in that small a qty. A minimum of 4 ounces is really preferable. Of course, our clever Luna came up with that!
  16. I meant to post this earlier, but you know, busybusybusybusy! I want to share with everyone what I would like to do for this year as far as a brewing schedule and events. I want to put more emphasis and more time into the Private Edition program - I would like to have it open most of the time this year, and I would like to open the program at the store too - making the ones created there available online too. To do this, I need to cut back on monthly new releases, so I am thinking we will do SIX this year, rather than the usual 10-12. But we will still have new releases every month, just many of them will be conceived by YOU rather than me. Also, I want to move some things around.... Our big yearly clearance bonanza that usually takes place in August, I am moving that up to July. And our all phero month, I am moving that over to February to coincide with Valentine's releases, as that makes more sense to me at this point in time. So this is what I am looking at for the year: Jan/Feb: Valentine's Collection (and next year Pherotine) March/April: Spring May/June: Summer July-Aug: Sale Sept/Oct: Autumn/Halloween Nov/Dec: Winter/Xmas With PEs throughout, and probably one additional *event* release in there somewhere. I will let you know as plans progress, and I am excited to be able to make more of your own concoctions in the coming months. As always, I am open and appreciative of your input. xoxoxox ~ Mara
  17. Hey Beach Goddess and everyone! Yes, I have the ingredients on hand to make more. I'll make you an offer: If we can put together enough people to commit to me being able to make at least 4 ounces at a time, that's 12 bottles, I will offer a 20% discount for your "party" on this brew. So, $19.95 per bottle if 12 or more are ordered within the same time frame - say, a week. Ok? Let me know!
  18. I used pretty much the same ingredients, but I did change it a little in the ratios because the original came on too strong for many people so I tried to make it more "gentle" this time.
  19. No, seriously. I just make it up as I go along, do whatever tastes good. I'm pretty sure 50% of the volume was booze.
  20. Thanks, Mz E! Yes, kitty books available. Still have a couple left. (The little blue one is gone.) Also, sold a Peaceful Home sigil print last night. The lady who bought it was so funny, she kept saying, "Look what I found! Read it, read it, isn't it great?!" She was showing it to me like I'd never seen it before.
  21. Store packed, party great, brew for this evening a HUGE success! We went through 2 entire punch bowls of it and nothing left! Here's the ingredients for this evening's concoction: Mango, pineapple and orange juices, vanilla vodka, peach schnapps, and a gallon of Bacardi Gold Rum, with floating strawberries and maraschino cherries. But what really made it special, was the organic Madagascar Bourbon vanilla extract. Once that was added, it was like having a marshmallow in your mouth. It made it feel very round and smooth. And every ingredient an aphrodisiac - perfect Valentine's libation. Cheesecake mini cupcakes were had - OMFG. Now that I know they exist, I may not ever be able to live without them. (far left) And everyone had a blast with the crowns! So glad I got them, they are so much fun.
  22. oh yes, in case I did not mention it elsewhere, this one was brewed specifically to satisfy the many requests for a Pashazade-style scent that was un-phero'd and that women can wear. Thanks, Luna, for the lovely review.
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