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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Cherise, there's a few on your list where you are the alternate...3 of them. We'll wait a bit and see if anything is left after the confirmations and purchases, ok? Sorry!
  2. Wendy, do you mean 2 in addition to your original order for a total of 3? Or 2 in total? Thanks!
  3. Just an FYI about the leather for everyone, there is LESS than a drop in there. I dipped a pipette into the leather, and then dipped it into the brew, just so that it would be extremely light.
  4. ok, they're up. I am going to count the reservations now, and I want to hear from everyone if they still want what they mentioned earlier now that they've seen the notes. I'll put your name up as a temp, in order, but will change the color once it is confirmed by you. Thanks!
  5. We're done. I am in the middle of counting avail bottles and writing up the notes. Will be up soon, thanks for the patience!
  6. Sorry for the wait. We are almost done bottling. Will have numbers for you in a few hours, and descripts too.
  7. I had to add the Y to turn it into an adjective.
  8. Amanda's Raspberry 'Roon Mmmm...raspberry and a drop of rose over creamy coconut and sweet vanilla buttercream. 1/7 bottles available (Tyvey, Invidiana, LadyV, Kitty, Saffron, Cherise Aphrodite's Belt An unusual blend of ingredients, but quite wonderful! Red apple, sweet lettuce leaves, candied violet, and a single drop of leather. 2 bottles available (Phergineer, StacyK) Alternates: Cherise Christine's Sweet & Spicy Dirty sexy honey blended with black cherry and tangerine, spiced with a candy-like cinnamon. 4 bottles available (JLisa, Wendy, Saffron, Maililyahn) Jennifer's Six of Cups Ripe strawberries, sweet heavy cream, a dash of rich vanilla, and a pinch of sugar. Sweet and creamy and joyful! 7 bottles available (BLACKCAT, LadyV, Phergineer X2, Seajam, RoseB, Saffron) Jennifer's Fox Medicine Exotic red musk, aged patchouli, ozone, and the dry earthy scent of fallen leaves on a forest floor. 6 bottles available (BLACKCAT, Androstenol, Katz, Memorare, Seajam, Olderbutwiser) Jennifer's Summer Shine Rich tropical coconut and marshmallow fluff melded with a softer subdued pink grapefruit oil and a few drops of banana. 18 bottles available (BLACKCAT, Halo, Hearts, Invidiana, Phergineer, LadyV, StacyK, Lovestruck x2, Katz, Seajam x3, JLisa x2, Saffron, Cougariffic, Tyvey) Lina's Cherry Rum Yum All lavishly rich boozy notes in this yumaholic confection. Vanilla bean, black cherries, almond and a drop of rum. 7 bottles available (Invidiana, Lovestruck, SirenSong, Saffron, Halo, Maililyahn, HEARTS) Lina's Mama Lion Golden, sweet & creamy! White chocolate, buttercream, coconut frosting, marshmallow, and drops of tangerine, banana, hazelnut and spring honey. I think this was a song once... it went something like: Coochie, coochie, ya ya dada... she's my Lady Mama Lion. 6 bottles available (StacyK, Lovestruck, Blackcat, Seajam, Halo. LadyV) Alternates: Invidiana, DolphinDolls, Lovestruck, Hearts, Greenergal, Blackcat, Cherise, Lovestruck x2, Androstenol Lina's Little Miss Pancake Ultra sweet pancakey goodness! Rich maple syrup over batter-y vanilla and a smidge of ripe banana. 5/9 bottles available (Tyvey, LadyV, Saffron, HEARTS, Nevyn Scent Resembling his favorites from Dad's stash, but just maybe a tiny tad more innocent. Chocolate and chocolate absolute, with accents of cherry tobacco, marshmallow, maple sugar, vanilla and sweet sandalwood. Boyishly masculine and playful. 2 bottles available (Cherise, Snoops) Nyree's Lovebirds A pair of lovingly entwined florals - jasmine and rose - side by side and equal in strength, softened with a layer of downy marshmallow and a dollop of sweet Spring honey. 2 bottles available (Blackcat, StacyK) Nyree's Passionate Iris is the star of this show, backed by soft white patchouli, sheer sweet white amber, and a dusting of Nubian musk. 2 bottles available (StacyK, RoseB) Stacy's Milfy Summer Stacy let me have my way with this one, and if you wear it, the same thing might happen to you. A dry and warm vanilla and musk blend form the base, with summery notes of orchid, coconut and sparkling pineapple shining on top, and gentle Spring honey making an appearance to add a little wiggle to the middle. 6 bottles available (StacyK, JLisa, Hearts, RoseB, LadyV. Invidiana) Alternates: JLisa Tiffany's Hawaiian Cake Fresh peach and mango top a delish wedding cake of batter-y vanilla and a smidge of tropical coconut. 1/6 bottles available (Luna, Phergineer, Kitty, Saffron, CinnMel Wendy's Pomme Fraiche A gorgeous clear airy tea scent, crafted of chamomile EOs accented with little drops of bamboo, red apple, clover and green leaves to accentuate and bolster the natural beauty of the chamomile. Genius! 2 bottles available (Wendy, Cherise) Victoria's Black Cobra Pretty darn nifty combo of chocolate absolute, wormwood, coriander and anise. Powerful juju! Came out fab! (LadyV, I am holding an extra aside for you in case you want another.) 12 bottles available (DolphinDolls x2, StacyK, Blackcat, Bella, MDCherie, Tyvey, Invidiana, Seajam x2, Cherise, Saffron) Alternates: Maililyahn Victoria's White Cobra Bourbon vanilla with that lusciously boozy cast, balanced with sweet sandalwood, powdery French musk, and a dash of moody woodsmoke. Atmospheric! (LadyV, I am holding an extra aside for you in case you want another.) 15 bottles available (Blackcat, Memorare, Hearts, BlueBear, Invidiana, Seajam x2, MDCherie, StacyK, Tyvey, Saffron, Halo, Maililyahn, Lovestruck, VVeronica) And merely for your edification, this is King Kobra. LOL. You're welcome. Also, a couple of others – remakes of PEs circa 2009 originally designed by Cheeseburger, ordered by another. I am searching for the original labels. Lorien's Sugared Darkness Nag Champa, Frankincense & Myrrh, and a 3 sugar blend. 2 bottles available (EOSP, Memorare) Lorien's Sweet Nova Amber, Neroli & Tonka softened with white sugar. 2 bottles available (JLisa, Lovestruck)
  9. Just want to give an update on the PEs, as I had said I would try to get them up by today. Big surprise, there were a bunch more orders than I had realized so I am a tad behind. I've got most of them done, but it looks like I won't get everything up until tomorrow. Thanks for your patience and understanding!
  10. Androstenol, it's got the same kind of butter you like in the Body Butter. I think it will work well for you.
  11. Thanks, Greenergal! I heard that I missed you! Rats, would love to meet you! Come back, come back! I have one in my bedroom that is at least 6 years old and still smells faintly, and when I massage it, the scent renews. Not quite as strong as fresh, but pretty good! I have one on my couch that is 2 years old and is still so aromatic that when I nap with it I can smell the herbs in my hair afterwards. They do last a long time. I have more of them lined up for sewing. Next time you come in I should have more!
  12. I will try to have PEs up by Monday or Tuesday latest.
  13. I just got em up, checking for errors now, let me know what you spot. Luna, you ROCK! LOVE the poem for Parasol!!! Thanks for the kind words everyone, have fun!
  14. I am programming now. They will be up in a few hours.
  15. H2000 is someone different. YES! Sniffathon every month if we can, that's the plan! Another plan, when you can, is to have you up here for a First Friday to display your sigils and talk about your artwork. The FF events are all about artists!
  16. Such a nut. I am making more Superfine Butter Scrub today - this one was the fastest seller at the shop, people tried and came back for more and more. Poof! All gone!
  17. Here's a great article: http://blog.ericgoldman.org/archives/2012/10/marilyn_monroes.htm Here's the wartime photo:
  18. I promise, Summer Crush does not smell like seafood. Yes, that's beautiful beautiful beautiful Bettie.
  19. Yes, there's only a few groups of images of her that are pub domain. Her likeness and rights of publicity are now pub domain as of 2 years ago, but the photographers still hold copyrights. The available ones are general studio shots that were not renewed, stills from certain movies - as the movies were renewed but not the stills, and pix taken by the federal government...the ones used for the war effort of her as a teen with airplane parts. Very interesting stuff.
  20. Your creation. Remember the one you made that both John and I loved? You'll get a bottle in the mail, it will remind you.
  21. LOL! Here's the original...there's several of the Famous Lobster Waitresses of Atlantic City. They had to waitress in these outfits???
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