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Posts posted by SpriteLeigh

  1. OMG they look beautiful! I can do the same thing with my legs as Bawdy! It's how I was impregnated.


    Is anyone going to be able to look at or use Bawdy Babe now without thinking about Lady V? :P



    I'm impreganting your brain!


    That's it, LadyV! I am officially putting a "brain condom" on! Hope it doesn't leak! :say19:


    That explains this weird headache.


    :rofl222: You guys are cracking me up!!

    Love the labels, can't wait!





  2. I finally got around to testing this yesterday and today, after a hellish month of a bad cold. After reading this thread, I decided on two sprays to the upper chest.


    So after about five minutes, I am getting a little head buzz, and a touch of dizziness. Uh oh. I also am feeling *more* relaxed, not more motivated. "Crap!" I think, too much! Then I get an excited surge, ( DHEAS, is that you?) and then quickly, the spinny, languid feeling is fading away, now it's time to get down to business and get some stuff accomplished around the house.


    Even though I *think* there is a lot of DHEAS in this, it does not feel "hyper" to me like Topper does, the feeling is very even keel, an "I got this" vibe, nothing and nobody can shit on my parade and ruin this for me. And like others have reported, it kept me on task from start to finish, instead of juggling too many projects at once, and then giving up on all of them. For me, this is a nice balance, not too much intense focus where I would get stuck on one thing for hours, but not so much energy where I give up crappy tasks to turn up that cool song and have a karaoke dance party.


    I did not notice a visual acuity with two sprays, but I *did* notice an increased sense of smell. I was wearing a sweater that I had worn previously that week with some Sugared Vanilla Velvet on it. Now normally, I can barely smell it, I think a lot of the LP's I've been wearing lately have this type of vanilla in them, maybe a little scent blindness? Anyways, as I was outside raking leaves and warming up, I could smell it like it was totally new, all the intricate nuances of all the different types of vanilla, it was awesome and blew me away! Unfortunately, I could also smell that the kitchen garbage can needed to be washed out when I went back inside. :-P


    Today I did 1.5 sprays, and did not get that loopy feeling at first, maybe it was just a first time fluke. Again, I noticed the increased sense of smell, and this time, colors did look brighter and more vibrant! And I just felt good. No crash either, even when I thought I had put too much on with two sprays. "Zen" and "In the Zone" are good descriptions for this. If I want a more "get shit done & take no prisoners" approach, I will think of Leather or BI. But for me, I prefer the quietly happy "zen" feeling of Mega Watt.


    Usually I am a phero lightweight, so I always try the phero-enhanced perfumes first, with great results. If this stays popular, I would love to see what type of fragrance Mara would come up with to pair with Mega Watt, because I would definitely be buying it.

  3. FANTASTIC. Fresh-fruity, just the way I like it!! It starts out crisp and sweet Red Delicious apple, with a little bit of apricot drizzled with a tiny bit of sweet honey and vanilla. The freesia is a sheer veil underneath, keeping the fragrance fresh and airy. Later in the drydown, I get the musk/vanilla/oakmoss combo, a cozy skin scent. Oh, and I'm really excited to have a CB fragrance now! The super-clean fragrances such as Sneaky Clean and X-Appeal tend to amp on my skin until they give me a headache, so I knew scented CB would not be something for me. This is a win!! :wub:

  4. Ok, I need some feedback here, please. Want to know what pheros you would like paired with which scents. Thanks for your input! :)




    I have already done these:



    Love Potion (Original) + Gotcha


    Spa Mint + Balm Bomb

    • Lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, frankincense, myrrh.


    Aloha! + Alpha-Nol

    • Pineapple, coconut, coconut oil, plumeria, gardenia.


    Sweet Caramel Apple + Treasured Hearts

    • Apples, caramel, vanilla extract, brown sugar.


    Currantly Incensed + Sexpionage

    • Black currant, nag champa.


    Garland + Lace

    • Gingerbread, eggnog, vanilla, caramel, spice, patchouli.




    The following oils are blended and ready to go, but I need to know what phero pairings you would prefer:




    Winter Woody + (?)

    • Cedar, sandalwood, cranberry, sweet pipe tobacco, patchouli, amber, vanilla.


    Nox + (?)

    • Blackberry, vanilla, amber, patchouli.


    Sugared Resins + (?)

    • Amber, patchouli, frankincense, myrrh, brown sugar, caramel, maple.


    Sugared Magi + (?)

    • Figs, frankincense, myrrh, sugars. amber.


    LP: Black + (?)




    Tonka Berry + (?)

    • Tonka, vanilla extract, blackberry, mulberry, red currant, black currant, pomegranate, cedar.



    Lemon Cake (formerly Yule Snuggle) + (?)

    • Lemons, vanillas, butter, sugars.


    Purple Puff + (?)

    • Lavender, marshmallow, vanilla, sugar.


    Lavender/Cedar/Musk – Manly Lavender + (?)

    • lavenders, cedar, leathers, musk, vanilla, oak moss.


    Irish Coffee + (?)

    * Coffees, chocolate, caramel, vanilla extract, cream, bourbon, rum.

    Winter Woody + something like B2.2 or Teddy BB?


    Nox + Perfect Match?


    Sugared Resins + LFN?


    Sugared Magi + LFM?


    LP Black + Leather?


    Tonka Berry + TMI or True Confessions?


    Lemon Cake + Heart & Soul or Lace?


    Purple Puff + G2?


    Manly Lavender + SS4M or Charisma?


    Irish Coffee + Topper or Levitation?

  5. Mmm, creamy sophisticated floral!! The wisteria in this is bringing up memories of Papal Purple, and the peony is causing a huge sensory flashback to childhood


    When I first smelled this, I was also smacked upside the head by a wave of nostalgia, it reminded me so much of *something* that I loved waaayyy back in the day, but I have not a clue what it might be! :Emoticons04280:

    It's not overtly floral, nor is it foody. It does give me a vibe of pink-purple sophistication, compelling me to keep reaching for my vial to have another sniff. I might have to get a FB of this one, too!

  6. Pink pomegranate fluffy clouds of marshmallow and whipped cream, YES!! It starts out with the pomegranate, and the tart little kick from the kumquat keeps it from going too syrupy. Then in the drydown, the whipped cream comes out as the tart backs off, and makes this the creamiest, dreamiest scent ever! And the marshmallow lasts a good long while, too. After lunch today, I kept getting delicious whiffs of fruity fluffyness, and I'm not sure if the scent or the Levitation phero was keeping me smiling today, but I like it, I like it a lot. :love::heart:

  7. I think this might be my favorite blend of ALL TIME just based on wearing it to work last Thursday. Was assigned to work with a team that can be notoriously tough, but H&S was a good call, wore it over Lina's Candied Violet Fluff. This woman who is just an asshole to everyone (because she gets off on it, apparently) was the nicest, congenial, most helpful person on the planet. Kept standing so close to me, wanting to know if I needed anything, 'cause she would get it for me! So much, that when she stepped out of the room for a minute, everyone was saying, " WOW!! SOMEONE took a double-dose of niceness meds today!!" I was cracking up on the inside, knowing it was the three sprays of UN H&S I put on that morning! The senior woman on the team, who can be a bit distracted and rude, was totally asking for my input on things that she didn't need my approval on, and was asking what my plans were for the weekend, she never gave two shits before!! And the guy who looks like a young Richard Gere was caught more than a time or two giving me DITH!!! Wow, bitchy women made nice, and much younger attractive men staring at this older broad make this blend a winner for me!! YESSSSS!!! :thumbup:

  8. Sugared Berries wet smells just like a berry juicy fruit punch, yummy! It has tons of throw and lasts crazy long on my skin, too. As it dries down, the berries deepen and become more complex, like a berry compote simmering on the stove. So delicious!

  9. Mmmm, Sugared Amber, how I love thee! I had ordered this one basically out of curiosity to see if amber was a note I have issues with. Oh, I have an issue alright, I am smitten with this scent! I am extremely pleased with all of the Sugareds I ordered, but this one is my favorite.


    Wet, it's almost a honey-caramel scent, rich and gooey, with just a *hint* of something deeper in the background, but it never amps and takes over the scent. In the dry-down, the sweet dies down a bit, but to my nose, it smells like "sexy caramel", a little spicy, and just awesome. LOVE!!

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