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Posts posted by Pony

  1. I wore this tonight to a group gathering, conversation was flowing and there was lots of laughter. I have no idea if things would have been different without it, but I like the way it smells even without a cover scent. And I had a good time!


    I have that little quirk too - I love the smell of IW unscented. Powdery Metal!


    I love the Intellectual Man as well - powdery male metal...


    Intellectual Woman is one of my sneaky faves - I have it in a couple different scents and La Vie as well. Always get good, if not Over-The-Top reactions when I wear it.

  2. Whew what a relief - at least I am not the only person who gets a definite cigarette smoke out of this. Not tobacco scent, but plain old cigarette smoke. Very faint and in the background, which is why it reminds me so much of Phantom of the Trailer Park. That and the old-fashioned florl (Phantom had lilac, this has carnation).


    I really adore this one, though, stinky smoke breath and all.

  3. Hi Azaezl...


    I just had to say hi and that your screenname reminded me of "Hex"...though you are lovelier than Michael Fassbender!


    Welcome to addiction central - er - um - Love Potions.

  4. I tried this one, but with trepidation. The notes all seemed like they were right for me, but BAM and I don't seem to get along. I have tried 3 different BAM's and they all smell bad to me.


    Well Happy Ending did too...for the first couple of hours it was faint perfume with BAM slapping it around. Then eventually I did notice that the phero smell died down and I was left with a very commercial-perfume type base drydown.


    Didn't work out for me. I accuse the combo of beta-androstenol and copulins of being anti-Pony.

  5. DH got a sniffee of this and although at first sniff it's ALL VETIVER! it quickly melds into a strong male signature. The pepper is a nice addition - not nose-tickling but just enough to spice up the sandalwood some.


    I must admit I snuck a little dab for myself the other evening because I was needin' a little manliness. This did the trick.

  6. I mixed DH's sample into a spray with Diane's DownGirl, and every time he puts it on I light up with "Oh, what is that you're wearing?" It is a very sexy, dark maleness. The alcohol lightens it up a touch, but it still screams "MAN" atcha.

  7. Why does this smell so great to the rest of you but stinks so bad to me? :happybirthday:


    Luck of the draw!


    I absolutely love this one and wear it often...sweet and slightly nutty and just totally cozy.


    Now Nekomusume? Cat Vomit. I am baffled by people's reports of pudding smell...ain't no pudding I would eat!


    You just never know how your skin or your nose is going to react.

  8. Well sure, I'm game.

    **wiggles about in spinning office chair while huffing determinedly at wrist**


    Well, no luck so far. Evidently my praline is not engaged.

    But I admit that Mellonia's Secret does mellow out to a nice honey scent after a few hours. With that legendary honey staying power...very huffable now.

  9. The original Elementary is a favorite of DH's. He wears it when he needs to concentrate on churning out some work. It is somewhat of a serious fragrance. Leathery and manly. His bottle isn't amped with anything, but he often wears Intellectual Man or A314 with it, which is very congruent to the scent.


    It's one of those with staying power. He'll come home in the evening and still be redolent of a gentleman's library.


    I haven't gotten him to try the 2010 - is it a rebrew or a new interpretation? I'll get him on it sometime this week.

  10. I love the name of this, I call my dog Daisycakes all the time! :dogg4:


    Well you must have a bottle just because of the name...and all summer everytime Daisy does something goofy you can laugh and say "Whoopsy Daisycakes!"


    It really is a fun friendly scent!

  11. oooooooooh i LOVE this description !!!

    your total opposition to the fig and honey sold me on it!

    (can there be a fig-ho? maybe a figoney or a honig ho?)

    thanks Pony for this clarifying script.

    love it.


    Glad I could be of assistance, you dirty fig-lover.

  12. Hmm. Disclaimer: Not really a honey ho. I love my cuddly Sugared Honeycomb, and I will occasionally put on a touch of Wax Poetic.


    Wet at first is of course HONEY. That's fine. Then there is a hellacious mud-wrestling match and FIG comes out triumphant, raises it's little fig arms, and declares "I rule!" Yeah. fig and I are not at all friendly. But I knew that going in, so...


    Luckily the apricot comes in after another 1/2 hour or so. And tones down the arrogant fig. But overall, this fruity type of honey scent doesn't work for me. I'll stick to my floral honey.

  13. Oh now this is my style...soft and silky and spicy. I can't pick out the cocoa or any particular spice. I think I can feel the amber and sandalwood.


    A snuggly skin scent! Me Likee.


    DH's insightful comment "It smells like a lot you already have." OK Dr. Kill-joy.

  14. Candy candy candy I can't let you go...


    Not exactly my style, but it is bright and candy-sweet.


    Evoked Jolly Rancher Watermelon when wet, then tartly sweet bubblegum once dried down.

  15. Yummeh yummeh cake with little daisies on top! Then it develops into a slightly more floral (but no screech) vanilla. Just a really nice, comfy scent.


    I think this and Lost Highway are my favorites so far this month...

  16. A full-on blast of sugar plums when wet, it dries down to a sassy, sweet, summertime perfume. I'm so glad! Definitely fruity, and just tipping the scales to youthful.

  17. AD-LostHwy_.jpg


    Lost Highway

    A spooky sweet-tooth mix of carrot cake frosted with thick buttercream, the warmth of milky honey and beeswax musk, with haunting notes of carnation EO and light resins.




    Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
    CARROT ~ Lust, fertility.
    BEESWAX and HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover, happiness, fulfillment.
    MUSK ~ Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
    CARNATION ~ Power, energy, protection, fascination, admiration.
    BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships, Goddess energy.
    RESINS ~ Sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money.



    Ok, so Miss Muffett drove past the crossroads on her way back home from said bakery, and there was the Walking Man. Well, what can one do when one meets the devil at the crossroads but invite him back to her Airstream.

    So as Walking Man stumbles up the stairs to the aforementioned Airstream, cigarette in mouth, he accidently smears buttercream frosting on the head of the Phantom (of the Trailer Park), who has passed out in the old fashioned carnations her granny grows in big plastic planters on the rickety stairs.

    That's Lost Highway for me. Phantom of the Trailer Park meets Walking Man. Yeah, I know. But that's what it evokes for me. I absolutely adore it!

  18. Hmm I am not a pear ho, exactly. More like a pear pole dancer **wink wink**. This is loverly loverly pear and soft fruits for about 2 hours - you know those round red asian pears? Yeah, like that. But perfume. Then all 3 pears mysteriously vanish in a cloud of...what is that base note?


    Is it pecan? Dunno. I want to say musk but musk isn't mentioned in the description.


    Very pretty bright springtime perfume. Peary goodness while it lasts. Longer drydown of soft fruity musky-type note.




    Okay, I know...*goes back to the corner*


    Why, I never expected you to respond to such an insinuation. Really? You, dearest luna? What know you of alleys? And of objects inserted...


    GASP! Now I get it!


    **retreats shocked and slightly appalled**

  20. I surprised myself by really liking this one. I never considered myself an aquatic fan, but this is distinctly transparent and watery. Very nice!


    Now, DH, he was busily obsessed with smelling Excalibur, so his only comment was "Yes, that one's nice too." But I think with greater reflection he will appreciate it, as he adores FROG and Northshore both. Pendragon is lovely daywear.

  21. Heilige Geist! This is really pink when wet. In fact, it should have a sign - WARNING: PINK WHEN WET!


    Good god I am in over my head...I don't know if I can handle the tartly sweet combo...but wait....after drydown it smooths on out to a pleasant sandalwood, with teasing hints of dry sweetness. Now sandalwood and I do not necessarily get along all that well, but this seems to be tempered enough that I can enjoy the aromatic woodsiness without the bitterness.

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