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Posts posted by Countesszero

  1. I've just ordered more of the LP Original to go with the enhanced version. The apricot scent IMO mellows with each application. All I have got to say is that I wore this over the weekend and now my back hurts because the hubby kept me on it so much. Twice on saturday and twice more on sunday. Fun times where had with LP LE BI. Yeah baby.

  2. Last night I wore the LP LE with BI with a cover of LP Original, Sugared Honeycomb, and Amber Enchantment. You ladies have got to try this combo. I would have to say that the apricot is the strongest scent that I detect in the LE version and it was really strong on my skin even after dry down. The LP Original and AE sweetened it up quite nicely. The apricot was still there only softer. I added the Honeycomb for obvious reasons. The hubby was all over me. His exact worlds were "You smell like you want me to F**k you". Needless to say we went to bed at least an hour early. He was moaning and whispering my name. Of course he's a wild cat under normal circumstances, but last night he was very...vocal. What a turn on. I always apply my mixes to the back of my neck. Last night my sweetie kept licking my application points. Which was also a big turn on. I'm going to buy another bottle of LP Original because it really enhances the LP LE with BI. I'm going to give this combo another go tonight. I think we have a winner here.

  3. Yes the scent is a little different with BI added to it. I put a small amount on last night to try and get a feel for it. I'm going to experiment some with this since I bought 2 bottles. I have some LP Original without BI and am going to cover the LE with this as well as some Sugared Honeycomb to see what happens.

  4. I placed this review in the New Releases Forum so I did a cut and paste to this one.


    I simply love Sexology.

    As soon as I got my package I went straight to the Sexology. To me upon first sniff it is raw sex in a bottle. Just ask my husband. He couldn’t keep his hands off of me all night. I wore Sugared Honeycomb and Amber Enchantment over the Sexology, which to me brought out the wild musks and ambergris nicely. My husband said that I should only wear this combination from now on. So I think he likes it. We were like wild animals who couldn’t get enough of each other. Let’s just say we hardly slept last night and he tried to get me to stay home from work this morning.


    The combination of such prized ingredients as Civit, Tonquin and Black Musks makes this oil very precious. And it gives the scent a very very animalistic feel to it. I feel like howling at the moon and running through dark forest. I just knew I would simply love Sexology. I can hardly smell the copulins in it and Civit Musk to me is a very haunting scent that lingers in my mind. It makes an impact. I dont think a man will forget a woman who is wearing this. This scent will haunt his dreams.


    I have two bottles and am planning on buying 2 more just as soon as my money fairy stops running away from me. Ail you have done an EXCELLENT job.

  5. I love Voodoo Valentine. I’m glad I got a full sized bottle. Upon first application I get the Sultry Afternoon vibe just like Dolly said. It’s bright and fresh and in your face. I think it's the combination of the currants and grapefruit. After dry down I get the vanilla and sandlewood with a lingering grapefruit effect. This scent has a sexy vibe to it. I will be buying another bottle soon.

  6. Hey Countess


    Now how come it's no surprise to me that you wanted this one bad...let me know how you like it...I wasn't too taken by it right off...but i am praying by the time I try again I will love it...otherwise I can always save and use for the many wonderful trades going on in this place. Holla back


    Djac, Me likes.


    As soon as I got my package I went straight to the Sexology. To me upon first sniff it is raw sex in a bottle. Just ask my husband. He couldn’t keep his hands off of me all night. I wore Sugared Honeycomb and Amber Enchantment over the Sexology, which to me brought out the wild musks and ambergris nicely. My husband said that I should only wear this combination from now on. So I think he likes it. We were like wild animals who couldn’t get enough of each other. Let’s just say we hardly slept last night and he tried to get me to stay home from work this morning.



    The combination of such prized ingredients as Civit, Tonquin and Black Musks makes this oil very precious. And it gives the scent a very very animalistic feel to it. I feel like howling at the moon and running through dark forest. I just knew I would simply love Sexology. I can hardly smell the copulins in it and Civit Musk to me is a very haunting scent that lingers in my mind. It makes an impact. I dont think a man will forget a woman who is wearing this. This scent will haunt his dreams.



    I have two bottles and am planning on buying 2 more just as soon as my money fairy stops running away from me. Ail you have done an EXCELLENT job.


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