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Posts posted by Countesszero

  1. Although carpet fresh and wet dog is pretty descriptive too.Yes I think camel-ass is still the winner Makes me laugh when I think about it. We were watching "The Mummy" with Brendan Fraser so I figure he just put the 2 together. I started giggling everytime I saw a camel. I've been using my new LAM mix on occassion now but am waiting for dry down before exposing him to it. He hasnt mentioned any other "ass" but mine thus far. I think that's a good sign. :jumpforjoy:

  2. I'm up to date on my orders and have 1 more on the way. I'm going to try not to overload the lovely ladies with so many confused orders next time. They work so hard as it is.


    I hope everyone else is receiving theirs. If not I'm sure they're on the way.

  3. Mine is on the way. I'm getting really excited about this one. Especially when you compare it with "Something Voodoo this Way Comes" I still have a half full bottle of that jewel. And oh did I hear LP LE with BI. The peach in this is luscious. I think I'm going to get a couple more bottles for those hotter then hell summer nights.

  4. OK, not sure about this one and my skin.....either the ylang ylang or the jasmine or both are amping to an ALMOST unpleasant level (I think they are having a contest).....I am going to give it a couple more tries though, because I do like TAF, and it is a different type of scent than I would normally choose.....got a full bottle.....if it doesn't work after a couple days, it will be up for grabs on my trading post ladies!



    Dolly you should try layering this with LP Pink 2009. I'm wearing it today and they both blend in quite nicely and compliment the other.

  5. This one on me has staying power. At first I wasnt too into the scent especially my sample vial. But it seems like this one is a keeper. I think it's going to age really well. I know what you mean Dolly when you say the jasmine and ylang ylang are competing for attention.I'm not sure which one is winning yet. I've always been a jasmine lover. But there is a fine line between loving it and hating it. I think it's this that's making this potion really stand out. I'm going to stock up so that I can see how this one is over time.

  6. I will post more of my other experiences but today it's all about you know who. I think my HOT CFO today in particular is responding to what I'm wearing. Earlier today he asked me to go out to lunch with him next week to discuss an upcoming project. He's also recommended that I work on this project with him exclusively. Today he may have gotten a really big whiff of my potion and is coming on stronger than ever. He's bumped into my backside while following me way too closely in the hallway. I kid you not. It was hilarious. And oh yeah I did feel a bulge. And earlier when he came in to talk to me he crossed the personal space boundary. OMG, OMG he gave me a DIHL and I thought he was going to kiss me. What have I done. :001_302::ange:

  7. Djac you have to get some of this. Just read over the ingredients that's what got me. I do believe that this one will age really well over time and the ingredients in this will become more intense.


    I'm going to have to share more of my other stories. The one's that don't include my work associates because I have plenty of those too.We all do. Heck going to the movie theatre or grocery store while wearing pheromones is an adventure all on it's own. If I werent married I'd be very dangerous to the opposite sex. There is something to say about wanting things that you can't have.

  8. I wore Tantric Butterfly last night along with my LAM Lust After Me recreation. I havent really got a name for it yet. This was the first time using my recreation with Tantric Butterfly. I just received my bottle last night. (Side note..must buy more Tantric BF) Of course the sex was very animalistic which was attributed to the ..heck I'll just call it Lust for Me for now. I tried it out the other night and it worked like a charm. Of course my back hurt a little from all the exertions. But the addition of the Tantric made our zesty session more intense. The hubby seemed to want to be really really close to me. All I could hear was his heavy breathing in my ear. All I have to say is that we were like conjoined twins. Not easily separated. I had to almost push him off. Yeah Baby.

    I really love Tantric Butterfly the scent sort of reminds me of moistness in the air when its about to rain on a summers day. It's comforting and exotic. Heck just check out all the precious ingredients. Especially the Civet and Ylang Ylang. There are some strong sexy ingredients in this potion. I think this is one that I'll stock up on. You know for those hot sticky summer days.

  9. That person would be me. That is as soon as Heart and Soul becomes available.

    Perhaps Madam because of your age you may not even need any copulin products. I started out using straight Androstenol and got great sexual results using only this. It's all in the way you carry yourself. .Sometimes a guy just needs to loosen up a little in order to get in the mood. He's already sexually attracted to you so maybe he just needs some time to open up.

  10. Like Dolly said some will build up a tolerance to the pheromones. I've been using them for many years and my hubby has been exposed to them for the same amount of time. He responds positively all the time but it's because I'm always tweaking my mixes. I have one staple mix that I use alot and I either add more to this or take away based on the responses that I'm receiving.

  11. There's also the possibility that your BF has been effected by the copulins but he is trying to hide it. Thus he's pretending to not react to them. Hmmm. Either way I'd cut back on the EOW alittle and apply some good vibe pheromones like Happy Water or anything else Androstenol based to see if this will take the edge off and loosen things up. I go really heavy on the cops but its because of my age and I already know the reactions/effects I get while wearing them.

  12. Mine is on the way. I still have a little Dirty Sexy left it's good stuff. I really like Hotter then Hell my sample vial is almost gone. I may have to stock up for those hot summer days that are just around the corner.


    Hey I've got a HOT CFO update too. He had the opportunity to sit next to me at our normal Finance meeting. He was definitely aware of my presence near him. As I was of his. After a few minutes into the meeting he started leaning into me to get a better sniff of my potion. Which was LP LE BI, Sexology and True Confessions with a cover of Voodoo Valentine and Fairest."Come into my parlor" said the spider to the fly. Maybe I should call him FlyGuy instead. His leg kept brushing mine and at one time he turned to me and gave me a DIHL. He stared at me for so long that it was getting uncomfortable and didnt respond initially when it was his turn to talk. He was even trying to sneak looks down my blouse. Is it getting hot in here or what.

  13. I do prefer the essence oil. Funny thing happened the other night when I was trying to recreate my Lust After Me. I used my new bottle of Essence Oil and La Boom for this. I had just mixed it up and was going to store it in a safe place for at least a week until the scents settled, when the hubby comes home unexpectantly. Oh No. He says and I quote "What smells like Camel ass" So I tell him about the brew I'm mixing up. He just shakes his head and goes about his business all the while sniffing and wrinkling his nose up. Within at least 10 minutees of this he says "ok I think you should just get naked and get in the bed now because I think that Camel ass stuff is turning me on". And just like that he was mine. I think it's working but I still want it to settle alot more before I really start using it. :)

  14. I'm buying some of this today. Hey there Djac. My HOT CFO has been actually hanging around me more and asking for my help in certain situations. And I do believe that yesterday he was following me around for a while. It's getting juicy. Of course I practically had to OD on DYG to get him to come out of his shell. I'm a bad girl.

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