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Posts posted by Countesszero

  1. I love this stuff. I went to the movies with the hubby, son and step-son and was downright giddy like a school girl. At one point I started tickling my hubby who in turn starts tickling me. Mind you the movie had already started and we were laughing like a bunch of kids. Awesome. The son and I were throwing popcorn at each other and just being out and out goofy. I just knew it would have this effect on me. At another time during the movie I thought of something right out of the blue and just started chuckling to mysefl. I could hardly contain myself. Woozy Floozy is an all around feel good mix. I'm going to be laughing all the way to the store to buy more.

  2. Eve's Temptation has a very tempting scent indeed. I think this one calls for a full sized bottle. I'd buy some now but I've got 3 orders on the way. I'm putting this on one my "To Get" list for when my money fairy arrives on Friday. The fruit combo is perfect. When wet it's like Dolly said really fruity, almost downright juicy if you ask me. On drydown it turns into something really feminine and a little earthy on me. I love this. I think this is a really good spring/summer scent. I've always loved mixes with mango and pomegranate in them. And what is this marshmallow root..hmmm verry interesting and powerful indeed. :clapW2:

  3. Hey, how about these.....a light amber/musk......a brown sugar/cinnamon.....an green apple/pear.....



    For floral, PLEASE DON'T use Ylang Ylang....my skin amps it, and that is the main reason I couldn't wear Tantric Butterfly....for light florals, maybe lavender and lilac....do those go together? I have no clue!


    The apple/pear is right up my alley. I would go for something like that for sure.

  4. PCC never did anything for me. I could have used tap water and got the same effect. It didn't have enough cops in it for me. I think PCC was just cops plus fragrance.....this has the Anol boost too......it is FAB!


    I agree about PCC. It probably was just tap water with with a little fragrance. Anol boost. I completely overlooked that priceless ingredient. This is going to be a must have item I just know it.

  5. Well Hot Dam. I'm going to order another bottle right now. Dolly your report was priceless. "ass musk" I'm chuckling as I'm writing this. I wonder if this LAM is something like PCC at LS. I know that PCC had cops in it with a faint melon scent. It wasnt strong enough for me. I bet Like a Magnet is PCC times 1000.


    Djac, your report really makes me want to buy more of this jewel. Sounds like I could wear this scent with little to no cover. I can't wait to receive mine. Should be any day now.


    For now I'm going shopping.

  6. OK, my sweetie has just informed me that he is intending to come spend the night this evening....so, after my afternoon workout, I will be washed and scrubbed, and will promptly apply a GENEROUS dose of the LAM....we shall see what the phero effects are.....will have a full report tomorrow.....


    That is if you can still walk after your LAM evening. I can't wait to receive mine either.

  7. I love that aspect too. Yes I did get some self effects. This is the reason I like to wear TC. On occassion I can be a little standoffish and TC helps me to unwind and let things out that I've been holding in. I think the trick with this pheromone is to not have any really dirty secrets that your afraid will come out. If you don't have much to hide then True Confessions can be alot of fun to use.

  8. I just wanted to post about my True Confession weekend I had with family and friends. The hubby and I went to PA for dinner and a movie with some old friends. OMG. The husband kept starting every sentence with "I must be honest with you" and let me tell you he was honest to a fault. At one time he told my husband he was going to take advantage of me if the situation every came up. OH NO. Then he started talking about what he use to do when he was younger and how many sexual excapades he had. He kept commenting about how good I smelled. And kept trying to get me alone.


    I was wearing TC of course with some LP BE LE, Sexology, Tantric BF and Hotter then Hell. His wife kept trying to get me and the hubby to spend the night. She was very consistent. She too had a lot to confess. From her sexual preferences and what qualities she would like in a man. Which BTW none of these qualities her husband has. She shared some really personal information with me. I could see it in her eyes that she was wondering why she was telling me all of her secrets. Lets just say it's a good thing I'm not into telling others secrets.

  9. Hey Shelly B. You go girl push-up bra and all. I just know that you look fabulous.


    Unfortunately my HOT CFO has been running away from me all day. He seems really busy. Yes I've gotten some admiring glances but that's about it. I guess he has the Monday Blues. There's always tomorrow.

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