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Jo Anna

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Posts posted by Jo Anna

  1. Having a great time! My hubby and I are at a sandals resort (all-inclusive). I don't think I have consumed this much alcohol in the last year! They have this fabulous drink they call a Jamaica Smile. It is 1/2 pina colada mix, 1/2 strawberry daquari mix and a shot of rum cream. mmmm... Very addicting and no alcohol taste. I think I am averaging six a day...



    For that narrative...I hope you get sand in an unappropriate place. :001_302:

  2. I pop out of the forum for just a couple hours and LOOK at all the new temptations. I was geared toward not receiving new smellies for awhile. WOW!!! These look amazing.


    Like Therapygirl, I was unaware I needed to start stalking...now I'm anxious and impatient. I was calm, now anxious and impatient...calm, now anxious... ^_^



    This is REALLY strange. I have been looking for oils to help with astral travel. I've bought a couple and even some tea already. In fact, I was even looking again today. If I would have only waited, Mara and Danna would have come out with one! Are you guys watching me...? :unsure:



    Edited to add the freakiness...

  3. Okay, I love, love love Cougar (both scented and un), Me Jane, Dominance (scented and un), Phero Girl, Synchronicity, Super Sexy with anything (male Super Sexy has its own benefits), Treasured Hearts (great for gatherings), and Blatant Invitation with Sugared Honeycomb (POW!)


    I have most of these stockpiled and on the ready.


    Okay, no fair bragging about Rocket Fuel...my order is floating around the US. It's hit NYC (I'm in Alaska). That phero my be controlling it.



    Edited to add Rocket Fuel.

  4. I scored a full bottle of this sweet creamy scent. I had worn this when it first came out then got side tracked by all the others. It wasn't until I saw there were 2 left that reapplied it then hurried up and ordered.

  5. This is a dumb question, but is the "tea" in this fragrance actually a tea smell like what we drink. I have no fragrance knowledge whatsoever, but I am learning.



    Yes it is! :001_302: You'll notice that some are described as green or black, just like the liquid beverages you may drink. Each tea has a distinct smell to it. Good for you on learning all about the scents. Don't be afraid to ask.

  6. :thumb_up11:



    Since there is a great sale going on, i found more body parts and started some more samplin'


    I seem to like all of the tomby scents i have tried so far, since i am a newbie the list is short but growing [hathor, sacrament, kemet]


    This scent is wonderful on me, as others have said, complex but divine, it is dusky, sweet and sensual. for those that found hator to be nutty or insensy , give this one a try as it is a bit more sweet [lightly floral]. Not only can i not stop smelling myself, it is soothing to cranky children, my almost 2yr old cousin stopped her fit when i walked into the room, crawled into my lap and snuggled in for a nap


    Check you out! You are all over the place with these scents. ;) I loved this one too. I never bought a full bottle because I have tons of samples with this one.



    Oh wow. Ever since I've been using "Happy Water" I feel like iam flying or something. I feel very good. HAHAHAHHAHAHA! YA! I LOVE MY BABIES. I had to reput all my potions in a box because I have so much now. "Happy Water" and "Siberian Lust" I wear every day right now so I carry them with me. Soon "In Lap Of The Queen" will arrive and i'll have a big size bottle of that too. WOOHOOO!!!


    Have a wonderul weekend everyone!




    I think you've already started drinking some "Happy Water" in honor of the upcoming weekend. :D I love that I'm not the only one who gets so excited over these scents. I kept telling my cat, Starbuck, how great I smelled last night (like he cares)!! Hehe!

  8. I wore this on Thanksgiving as well. I wasn't sure what to expect with the group that was gathering. My Thanksgiving turned out very well too. No problems to speak of. Everyone was getting along and socializing. I still didn't like about half of the people, but no one could tell. :) Thank you, Treasured Hearts!! :)

  9. I'm still playing catchup with a lot of the older ones. This order was:


    Love Potion®: RED

    unscented Cougar

    Sugared Honeycomb

    Love Potion original

    ~ with trials of Deliciously Wicked and Mummy Chunks. Odds are both will end up being bottles in the next round, and Sogni Incanti looks like an upcoming trial too!


    Ooh, you're going to love all of those. You just bought ALL of my favorites. I upgraded the Deliciously Wicked as soon as the scent touched my body. :blue_dancing_banana:

  10. Okay, blame it on the cold winter weather or the Bossa Nova, I don't care. The following yummy scents have been my favorites lately:


    1. Oidhche Shamhna

    2. Eleven

    3. Fairest

    4. Isis

    5. Egg Nog

  11. This is a repeat of what I said in the "Custom Sugared" section.


    This scent that Mara and Danna created is awesome!! I can't thank them enough.


    It seems to be a cross between PheroGirl and LP: Red with a touch of rose. I'm not a fan of the "in your face rose" smell. This is a much more subtle rose smell. Mara described it as having a little Sandalwood edge to it. :(


    These are the things it contains: Honey, Honeycomb, Brown Sugar, Rose, Cinnamon



    Sorry, now I am calm... Here is what SG said was in it:


    The strongest note is brown sugar, followed by an intensely edible warm vanilla, a dab of sweet Indonesian amber for depth and stamina, then drops of pink sugar and sugar cane to round it out, a delicate sprinkling of cinnamon, a drop of honey, and TONS of Super Sexy for Women Pheromones


    This is wonderfully yummy! Remember how pink and grey was all the fashion? This is pink and light brown. Sugary, pink and HOT. The amber and cinnamon give it some nice spice and heat, while the rest of the ingredients are very feminine. It just screams: come over here you big bad boy and get a taste of this catholic school girl (innocent on the surface, but just you wait)... Of course, the pheros will help with the screaming part...


    Edited to add that this is definately Dom Banana worthy!


    How did you get yours so fast???? Not fair! We need to gather again for another smelling fest and a possible switch of smells. I'm sure there are things you want to give me. :(

  13. I can honestly say I wasn't sure I would like this one once I put it on. I happened to put it on my shoulder, so throughout the night I keep getting whiffs of it. Wow!! The sweetness comes out on me in a really beautiful, uncandylike way. I don't notice so much of a floral as I do a sweet. I love florals, well, not ALL florals, but I didn't get that with this one.


    This one is beautifully done and I wish I would have waited to make my order, so I could have added this one. See, that's what happens when you have no patience! :(

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