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Jo Anna

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Posts posted by Jo Anna

  1. Oh,

    Everything was so bad in there that if you have a friend waiting for approval, have them RE APPLY Please.


    Sending emails for verification is good too.


    *Russian spammers and Viagra and peanut butter dog hair got me down tonight*

    They will HAVE to fill out the little questionare or, it won't get approved.





    *Russian Spam Goddess*




    I understand your messing with the Russian spammers, however, I'm a little afraid to ask why you're dealing with Viagra AND peanut butter dog hair. Somehow the two just don't seem to go together. Although I don't live in California, so maybe you guys do things a little differently. ^_^


    Maybe it's the Russian spammers and Viagra that go together and the peanut butter dog hair is a side effect. ^_^

  2. I tried this for the first time this evening and I don't care much for it. I do not smell bananas or coconut at all. I'm smelling hazlenut coffee and pipe tobacco. Maybe the maple note some people reported. I ordered this because TAH seemed to work well for me in Instant Sexiness B, but I'm not sure I can tolerate the fragrance.




    Make sure you keep all the ones you're not in love with, so you can trade them here in the forum. There are people like me who would love to score it off you. ^_^

  3. With this one, the fig is all up in my business. Whew! What an interesting, fantastic blend. Quite delicious, if I do say so myself. Ah, I love myrrh and frankencense. I feel like I'm in a holy place eating figs. ^_^


    I knew you'd like it SB. ^_^

  4. You know, I wasn't even going to try this one on because I have a fairly full bottle of the original one. Wow! I'm glad I did. I know that rebrews are never exactly the same, however, this one is so close. I love it as much as the first. This version has less bite in the berries, so it's a touch sweeter. Great job, Danna!!


    I was able to compare the two by putting the original on one shoulder and the 2008 on the other. I started making myself dizzy by going back and forth, and no I'm not blond!. ^_^

  5. This one reminds me of a song that played on the radio way back when. Sing with me if you know it... "I WANT CANDY!!!" I love, love, love this one. It reminds me of Sweet Tarts. :666: This is on my full bottle must have list. That is if Esmeralda hasn't taken them all yet. ^_^

  6. I put this baby on while I was loading myself up with the others, however, I put it on a special wrist spot. I swear I smell peach too. It's not an in your face peach but very subtle. I get the green smell, but it fades away rather quickly on me. I am very interested in this and am waiting to try this one last. ^_^

  7. To date, and this list is sooo subject to change, I will be getting the following:


    Blood Martini (just as yummy as the original, but different)

    Fairest (mmm, sweet goodness)

    1 sample of Plenty (could be upgraded to full)

    1 sample of Spectre Potion (could be upgraded to full)


    Special sugared


    *I'm still waiting to try Want, Flower and Flame, Lunantishee, Warrior Heart, Siberian Lust, Marley's Ghost, and Spectre Potion.


    I'm given each sample a day's try. ^_^


    Wow!! It's going to be Merry Christmas to me this year.

  8. I tried my Cougar sample today for the first time. I love it!! It certainly makes me feel younger. I love the light fruity scent. I wore it a while and then layered some single-note gardenia over it to flower it up a little, and I liked that combo too.






    If you're loving it, you better get a bottle soon because there are only three more bottles left.

  9. I'm very excited that I got my order today. I opened my full size bottle of Intellectual Woman first (after shaking it carefully, looked into the opening to see how the product was supposed to be applied, and *thought* what I saw was an apothecary type dispenser that allows one drop at a time to come out. I tipped it tentatively towards my wrist, but I was expecting drops and instead it poured out. I think I poured about a fifth of it out. :cry:


    So I was feeling sorry for myself, when just at that moment, the heater repair guy knocked on the door, and there I was in a giant cloud of pheromones. I'm sure I ODed him on Intellectual Woman. He is talkative anyway, but tonight he just wouldn't shut up. He kept telling me all the mechanical intricacies of how the heat pump thermostat works.


    Hehe! Curses, pheromones!! Your ball must be shy and hiding in the cap. That happened to me three different times!! :cry:

  10. I got this one in a full bottle too. How odd! :001_302: I agree with your write up, Dolly. I put this one on a special wrist spot while I was madly trying on all the others. I keep getting whiffs of it...mmmm. I am so glad I went ahead and ordered this baby before I smelled it.

  11. Okay, I'm wearing this one today. I couldn't get a grasp on it last night while I was piling on all the others. :001_302: Today, however, I getting a really prominent rose smell. It appeared to drydown fairly quickly to a more musky warm smell. The scent is faint, not too overpowering. I really put a lot on because I was going to be wearing a turtleneck. The muskiness in here reminds me of the musk in LP: Green, that softness that almost smells silky smooth; however, there is a little bite to it, which could be coming from the phero. :blue_dancing_banana:


    I'm sure Mara and Danna put a ton of other stuff in here; however, this is what comes out most prominent on me.

  12. I am eagerly awaiting my package of goodies! I am jealous of those that already have theirs... The peach in this one actually makes me slightly nervous. Fruits tend to dominate on my skin and then morph into something not quite right. This is not always the case, however. Sometimes the fruit is subtle enough that it works just perfectly. That is my hope with this one...


    I'll take yours if you can't do the peach. Something Voodoo smelled good on you and you liked the peach in that. Maybe this one will be similar. Although you could STILL give it to me. :001_302:

  13. Ooohhh, I received my confirmation that my package "arrived at the unit." I love that phrase!! I have been sitting at work all day trying to come up with variuous excuses to leave early. I think I'm going to go with an acute case of Tourette's. :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:


    Thanks for the quick rundown, cinderfallen. Now I'm REALLY excited. Darn, but I can still smell my morning scents!

  14. Hi! :(


    My name is Christy. I'm a 31 yo Taurus, and a single mom of 2 wonderful kids. I'm somewhat new to perfume oils in gereral, but I love it all! I can't wait to try all of Mara's wonderful creations...


    Welcome, welcome Christy!! You will LOVE everything so be prepared!!!



  15. Whoops, missed this post completely!


    Jo Anna, my heart goes out to you. Seriously. This is not a love life status I wish upon anyone. Here's to us finding a few nice men. I know they're out there. Perhaps hiding under a rock, me thinks.



    I'm going to start kicking over those rocks. Why be delicate about it. That's why I have PG: Dominance AND Super Sexy. :666:

  16. I may have to nab a bottle of that one......sounds right up my alley!



    It smells wonderful. It seems to be a cross between PheroGirl and LP: Red with a touch of rose. I'm not a fan of the "in your face rose" smell. This is a much more subtle rose smell. Mara described it as having a little Sandalwood edge to it. ^_^

  17. I got my bottle of Suki's Boy Bait and I LOVE it!!! :J001:


    I, too, had a special sugared scent created. Mara and Danna called it Jo Anna's Shades of Warmth. It has Cinnamon, Amber, Brown Sugar, Honey, Honeycomb, and a Moroccan Rose (which I was told has a hint of Sandalwood). OMG!! It is awesome. I can't stop smelling myself. ^_^

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