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Posts posted by StacyK

  1. On 7/25/2018 at 5:52 PM, Tinkerbelle said:

    Ok, so this is partially a rant...partially an idea...and partially a request for suggestions.


    Can we have a new blend formulated called Back Up Bitch?  Or...BUB for short.


    I want this blend to let other women know they need to back up off your man without him or you having to get in her face about it. :)  Because I don't like drama.  And I don't like BEING the bitch or getting catty.  But it almost went down the other night, and I am still in a tizzy over it.


    That being said...I'd have no idea how to custom blend a formula for that.....like a mad scientist blend.  So what of our other blends might work?


    I have Leather in Bad Girl, but that is the only semi-dominant blend I have....and I'd rather not wear that scent to the places where this female is present.  And yes, we have to go there because it's business related...which also makes me less inclined to lay down the bitch slap...and he'd get in even more trouble if he tried to put her in her place blatantly.  Maybe even rudely, because he did try to make a point a few times, and she never really got it....or didn't care.

    Well in response to your request I say we have Dominance and Leather. Leather is full on dominant by the way. Well maybe thats IMO. Anyway..

    But an un in either should be fine. 

    LFN is another choice. He should wear SWS. 


    But, I don't get why he can't ask her to stop. Basically he can. Either directly (if shes so upfront) or more subtly. For example she steps in between you two, HE says excuse us we are in a conversation, walks around/past her and you two exit together. Easy-peasy. If after a few clear but soft attempts like this its time to get real clear. 2 choices tell her to her face to stop or go to another co-worker of equal or higher rank and tactfully state his business. Cleanly & politely explain the level of discomfort. Think about what Luna said.

    But, I will tell you that anyone in the business will tell him that he first had to let her know hes not intrested. If hes done that and she is fool enough to persist then someone else can step up. But it will be best if he can clear it up himself. 


  2. 2 hours ago, luna65 said:


    I don't believe anybody would try to suggest that.  Again, in my actual experience there's a logical progression to what happens within the boundaries of scenario play and so a shift from one mood to another after the intense dynamic of power exchange is almost essential to one's well-being.

    I agree, in some cases that can be. I can relate to that. But, I have noted that some people are indeed more flexible than others. Its really down to what play they are talking about. I definately read it one way. 

    2 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

    @Beaux have you used the True Confessions that you already have around him? If I could phero someone with that without turning into a mushy blabbernouth myself, I would in a heartbeat. Obviously only for the morning after, though, IF you could maintain your composure. I  wouldn't necessarily want to spring a totally new phero on him when your morning after time is limited. And if he is truely sub, couldn't a little bit of the hair of the dog get the results you want? When I accidently Dom'd my man, he started nuzzling my arm with the top of his head, just like a little kitten.

    Yes. Exactly. Well put, "hair of the dog".


    For me, I needed warm up time with TC & TMI, "Indiscretion" being a fav LP. But, others may have more control. 

    It is one of those... be careful what you ask for things when it comes to those.

  3. 30 minutes ago, luna65 said:


    But when it comes to participating in scenario play, these two things are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

    In real life, for most of us, yes. I do think she is on the right track with Leather. On a personal note I enjoy both sides. But, not at the same time. As long as everyone is true to their desires & comfort it is fine to indulge and try on the ropes or tie the knots whatever you like. But, its hard to be both at one time. On the other hand, being one thing (in that extreme) all the time & forever is exhausting.  IMO, with BDSM play it would depend on everyones expectations. 

    From the description of the boyfriend being submissive and she's looking at the Dom role for this experience... I say go all in. If that is what she's comfortable with. Its hard to be a Dom if you are not comfortable with that. 

  4. Hi. Welcome

    If it were me, I'd be merciless and go ALL Leather, as the big thing is your club event and you mention he's submissive so I am going to assume that's what he likes. IMO,  that's going to be the best way to have an impact in that particular space of time. Stay on top, blow his mind and he will remember.


    You are asking for two different things. You want to be the Dom and you want sweet/cuddly/bonding. I would choose one of those, for this experience, to make my impact. 

    Most of the bonding stuff is more cuddly. It's softer and at odds with the other Dom stuff. You are already doing a compromise going Leather instead of DOMINANCE. Definately add cops. I think if you slip into the Leather and cops (maybe read up on keeping the upper hand in a top/bottom experience) and go all in, you will both have a lasting impact on eachother. 


    You will have other opportunities to test drive some other mixes. My rec's for the Bonding:

    •GOTCHA- in my experience, is the MOTHER of all the bondy/lasting impression stuff. But, again totally at odds with the roles you want to play here. 

    •Bonded- (natch) works super well, upbeat and a dash of cops is very complementary here.

    •Cuddle Bunny- very EST heavy so make sure he's Est friendly before you try this one. 

    •Treasured Hearts with a dash of cops is also great.

    •TMI- with cops is nice but IMO you will get chatty. So with both TMI and/or True Confessions I would do a couple of test runs before something big was at stake. 

    IMO look at your phero experiments with a bit of a long term goal. You have specific plans so you need to decide what you and the boy want out of this experience. 

    Good luck. 



  5. IMO. Topper is easy to use and fits a lot of social situations. Its flexable. I am not a big time DHEAS user. Though I did get it single molecule, just bacause. Most of my single molecule bottles I purchased 4/5 years ago. I still have a quarter of a bottle of DHEAS left. I go in and out if favoring pheros. I got burned out on the "giddy" from DHEAS. I think I had left Topper alone for about a year then Mara came out with Summershine.

    I just loved that. I think I've gone through 2 bottles of UN Topper since 2013. 

    They are all uplifting & highly social. Just nuanced differently. Levitation is OW with a big splash of DHEAS. Mara first made it to go with a fragrance of the same name. It was such a hit she offered the phero un and it became the perfect partner for Flying Potion. Levitation, on me, is more mood elevating than DHEAS or Topper alone. Though they are all upbeat. 

    If I really want to lift my mood (outside of OW) I'd probably go for Lev. If I was looking just to be more upbeat I'd choose Topper or DHEAS. But... I can argue that Summershine just made me feel so damn good about myself... so... The single molecule bottles are definitely great for expermentation. That's always fun. Try a shot of DHEAS next time you wear Treasured Hearts. 

    IMO, its really down to my mood. Also, a perfectly enhanced scent (the perfect paring of scent and phero) does amazing things and definitely influences my choice. 

  6. On 6/22/2018 at 4:25 PM, Bella15 said:

    I'm going to SF Pride ?️‍? this weekend! I need suggestions on what phero to wear. 

    I just want a sexy social. Cougar? 

    It'll be super crowded. 

    For a sexy/social Cougar would definately fill your need. That would be my choice in that category.  

    My perfect scent choice with that wkuld be something like Adrienne's Tangy Ylang. Really need to request a rebrew of that if Mara still has the necessary components.

    My choice out of the NRs, like Eastwood rec'd would be Carta d Amor in spray. In a perfect world i'll have that someday ;)

    Hope you are having fun ??️‍?



  7. 4 hours ago, halo0073 said:

    Lol I remember my first lie too. I was 5  and I told my friends at pre-school that I had seen the movie Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. They were talking about it and I chimed in and said my favorite part was Ringo riding the elephant. I was very familiar with the Beatles album. Didn’t realize it was a movie with Peter Frampton and The Bee Gees covering the Beatles. Oops! It taught me a lot. Not to just blindly bullshit but to lie with enough facts/truth behind my bullshit to pull off the lie. LMAO. Betcha thought I was gonna say it taught me not to lie, right? Nope, it taught me how to lie better.

    Ouch. When we fail we learn. There should always be a bit of truth in there too. Its like baking a cake. You have the basic ingredients then you embellish with all the fancy bullshite. :)


    I wore this yesterday to test out the longevity again

    Its a bright musk heavy scent. More complex than my nose got the first time. The "China Musk" is pretty and feminine. I get the subtle bits of floral and of course the citrus. The E. Musk is noticable too. Its like they sit side by side mingling and complementing each other. The saffron is light and calm here. Staying soft and well mixed in. It can be medicinal on me. Not this time. I love the smooth cedar too. 

    I do wish its lasted a little longer. 

    A pretty orange, musky scent. Breezy.  I never thought I'd want a Sexpionage scent in spray but... yikes!

  8. 7 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

    I turn civit, and some other things, into cat pee. But does this mean you have Fairy Cake trouble, too? Or you can do some frosting but no dairy? What about Liebchen?

    Most of the Fairycakes I can do. The cake is light, they dont have that strong note that turns on me. Liebchen is heavy, it sort of walks that line. But when I tried it (lightly) I did not get the sour dairy. I wore Fuzzy Wuzzy just fine which was similiar  to Liebchen. In general I do better with marshmallow (Aurora). But there are cakes I can do. 

    Civit is not usally a win for me. The only exceptions were Tattooed Lady & Cat's Eye.  I couldn't wear Tattooed Lady though because it has BI and BI feels like someone took a cleaver to my frontal lobe. 

    I think Deliciae and Carta would both make great wax melts too. I put some of this in an oil warmer to test it and it was great. 

  9. I always love Orchid. But this one is a monster. Big and grabby. It slapped me around a bit. I was just surprised.  That flower usally plays so nice with me. Its like invasion of the flower snatchers came down and swiched it out. 

    Maybe time will tell. I'll retry in a couple of weeks. ?

  10.  The lack of a back button (as before in the upper left side) to go to the "general chat page is tough. When I want to get out of a thread, lets say this one, I have to go to my browser and enter the http for the general forum page. :(

    This is on the mobile setting.

  11. Attention all PINK scent lovers! Get it while you can. This a BIG PINK summer scent. Pink, Pinky, Pink, Pink, with smooth oakmoss. Are you kidding me...

    This is pink heaven. I could go on and say the strawberry is really just there for the [summer] pinkness and the mulberry tames it adding more glorious pink. This note, that note.... Its a freaking wonderful pink scent. I had the same reaction I had when I tried the original MERRY (thats winter pink) and Lick of Pink (floral pink). It's freaking PINK and if you like pink scents, that's it. 

    I love the slightly dizzying complementary addition of the pheros because when you smell this pink who cares. 

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