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Posts posted by Mademoiselle

  1. I just had a brain-storm!! For those that want to use pheros on long hair for "swishing" and "tossing" purposes, how about a clip-in extension just for pheros? That way you could spray on before clipping it in, you wouldn't have to worry about washing pheros out of your own hair, or your expensive and delicate hairpiece.



    Already done!... hehe... :(

    I don't know how long pheros actually last in hair though...

  2. Hey- I'm kind of obcessed with hair stuff, hair products etc. My hair is super long as well. There is a good clarifying shampoo that is sulfate free, it is from the brand Avalon Organics, in citrus scent.

    The whole line of Avalon Organics shampoo is sulfate free, they're great, smell yummy, but the conditioners are not the best imo.

    I like to use a clarifying shampoo that has sulfate everyonce in a while, & I use Neutrogena anti residus shampoo.

  3. I went to a discussion/conference yesterday and wore about 5 sprays of IS A from Androtics and a generous dose of Tail, on chest, neck & wrists.

    IS A for a boost of confidence and Tail for an extra sexy vibe.

    It was a great combo!

    Took the subway, no blatant hits there, although I usually get hits there, it was mostly insisting looks here & there.

    On my way to the conference, this guy on his blackberry notices me, kinda turns around while I walk past him. It was like a block from the building where the conference was. The conference room was 4 flights up, the guy followed me inside, and sat in the conference room like a few seats next to me. Kinda like a shark, if you ask me! ;-)

    I felt like this guy was definitely keeping an eye on me the whole evening!

    After the discussion which was very interesting, I tried to have a few words with the journalist/author of the book. He was very nice to me, very approachable, although a wee bit nervous. I got his card, because I wanted to get an interview with him later for my own research (I'm writing my Phd).

    Another guy gave me his card, wanted to talk to me again etc etc.

    This young woman also wants my name and number, because she studies energy strategies, foreign policy like me.

    Later on I went to do some shopping real quick with my neighbour. I got the 'shark effect' again. This guy was kind of circling around me, first I thought I was paranoid, but then I realised he was just trying to approach me. Poor thing!

    A few other DIHL effects in the street and the subway back home. Fun night!

    Interestingly enough, I felt like I got more hits by the end of the evening than the begining.

  4. Interesting... it kinda reminds of the effects I get with Popularity Potion, which is like my fav social mix I think.

    I have always kept BI for my alone time with my BF, who doesn't seem to react to cops (or barely) or BI... it's kinda sad. But anyway, reading these posts makes me want to try it as a sexy social mix now... Great reports girls. Always fun to read!

  5. Hey Tears of Joy-

    I got OCCO gold a few days ago and it is definitely one of my fav of the bunch.

    Probably ranked #2 after OCCO which smells so divine...


    Sooo OCCO gold to me is like a stronger sugared honeycomb, it is more powerful, more "notice me" than sugared honeycomb to me.

    Someone said it was like a louder SH and that's exactly how I feel. And it is a good thing, a reeeeaaally good thing.

    If you like honey basically u'll love it!

  6. I am not familiar with the differences between these two carriers, other than what is written on them in the store.


    CPS is supposed to make the pheros last longer on the skin, offers a barrier between the skin and pheros and also allows a silkier application, if I got this right.

    But it requires shaking to blend well with the rest of the mix.


    I was wondering if by any chance DPG, which does not promote a longer lasting effect for pheros, offers a slightly faster/better diffusion, by any chance.


    I got the Woozy Floozy in CPS and was surprised not to be too affected by it, when I usually am very easily affected by a-nol in a blend. Like LAM. So I was just wondering... ;)

  7. Well ... my favorites phero-babies would be:


    - LAM original scent

    - Popularity Potion (could my my #1 fav., seriously)

    - Me, Jane! (TAH)

    - Cuddle Bunny (both scented versions)


    But there are a few of the new creations from Ail that I haven't had the opportunity to try. I think I will finally order Ail's Heart & Soul, at the beginning of next week. I have good expectations for that one!

  8. For me, I feel a certain boost, not like with pheromones though. Let's say pheromones can feel like a shot of expresso & copulins feel more like a good replenishing carbohydrate dinner. How weird is that?

    If cops mean fertility though, it makes sense that they mean 'power' in some primal way... :rolleyes:


    One more thought before I got to bed ... even if copulins have an ingrained biological significance, and do not work on sense memory alone, they do work through their smell, am I right?

    I mean they are detected thanks the odor they emit. Or are we saying that they somehow work beyond their scent, a little like pheromones?

    Sorry if I'm making this confusing, just trying to understand :) :emot22:

  9. I agree Luna- the stuff smells really "ok" to me, nothing through the roof outrageous. I was so worried when I got my first batch of Eow that it was going to stink like hell... but I guess i have a good tolerance for it. It isn't that bad to me.

    Strangely enough, the oil version is the version I have a little trouble with, just because I find it harder to cover and I find it has a stronger smell. Could just be personal chemistry too.


    Mara- your story about that young boy sure is fascinating. Teenagers are really hormone driven, so it's 'sort of' understandable that he'd be overwhelmed by the scent of cops, if copulins do have an "ingrained" biological significance to us.


    Funny enough, I was thinking about cops self-effects today. There is a sort of controversy out there about whether copulins can provoke self-effects on female wearers or if it's just placebo.

    I have a pretty good sex drive, but I always seem to feel more sexy, sexually powerful and in the mood when wearing cops.

    To be exact, it's a power thing. Like "I have something that people want" kind of feeling. Ok, it could sound totally ridiculous, and maybe it is placebo effect, but it gives some sense of strength.

  10. So, the question is in the thread title basically!... I got a sample of PG and the scent is just divine, but I am wondering how it compares to the new OCCO gold shield, which is a honey scent with cops too. Is PG a stronger perfume and OCCO lighter?


    My second question would be which one has the most cops? I am guessing OCCO does, but I'd like a confirmation of this please!

  11. :) I just got my BAM in original scent and I am, once more, amazed at the cops disguise. I can't smell cops and there's supposed to be even more cops in BAM than LAM.

    The cover scent is wonderful, it feels like a warm blanket or something and so far the self effects are surprising to me. I feel "safe" and relaxed, it must be the effects of the beta nol, I know this stuff induces more deep conversations and connection but I didn't know it could have such self-effects.

    I look forward to see how it affects my BF tonight, but I am already very pleased with this! My BF doesn't react to cops so much but I am curious to see how betanol could affect him.

    The throw of this alone is quite good too, it seems to stand very well on its own.


    PS: if this review should merge with another one, feel free to move it & sorry for the confusion! ;-)

  12. I ordered this one because I was hoping it would remind me of Me, Jane, which is such a lovely sweet scent for summer.

    Other than the fact the TAH in it is amazing, Me Jane has one of the best throw I have ever experienced with an LP perfume and my skin just seem to love it. It lasts and lasts forever.

    Well, sugarfried bananas is like the little sister of Me, Jane. It is a very strong, almost too strong scent at first, but after a few minutes, it turns just marvelous. It's still sweet but less noticeably bananas and smells like brown sugar + incense a little bit. It becomes more powdery and really beautiful.

    I am really surprised by this one and recommend it to those of you who like Me, Jane!

  13. I was so excited to see a little package waiting for me by the mailbox today!!

    I finally got my OCCO blue shield. (NB: I don't have a clue how to 'color' the word, someone help please!)

    The scent is so pretty wet, it is a very clean, almost childish scent to me. On my skin however it turns weird after a few seconds and loses its innocence. It turns kinda yucky and soapy, but it's my own skin chemistry.

    I think this one will be up for trade!

    As for cops cover, it is a great great cover. It's hard to believe that there's even more cops than in LAM cause there's no cops scents whatsoever imo. You could wear it straight without a worry.

    I am looking forward to try the white and gold shield. ANd the pink ... of course! ;-)

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