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Posts posted by stkatz

  1. Stevie Nicks really does fit the fragrance.


    I want this little bottle to last, so it's one I won't slather or wear often. It's got to be for special times and that special person.

  2. I bought one of the 5ml bottles with the Soulmate pheros and wore this potion for the first time today. The fragrance stayed with me all day, and I truly felt like I had all of you gathered around me . . . a great feeling of love and centeredness that stayed with me all day. The fragrance is so lovely . . . deep and complex, yet soft. I really like what Lor said about this scent aligning with spirit. I don't think there's a better description than that.

  3. OOhh I was a little scared of the green tea in this thinking it may be too strong but it's not. It's wonderful and fresh and airy like with a softness to it like clouds. I need a bottle.


    Oh yeah I also like the balloons on the label. I've wanted to ride a balloon for so long but haven't yet.





    I hope you get to do this someday. I was very fortunate to get the chance several years ago, and it is the most wonderful feeling! You just float along in silence, except for the short bursts from the burner that keeps the balloon filled & aloft, and you can hear all kinds of stuff on the ground. When I got my ride, we went over the neighborhood I lived in (in a small town) and over my house, then out into the countryside. I could hear dogs barking on the ground! It kind of has the same feeling as coasting along on a bicycle . . . just an absolutely incredible experience!

  4. I bought this one more for the intent than the scent, and like Countesszero said, I felt positive and clear-headed wearing it. As for the scent, I think the sandalwood was prominent for me, though there was a spiciness . . . I just couldn't sort it out well from the wafts of scent that I got throughout the day. This one has good throw on me -- I felt as though I was enveloped in a soft cloud of protection. I don't now how the situation that I wore this potion for will be resolved, but I'm confident that it WILL be resolved and in a way that benefits all who are involved.

  5. when I layer, I generally wait a few minutes...just to let the one scent settle...that's not to say it has to be done that way...I think it would work best in this case because for me anyways, I find the Mr. Right now very strong when wet, but tends to settle as it is drying. do let me know how you liked the layer okay


    be blessed - djac



    Many thanks! Will definitely let you know when I try it this way.

  6. speaking of which... I am wearing this right now...I still get that bitter "what is that strong make me frown" smell when wet...however, upon drydown it's like Yes, I can work with this one...also I have found that applying pure sugar over it as a layer makes this totally ummmmm, ummmmm, OMG... I keep sniffing my arm.


    trust me ladies, if you aren't feeling this scent when wet...give it some drydown time, and also if you have some sugar try layering, it is fabulous! totally takes away the sharpness and makes it creamy like and beautifully sweet, almost like something is baking in the oven, but not obnoxiously foody...just lovely is all


    can't wait for an opportunity to wear it out and about to field test. Wink!


    be blessed - djac



    Djac, thank you so much for suggesting this! I get the same effect when I first apply Mr. Right . . . now, but after the drydown it's OK. I will try it with Pure Sugar. Do you let the Mr. Right . . . now dry before adding the Pure Sugar, or can one be applied right after the other?

  7. I like May Day so much that I've added a bottle to two of the sale orders that I've placed this month. So there are THREE bottles of this potion in my hoard.


    I love the scent, but I can't really comment on the scent because I've been using this potion before bed. It is a WONDERFUL sleep scent because the combination of the fragrance and the Tranquility Potion pheros create a cloud of ease and calmness. I can feel myself relaxing and appreciating the fragrance as I do so, but the part of my mind that might try to detect the different notes isn't active. And that's the key for me: I've worn this on a few nights recently when I was upset from things that happened at work and would normally have laid there turning them over and over in my mind. Instead, my mind quiets down, I can fall asleep and release the stress, and I wake up feeling rested rather than stuck in the stress rut. This mind-quieting is something that I can usually do on my own, and I am fortunate not to have sleep problems as a general rule.


    Anything that helps quiet my mind enough to allow my primary "things are fine, all is well" attitude to return is GOLD.


    BRAVO, ladies!

  8. Got my order from the sale yesterday, and was delighted to receive so many PE sniffies! I didn't expect that; here you're already giving the bottles away, now sniffies, too??!!


    Thanks so much, ladies!



    Aren't the sniffies fun? I didn't expect them, either, and to get so many -- WOW! Thank you ladies!


    Now: which to try first? And next? Especially since my order contained a bunch of new scents, too!

  9. I got a tiny sniffie of this with my order this week, and I tried it last night as a sleep scent. It was very nice to relax into. I am going to have to try it again during the daytime so that I can enjoy it even more! And I bet this would be fantastic boosted with A-nol!

  10. I love this one more every time I wear it, and to think I bought my first bottle on a whim because it was on sale (when I initailly joined the site) and because the name made me smile. So glad I got a second bottle in this month's sale!

  11. OK, so when I first tried it, I gave this one the "it's nice", but kind of sniffed and passed.....


    I am trying it again, in light of the upcoming sale, and I have to say it is really growing on me.....I think that the ODE written by stkatz kind of sums it up.....quite nicely, I might add....



    Thank you so much, Dolly! This is one scent that I love more every time I wear it. I picked up a second bottle recently and am definitely going to get another when the sale starts. Good thing I'm getting OT at my job right now!

  12. I've been huffing this one almost continually (nerves on edge much?) since I got my order in...it really helps mellow me out, and I'm pretty much a basket case these days. I wasn't going to order anything (YOU know that song and dance LP kids!) but I went Full Bottle on this. B'sides, it does smell pretty!



    Same here as far as the intent not to order anything right now goes. I caved yesterday and got a full bottle of this and Heart & Soul. If May Day is as calming as I've been reading, it will be wonderful to have at work. Lots of anger and uncertainty around, and people are tired and edgy from working lots of overtime because we're short-staffed. I also bought another bottle of Lioness just because I DESERVE it!!


    Katz, hang in there! Hugs!

  13. I wash bottles and accessories in warm soapy water, rinse well and then let them sit in witch hazel for a day or two - I've found witch hazel to work the best, especially on the stubborn plastic parts that hold scent.


    Pipettes are much harder, usually I just throw them out and after one use. Sometimes I wash soapy water and then witch hazel through the bigger ones several times and then let them sit with WH in them. But it's a lot of effort.



    Good advice, and I've got a bottle of WH, so I'm all set! Thanks, Pony!

  14. while i agree with you Ail,

    im not sure how they are going to top this for me. :magicstick:


    the scent is so real that my mouth waters.


    my only complaint is that i burn it off too fast,

    so i am definately ordering more of the same scent in order to maintain my peachy superpowers.


    thank you thank you thank you





    There's something called D5 (I think) that you can put under the perfume to help it last longer. Someone with more knowledge can confirm this.


    This sounds like such a fabulous fragrance -- maybe it's time to treat yourself to a scent locket!

  15. Aw, shucks. Thank you, St.Katz! I'm working on it. college for writing after beauty school(sometimes I wish I never wouldve went to beauty school, but now it's paid for, c'est la vie).



    You go, girl! The talent shows, so keep your eyes on the dream. Consider beauty school not only the means to an end but also the possible source for lots of ideas and stories.

  16. Today it's 66 degrees in Detroit after a long winter that ain't over yet. But today it feels like spring for the first time all year.

    I'm taking a ride to the middle Eastern restaraunt to get food for me and the hung over boyfriend.

    On the way, the kids are let out of school, a cute Latino family is walking thier dog,the crossing guards let a laughing bunch of Indian girls in bright head shawls go skipping accross the road. My neighborhood is the melting pot, it's one of the reasons I like it here. There's no jackets today, just smiles.

    My windows are down and I'm sunwarmed, windblown, peaceful for once.

    Then 'Ray's' Dump Truck spews a tangible cloud of exhaust fumes in my face, I don't even mind.

    Spring is coming and Ray's exhaust fumes nor that crabby man in the bedroom will get me down today.

    I drop off the car and stroll up to the gas station for some pop, come home through the graffitited alley, takin it all in. The city has a beauty all it's own.

    Then I come home with the goods and a package from dear Therapygirl has arrived.


    I roll it on and wait. ----it feels like today in a bottle! Everything still brown, grassy,a bit dirty even, but brown with the promise of spring-the promise of more. It's a very euphoric scent to me. More than picking apart the notes of this one, to me it's a scent that takes you back to a place or a memory, somewhere you've been before. I love it.

    I know it's meant to convey Americas Heartland and Midwest farms and such, but to me, it conveys the fact that Americas Heartland is wherever you call home.

    Beautiful job, ladies. Hats off!


    I will say the drydown reminds me of a soft version of a classic perfume (like Enjoli), which is lovely and reminicsent in it's own right as well!



    Hey, Cheeseburger79,


    What a fabulous scene you've painted! You've got color, texture, sound. scents -- it's all in there, and so are those of us who are reading it. If you're not a writer, you ought to be, seriously. This is darn good!!!


    (And I like Heartland, too!)

  17. Wow stkatz this is an amazing review. It encaptures the whole feel behind this one. I have a couple samples of it and will always have to have at least one on hand due to the beauty you have portrayed here.


    If you came up with this in a day, girl you will HAVE to write a review for designing august... :D



    Thank you so much, CC! Your comments are a real day-brightener!!


    There is definitely going to be another bottle or two of Lioness in my next order. Got to let some things here settle down a bit first, though.

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