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Posts posted by donsie


    OHMYGOSHYES! 1ml would oil your whole body and send us well into OD territory :D That or on a windy day we'd Gotcha! someone in a neighboring state :lol:



    LOL. If anyone tried that much they could always stand on a tall building and play Cupid for a whole city on Valentine's Day!

  2. Inches in stripes is pretty well how I measure...not sure the exact amount in drops. I'm too lazy to measure that out each time :lol: I'm loaded with pipettes. I've experimented with it and it's crazy how much a drop covers...which is why I think I self encourage my own slathering, hehe.


    It is amazing how much a drop covers. I had to do some real searching to get pipettes that were marked in .25 ml increments because the ones I had originally were just too big. 1 ml is like a perfume or phero bath!

  3. Most folks seem to measure on the length of the strip they apply with the roller ball if they have things in oil, say 5 inches on each forearm. If you don't mind taking the top off of RBs you could get pipettes which will let you measure exactly how much you apply in ml.

  4. This is earthier than Summer Belle. But, less so than Bat IMO. It does have that fresh outside scent. Like walking in your garden after the flower beds have been turned over. The earth scent is there in the air unmistakably.

    I'd say it's firmly in tbe middle but how much you like the earth note would be your call. I don't find it heavy but that's me.

    If I were to pick a LP with a noteable earthy note and say that the weight of the note is similar I'd probably choose Haunted Hallows but you may not know that one. It's definitely worth a trial at the least. I love having this type if scent with Cougar. YAY!!


    I really do want to give it a try. I hope this one sticks around until I next make an order so I can snag a trial.

  5. I find the ONLY similarity to be the earth, specifically, and what I now understand is possibly the banyan fruit.

    They evoke different memories and images. There is something crisp and light about this one, while Bat does make me think of cellars, unfinished basements or caverns.


    I LOVED Summer Belle, which was melons, grass and earth. But I eventually rehomed it because the earth just wanted to have too much of center stage, even after dry down.

    For me, it really is the earth note that just doesn't want to behave with me.


    I will always sample though! With Mara, you just never know what will become a love and surprise you!


    Oh, I forgot there even was any earth in Summer Belle; I can wear it without any difficulty. Maybe this one will be fine.

  6. Yep, It's amazing how different the spray and oil forms can smell. I have quite a few things in both oil and spray, and often the spray will lighten the deeper aspects of a scent. LP Pink spray, for example, smells less deeply pink, more of a pastel pink with a hint of citrus and sparkly zing, like a glamour potion scent. And LP Original seems to present the full spectrum of its "scentual" body more quickly, rather than revealing itself over time. I usually don't convert really deep and heavy scents though, because they smell smoother and better in oil form.


    I've always used the 1/3 perfume oil to 2/3 perfumer's alcohol ratio, but have noticed that some of the stronger scents could successfully be lightened a bit more if desired by making the oil maybe 1/4 of the final blend. This is because the spray form increases scent projection, so a strong scent can actually seem stronger sometimes than in oil form.


    As for pheros (particularly the UNs), I have many in spray form, and really prefer all the non-cops or minimal cops blends this way. But on the downside, when I wear the sprays they often exhaust me after a few hours. I don't notice many self-effects, just this overwhelming tiredness later on, whether they're a-nol heavy or not. DHEAS seems to be particularly good at making me crash. Just to warn you.


    ETA: For the final chapter in my novel, lol, I'll just warn you that after converting to spray some perfumes and scented phero blends don't smell "right" for at least a week. At first with some of them the scent seems largely dead or overly subtle, even after a couple of days and some good shaking. But leave them longer, and the ingredients meld properly and they come back to life.


    I think the change to spray was great for Cougar because, as you say, it lightened things. I had found the musk a bit heavy and cloying sometimes (especially if I had a hormonal headache coming on) rather than sparkly sometimes. No more! And I agree that I can't see a heavier foody scent working quite as well... but there's always a chance. You make an interesting point about strong scents and diffusion/projection making them actually seem stronger in spray. I'll keep that in mind.


    I can certainly feel the temptation to convert the socials/lightly sexy socials pretty much universally! I will try not to inhale the fog so I don't bomb myself! And remember to let the converted sprays have a rest if they seem off at first.


    Maybe a novel, but a very useful one!

  7. Thanks for chiming in Vladmyra! That's very encouraging. I have mostly done as you've discussed... my arithmetic is not always trustworthy, though!


    ETA: I tried the Cougar first and my initial observations are that it smells quite different in this form (pinker, more sparkly-feeling musk, more sugar) and is possibly having causing some self-effects. Feeling more confident, more 'up'.



    Now, I like the smell of cherries, I really do, but every scent I've ever tried with a cherry note has turned out smelling like cough syrup or cough drops on me. I was very much on the fence about grabbing this one but I couldn't resist. And now I am just melting over here over how good this is. There is no cough-anything vibe.


    It... it doesn't? This is what it does on my most of the time, too. If this is cough syrup-free then I sort of have to get this one.


    I wore it yesterday and I still love it. In the beginning the cherry is juicy, not candy sweet. I like that a lot. Occasionally as it was drying down I would get whiffs of bourbon vanilla almost by itself but at the end it is a soft resin scent that is warm and sexy.


    I do kind of wish there was more of this. I see my one bottle going fast.


    Not candy? This is the other thing cherry has done on me that I don't like. Right, I have to get it now, don't I? I mean, Mara has gone to all the trouble of rebrewing, after all. It would be rude not to get one!

  9. I was going to say that being straight forward and honest was likely to get a defensive response but I see from your post that you figure that as well. Are you going to be recording the interaction or just taking notes of what happens?


    No plans to record but there will be a small team there from our org. so not just me on my own. Interesting idea but I can't see them giving their consent to be recorded!

  10. Thanks all. I'm happy to steer clear of pheros and just let them make their own mess if they are so inclined. I don't dare to OD on cops (or anything else) in case, as a number of you have pointed out, it backfires.


    It is because I won't step out of line in terms of provoking them directly that I wondered about pheros. I've been the one who has been working to calm them down by using my mental health worker voice, trying to bring things to a calm place through hours-long meetings with them when they started off with raised voices defensive attitudes, refusing to listen or take responsibility, etc. So, our big boss has got sick of gently-gently and wants to try and get them into a compliance meeting. I've used SWS up to now. If I had known what they were going to be like in the last meeting I would have just Dom'd them!


    BlueBear, I love the "come to Jesus meeting". That is exactly it. I can't get too much into detail, obviously, but I wouldn't hope for people to trip up unless they were really bad news. We're talking stuff involving shortchanging disabled people but there is no concrete evidence we can use that takes this out of the realm of hearsay. Thus all reminders for notes are helpful. At least we will have a record of how they respond when this stuff is put to them face-to-face. It will be yet another attempt to scare them straight that -- based on their track record -- may end up pissing them off anyway. The particulars of our contract mean that we aren't looking at a definitive contract renewal, just rolling extensions. Thus we are sort of stuck for now unless they seriously underperform or step out of line.


    StacyK, I am not Peyton Place-class and even if I were I wouldn't want to actively entrap them. Our strategy is clear on our tones and statements staying professional but pressing the necessary issues; if that gives them enough rope to hang themselves then so be it. I suppose what I'm really after is something that will let whatever inner unprofessional impulses they have come out when they're called to account... but it might be too volatile of a situation to go for True Confessions or T.M.I. That's probably more the kind of thing I want, though. Everything that will rile them up is going to be out in the open, based on the facts of their own shortcomings. It really is about helping them to let their inability to respond properly come out on display rather than provoking them for its own sake.


    Thanks for the well-wishes, cutie.pie!

  11. Great background story. I hope your emotional work is a success. I'm such a fan of opals and the notes in this one sound outstanding.


    Just one thing, though: I don't think the link has posted properly and I'm keen to read it!

  12. Hi, folks. I need some advice. I'm after riling up some people I have to meet with for work. We contract them to deliver a service but we are not happy with them and the situation has become a major pain in the arse despite all efforts to make things go right. Unfortunately we are not yet at point where we can terminate the contract. I will be in a meeting with them to discuss some issues but we are actually hoping they will lose their cool and be sufficiently unhelpful/unprofessional that we can call them into a contractual compliance meeting and then start severing ties.


    Based on prior interactions it is possible that they will enter in defensive, shouty mode but we want to guarantee it. We need to remain polite and professional while quietly driving them to distraction so they behave badly enough for us to call said compliance meeting. I know the LP blends are meant to be helpful and not baneful, but I'm wondering if anyone has found a combo or dosage -- or even combined a harder phero with a bitchy intent -- to get people on the back foot.


    They are women, by the way. And thought my first thought would be Dom I've never had results that suggest people bristle when I wear it; it's totally smooth. This is great most of the time but not exactly for this situation. And I don't want them to just sit quietly and listen, either!


    Any ideas?



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