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Posts posted by donsie

  1. Anyone not getting the cherry in this DON'T FEAR! Mine is already coming out stronger and errrgh!!!!! This is aging already so frickin gloriously!!!' The lady at the cheese counter SWOONED. She loved it! I told her about Mara and the website and she was very excited about it all.

    Anyone who didn't get in on this might want to storm the Mara castle for yet another REBREW!!! I'd go for another bottle for sure.


    She did mention the possibility of a third brew if there was sufficient demand... if you're interested.

  2. Oh my goodness... This is what happened. I put the combo on before the mister got up, and when he rose and had his coffee on the sofa, I snuggled very close. 20 minutes later we were back in bed, where he took extremely good care of me, an hour later we took the bus to town, giggling and laughing on the short ride, holding hands, then at a very nice store for gentlemens attire we bought two suits that he looked fabulous in. And Mr. Maroon who hates haggling over prices talked the store clerk into a discount! We had sushi afterwards, then he treated me to my favourite champagne in a day time bar. We went to another store that sells hand made marzipan bonbons and rode the bus home eating them. Now we are a bit exhausted and glad my mom just invited us for dinner, cause we're too tired to cook... We had such a blast! Fantastic combo to spend time with your fella.



    I think you've invented a perfect day potion.

  3. I am on an amateur salsa dance performance team with 8 other people. We have been rehearsing since August and will be performing throughout February and into March. We recently got accepted to perform at the Chicago Salsa Congress in a couple of weeks which is exciting and very nerve-racking. I also have the added pressure of being chosen team captain and dealing with all the responsibilities that it involves.


    I have performed on a limited basis before. (I am the only one on the team that has, so this is everyone else's first time.) I love it but I get so nervous to the point where I start to shake. I need something that will help to calm my nerves but keep me sharp and focused ( and hopefully rub off on everyone else). I was originally thinking of using Leather which is my go-to for getting things done, but I'm worried that it will amplify my nerves. When I'm anxious, I usually grab Balm Bomb, but that makes me drowsy and I definitely don't want that.


    Also, my dance partner and I have been struggling with the ending. It is a complicated trick move which we have done successfully many times before. But lately it seems to be falling apart and we are loosing the connection we need to execute the move correctly. We both know what the issues are but it seems to be more of a mental hurdle to get over.


    Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



    Have you tried Mega Watt?



    Good luck!

  4. Sooo, Mr. Maroon is going away on a long business trip, and is busy with preparations and what not. Also has been grouchy lately and I feel very much underappreciated. I know there is love, but it's not showing right now. So I decided to do a little number on him today: Gotcha, a healthy dose of cops and DHEAS is what I plan to put on for the weekend before he takes off. Will report later...



    Oh, yes, do tell. Sounds like a potent combination!

  5. Yes Audacious is available still. It's one Mara can make pretty easily.


    As for Gotcha it is not really supposed to be disinhibiting for the wearer. It's more for the target. To get him to drop his guard and act on romantic feelings he may be holding back.


    Thanks phergineer and halo.


    Just chiming in to add that Gotcha certainly isn't disinhibiting on me in itself but my gosh does it achieve this on the people around me; when they let down their guard it becomes easy to be swept along. So, it doesn't do it by the phero alone, but by creating an intimate atmosphere Gotcha has the potential to get both wearer and target to open up to one another if the wearer is so inclined.

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