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Posts posted by donsie

  1. It might be an acquired taste... I mean, smell. ;) I have not been initiated in the fairy cupcake sisterhood either. Nor the dirty honey or dark sexy scents one. :)

    In my still newbie opinion, there is a certain progression to liking LP scents.


    Ah, now, the dirty honey sisterhood is one I can recommend completely! I am only a dark sexy acolyte.


    LOL donsie!


    Hmmm, interesting theory, Phergineer! Perhaps someday we'll want to smell like cupcakes, too! For now I'd rather eat them. :D


    Ah, yes, I may not always want them on my skin but they are always welcome on a plate!


    Exactly, and that's why Mara makes such a wide range of scents. She's an inclusive artisan. :D


    And she's also a pro at crafting potions that change our minds about notes we think we don't like!


    Huzzah!! Like what you like. Be yourself.. there's something for everyone :D


    Yes! And if you get stuck there are PEs!

  2. Ha, weddings and 30th birthdays! I am flying on my birthday (6 May, cutie.pie) to get to my sister's wedding, so mine is also going to be under the radar. I'm hoping I can use this to wangle extra LP prezzies from pitying family!


    Happy pre-30th! Take a day off at least and celebrate. It only happens once!


    Happy pre-30th to you, too, cutie.pie!


    Sorry to hear you missed out on PF, Lainey. Crumbs!

  3. Donsie! That sounds impressive! I wish you the will power to hold out :D


    My husband is asking for another FB spray of Voracious and has surprised me by asking for a FB spray of Mark's Girl Nip as well :w00t: For Dark Desires, he has decided he's not fond of the oils. I can convert a Dark Desires with one of LPs conversion spray kits, but I REALLY want the bottle labeled so I'll probably just buy the spray and keep the oils as back up bottles ^_^ How exciting! 3 items specifically just for him!


    Aw, thanks. I'm sure I can hold out, I just hope I won't have to be sensible and downsize my birthday order! Hope you get your husband's label sorted!

  4. Oh, sounds great, Lainey. I think we like some of the same things, so your review means I might have to get a sample of this one if it is still available when I place my next order.

  5. I'm not sure the phero does much for me because I've been wearing this one for the scent alone. I want a bottle, I think, but I'm not sure how the phero will work in public as I haven't tried it thus. I guess I'll have to experiment a bit before I decide. If it makes me come across as one of the boys I might get invited to the men's choir curry nights, though. It would be worth it.

  6. I am going to make a big order in April because I'll be visiting the States so yay free shipping! It's my 30th birthday then, too, so I'm hoping I'll get lots of gift certs to use. I'll probably just get little bits from among NRs until then and save the FBs for my big order. I'm sitting in anticipation of future NRs right now in case they are spell potions, but I have a running list of what I plan to get from the permanent collection for my big order. I'm pretty sure I want FBs of BAM and LAM Sandalwood and Resins, Phero Girl, and Rocket Fuel. Probably also getting OCCO Gold and maybe Blue. Oh, and I need Sugared Ginger because my face is on it. And I might even get some Uns; if I have enough birthday money I think I'll get a wildcard Un spray of something I want to try that way but am not 100% works. There's always the trade threads!


    I know, right!? It does that! When I look at the ingredients I'm baffled because they're not my thing at all. I'm thinking maybe it's the tobacco? I want to try a few other scents with tobacco as a note to see if that's it.


    I loved the look of the notes but the first couple of time I applied I didn't think it was that great -- nice but nothing special. Then I tried it a third time and fell in love!

  8. To me, it's not a bedtime scent (nighttime, yes, but not for sleeping). On the contrary, it gives me a very "awake" vibe. Like I want to go running barefoot through a moonlit forest near a lake.


    Yes, a perfect description! I'm glad you liked it!

  9. It's odd, I don't get any berries from this at all - or anything else edible, for that matter.


    It's a bright, steel kind of scent; very watery and ozone-y and very very clean without getting soapy.


    This is my experience. I like it a lot, though. I like it better than River Song, which I find much sweeter and with more pronounced berries. I get very crisp florals, cucumber, and maile. It reminds me a bit of high-end haircare products; it smells fresh and clean but with a touch of sweetness to keep it gentle. I might need a sample bottle because I don't think a sniffy will be enough.


    ETA: one hour in and I think I can detect some very, very subtle blueberry

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