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Posts posted by Lainey

  1. On 4/8/2018 at 11:35 AM, Lainey said:

    It's okay; it will be good for those times when I need a more gentle, loving approach. :)


    Did I call it or what? I've just put this one on and I'm really digging it tonight. It's so soft and sweet and caring. 


    Um, it's sold out, right? :/  Ahhhh, it's not! Do I need it? Can I afford it? Can I afford not to get it? I have so many questions...

  2. 5 minutes ago, Vicki Lee said:

    OMG I heard! I have a friend who lives in Edmonton and she has snow out there too! ? I was like what?! I think it’s all these crazy hurricanes coming together there’s currently like 9 forming as we speak. Global warming is crazy man. 


    I'm in Calgary, so I guess it moved down here. 

    There are 9 hurricanes forming!? I only heard of the one...I forget what it's called. Florence? I think?


    It's not super odd to get snow in September here, tbh. I mean, I would rather we didn't, but we do on occasion. My pool's still up in the backyard. ?

  3. 12 hours ago, Vicki Lee said:

    I came to this community like late summer so I feel you... I really feel like buying up all the summer and spring scents and sticking with those haha. Or during the fall scent releases mess with the UN Pheros and some of the regular LP perfumes. ? This will be my first time seeing fall/Halloween releases... I’ll look and let others test, I might try a scent or too. But I’m not ready to let go. *Crys in spring time baby* ?


    It is now snowing where I live, so I feel like the universe is out to get me and is trying to pry me away from summer. :cry:

  4. *clings to summer with vise grip*


    I'm curious about the 'Weenies, but those are usually not my favourite scents (IMO, *&!# cinnamon and nutmeg and all other "pumpkin pie" type spices!). *sigh* Oh well, I should behave myself for awhile anyway. It's not like I don't have enough perfume to get me through several dozen lifetimes.

  5. 1 hour ago, Potion Master said:

    Maybe in the future, I'm sorry, right now my time is extremely limited. I am glad you like them! :)


    Understandable, but disappointing! They're sooo lovely! I don't even know which one I like best. I got four of the little bottles and now I'm worried I'm missing out. I think I got my faves, though (Sandal Musk, Cherry Tobac--I love this more than I would have expected), Orchid Zing, and Pineapple). 


    I should've maybe got Florale, too...

  6. 3 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

    Okay, I'm considering ordering exactly nothing, for a few months. I figure if getting the plastic sealing sleeve off my perfumes is becoming a chore, it's time to chillax. But I want to share a little hack I've figured out this week, regarding those oh-so-tricky little bottle sealers, I'm using a stitch ripper to get them off! If you don't have a stitch ripper, you need one anyway, if you've ever been irritated by a tag in an item of clothing , they're like $4 at sewing store or Amazon.


    Regarding your first sentence, that's adorable. How long have you been here now? Bwahahahahahahahaha! Have you done your second sale order yet? You know you want to...


    Regarding the rest, that's a good idea. I broke a thumbnail opening mine today and tbh, it kind of hurt.


    I m ordering, considering the following:


    1 bottle OCCO: Cherry Tobac---HOW DOES THIS EVEN SMELL THIS AMAZING!? I can't stop sniffing my arm in that spot (because I am trying ALL the OCCOs, sue me...I might have to go to the registry place today; I wonder how that will go with all my OCCOs everywhere?)


    11 bottle LP: Pink because now that I have discovered the beauty that is this, I have fallen in love and cannot live without her anymore.


    1 bottle OCCO: Pineapple because, even though I am currently mad at pineapple because the last time I ate it it made me really sick, I have to admit it smells fresh and bright and delightful on my arm.


    And for freebies: 1 bottle of Raspberry Chiffon and/or Supernatural (depending on my totals). 


    I was also considering a bottle of Evening Breeze, especially since they're getting low, but alas I am po' folk. Something's gotta give.


    11 minutes ago, Hildegerd said:

    I bought bottles of Empathy and True Confessions since they are going OOP.


    Wait, what? I knew about Empathy, and made my peace with it because I am pretty sure that MORE empathy is the LAST thing I need, but True Confessions? This one I did not know about.


    Oops, and I'm also considering a bottle of OCCO: Sandal Musk. 


    I'm considering so many things that I forgot what all I'm considering. 

  7. This one took me on a wild ride!!!


    First, in the vial I thought it smelled nice, but maybe a little plain, soI wasn't sure if it was for me. After I applied it, first my skin seemed to eat it and I thought it all but disappeared...but then it BLOOMED (I finally understand that term as applied to perfume!) and it was really lovely...for awhile. When the lovely bloom faded, it was kind of dusty-smelling and threatening to go plasticky (but it never did). Then it went nice again. Then it settled down into a nice, fruity skin scent. And then it disappeared. 


    So that was one of the most interesting ones I've tried, just for the different aspects I got out of it. If I could keep the "bloom" scent, I'd definitely get a bottle if there are any left. But I just don't know how to keep that. It's so pretty, though.

  8. Oh, lord have mercy! This goes SUPER wrong with my skin chemistry, unfortunately. 


    I had only a few drops left in my trial vial (it must have come like that--in a Trading Post purchase, not from Mara), so I used it up today. I wasn't sure about it in the vial. It wasn't bad, but there was something about it that I wasn't quite sure about. Sadly, on my skin, I think maybe I amped the cantaloupe to a nuclear level, because this turned into "fly-covered-cantaloupe-rinds-in-the-garbage." I had to spray my orange cantaloupe from Fruits & Passion on top of it to tone it down a bit (you wouldn't think it would work--adding MORE cantaloupe--but it seemed to). 


    Sooo, turns out this one was not for me, and it's probably best I only had a few drops. I hope whoever sent it to me (probably just for curiosity purposes; I can't remember anymore) got a good run out of it first.

  9. Well...this turns into straight-up candy on me, first off. Green? What green? No green to be found on my skin!


    It's okay, but not my favourite. But it might be living in the shadow of the LP: Pink I tried last night. 




    I took a nap and had a very sexy dream, and, uh, well let's just say I wasn't left hanging. I woke up wondering if that really happened (yes, yes it did). That NEVER happens to me. I have to wonder if LP: Green had anything to do with it, lol!

  10. I wasn't done, it turns out. I can't edit atm, so feel free to merge my ramblings.


    I looked at the other review thread for this, and I saw that there had been a lot of people saying this makes you fall in love with yourself, and I agree! It's really interesting that so many of us got that effect from it. 


    I also wanted to say that while this is pink, it's gently pink. It doesn't make you feel like you live in a candy factory. It's like the most magical pink buttercream icing, produced by fairies. Nothing harsh or "bakery-like" about it at all. Nothing that says, "chemicals." Just pure magic.

  11. I've had this for years now, as I think I got it as part of the Best Selling Sampler Set for Women, but somehow I haven't realized how delightful it is until last night! It's so pretty! I'm so glad it's part of the permanent collection!


    The thing I get from the description is basically like LP: Original with cotton candy sugars on top. Now, to me, cotton candy is not a good thing. I HATE cotton candy. I spent a day volunteering at a rodeo once, and my job was to make cotton candy. I came home with it in my nose, ears, hair, eyes...EVERYWHERE. I never want to see cotton candy again a day in my life, and I DEFINITELY don't want to eat it. I don't want to smell like it, either. 


    But this. This is so much more. It's warm, and cozy, and creamy, and sweet (but not cloying). It's a mood. It's nurturing. It makes me want to take care of myself. It reminds me that I deserve that, and I deserve to be cherished. It's like love in a bottle (or a vial in my case, but yes, now I need a bottle).

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