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Posts posted by goddesslynne

  1. Haven't offered it for sale yet, was just trying out the recipe. Wanted to see what everyone thought. I think if I offer it for sale, I might remove the shea butter and sub it out for a different kind of butter that doesn't crystallize, so the experience is smoother all-around. I love the mango butter, very soft. Might try some avocado butter or something - there's SO MANY gorgeous butters out there these days to play with, I lubs them!


    Mmmm, mango butter and avocado butter!! But I love the shea as well, and I didn't notice any crystals. Whatever you make, I will buy it!!

  2. Great, concise descriptions!!


    I'll add one more word about cops: I have found that just a tiny bit, and I mean rolling an inch or two at the most, brings me to a very womanly, loving place and doesn't seem to have the over-the-top sexual response. I can do this during the day with no problems. But, I'm 48 and perimen, so it's not too much for me. If you're young you'll want to do as Dolly advises and be very careful!

  3. Winter Dreams of the Goddess: a warm, sweet musky vanilla with a long, sexy smooch of Almond. Yummy sweet sugar to finish!


    Once again Mara has done it!! This is my favorite custom sugared that I've requested!! The Almond is most present when wet, during the dry-down it recedes and allows the amazing vanilla and musk to come forward. This is a beautiful, complex vanilla, rich and deeply fragrant. The musk has a sweetness that is hard to describe - lovely and deep! At a certain point I almost detect a bit of powder, then it's gone.


    12 hours later it still smells amazing!!

  4. Often the Cougar-style hits are related to more than just the use of the phero...additional congruence in the form of appearance and attitude are helpful as well. Many times if you're sending a particular chemical signature, but if a person looks at you and it doesn't add up in their mind then they might believe it's not coming from you at all.


    I've found this to be so true as well!! I always try to be at least 50% of what I "want" to be with pheros. So, if I'm using Cougar I need to be half-way there in my attitude and mood, then I let the pheros take me home!! But, this also means that there might be some question in my mind as to hits...is it me or the pheros? I'm ok with that, since I see pheros as a kind of fun icing on the cake!!


    AND, it's sort of a chicken and egg thing for me: Certain pheros, like Cougar and Leather, have self-effects for me, so the phero might be amping ME, and that's what people are responding to, not necessarily detecting or experiencing the phero itself.


    Truth is, I don't know and I don't care!! LOL!! I just love wearing the scents and pheros!!

  5. Well, I've got a bottle on order, and I was feeling generous yesterday, so I passed my sample on to a client! I had spritzed her in the room after a long conversation about LP, and she was so over-the-moon with the scent and the possibility of the effects that I decided that she needed my sample! I hope she had a wonderful night last night...and maybe we'll see her around here one of these days!

  6. Interesting...you would think that spraying them on would have much greater diffusion, and thus greater effects.


    My situation is that I work in a health care environment where fragrance is frowned upon, yet it is also an environment that can be greatly improved with the use of pheros. So of course I want them to have good impact, but at the same time I don't want to get in trouble for being too fragrance-y.


    I'm also in a bit of a scent-sensitive environment (though not as much as health care) and if I really want to be on the down-low I use a roll-on rather than a beta spray and apply in areas on my torso covered by my clothing. I still get some nice self-effects (depending on what I've chosen) and only those right up next to me can experience the scent.

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