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Posts posted by goddesslynne

  1. Thanks to you both! I too live in the south and with sprays it seems like as soon as I walk out of the house, I can't detect the scent anymore! And, after all, I buy scents because I like to smell 'em too! My SO has been out of town working for 6 weeks so I could probably smell like cow manure for the next week or so and he wouldn't mind.


    LOL at the bolded!! Polly, have you tried Jouir de??


    I just wanted to say, sometimes our nose "get used to" our scent, so it doesn't necessarily mean it's gone already. I love to use both a spray and an oil, sometimes I "cocktail" scents, sometimes I just carry the roll-on for a touch up and leave the spray at home, or vice/versa.

  2. LOL!

    I'm sorry, I hope everyone understands that I'm just poking fun at an archaic practice from hundreds of years ago with this potion. I am truly quite respectful of people's religious beliefs, but I also believe that there's no crime in having fun and laughing - I feel that worship isn't only about responsibility, it's also about finding joy within your faith.


    My family is a multi-faith conglomeration. I grew up going to Catholic Church, Reform Jewish Temples, and "vacationing" in Zen Buddhist retreats. (And by vacationing, I mean, little food, no noise, and lots of standing on your head). I think a lot of people probably assume that I'm a Wiccan, but I'm not. I'm a student of religious history, and if anything, consider myself a Pagan - I have a love of the balance of nature. And I find ritual of all kinds utterly fascinating. I really do enjoy it, and I think it's meant to be enjoyed, or what's the point. I mean no harm by poking fun.




    Just another thing I love about you!!

  3. Methinks I'm leaning towards 2 bottles unsniffed...just to be on the safe side LOL

    If this one is anywhere near as good as Constant Cravings it'll likely sell out before my order arrives in the UK... Can't risk that now can I?


    I think you may be on to something there!! Same with Native Soil...

  4. thanks for the welcome, all! I keep adding to my list of "want to try"s, but am trying to restrain until I see how the stuff I ordered works on me :666:

    Hey, Invidiana *wave* Happy Ending is one of the ones I'm most looking forward to. I'm hoping for a similar effect, at least.

    Calii, I just wrote down Love Potion Red, lol - I will add the Orignal, also :666:


    For now though, just wandering around the forum, and trying to learn the lingo.


    Welcome, Molls!!


    Don't forget LP Black!! MMMMMM, my fave of the bunch!!

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