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Posts posted by citrine

  1. This is super yummy!!! I applied it because I was craving for an allspice scent. It's perfect for fall, in a way it's uplifting and calming, not sure how to explain it. On my skin it is all about allspice and I love it.

  2. @Mister Pheromert Man, I admire you for all the steps you make before applying pheromones, I just spray and go, no peeling, lotion or tea... 


    When you say you wore OW, you mean UN or this Green Chai? You say you have something in spray and something in oil? 


    Frangrances enhanced with pheromones like Green Chai contain 333 mcg of pheromones and UNs have 1000 mcg. So if you mix that Green Chai with something else (especially if GC is in spray and that something else is in oil) you will make the pheromone weaker IMO (someone correct me please if I'm wrong!). 


    Honestly, if I were you I would buy UN pheromones and cover them with a fragrance. Or then you can mix them with a perfume oil.


    There are some pherotines left: https://lovepotionperfume.com/search?q=Pherotine


    They are UN pheromones but smaller and cheaper (they are available once a year).


    Yes, I do believe that pheromones work in a room with a lot of scents and yes, I would wear them in Douglas. However, you need to find your sweet spot. And I wouldn't mix them so much. And also, try testing them in a cafe or with your friends.


    Hope that helped!

  3. 6 hours ago, Mister Pheromert said:

    I want maybe buy PM Oil unsented and I want mix with my La Nuit de lhomme Fragrance.

    How can you mix a fragrance with pheromone oil? Conversely, I have learned that you can

    add 1ml (10%) perfume oil to a 10ml pheromone spray so that the unsented pheromone has

    a nice scent. But what does it look like if I want to drip pheromone oil into a 10ml fragrance?

    Is that also 10% or more?


    Here are some topics:




    But like @Eastwood22said, you can apply UN pheromone and then spray a fragrance of your choice over it.

  4. Thank you @Eve :love:


    I went with Altar of Venus with TH. I did feel super stressed, nervous and almost had a panic attack. Almost, but I didn't. I do believe TH helped.


    At the end, after some breef discussion it was postponed for November. But not before they called me names infront of the judge. But I was cool enough not to respond.


    I this that next time I'll go with SWS or MLH, that make me feel a bit more confident...

  5. Tomorrow I am testifying against my ex and his parents (they were charged for mentally and emotionally abusing my children). The judge is a female in her late 40s. Should I go with TH? Or maybe LFM? Or SWS maybe?

    TH puts me at ease, and I will be super stressed and nervous. But I also want to be confident. Help please

  6. I took this out of my vault, after being inspired by Luna's theme Drinks are on me! I reach for this when I'm craving a boozy scent that doesn't have pheromones like Pizzazz. It lime and alcohol on my skin, love, love, love! It's great for summer or when you wish it's summer :)

  7. I never really gave MLH a good try until yesterday when I went shopping with my teenagers, who are at the moment the smartest people they know and question my every opinion. Fun, huh? I applied this in Mommy's Little Monster and my kids were normal again LOL. They were nice, we agreed 90% the time. I did also apply some Peaceful home, which also probably helped. 

    It also effected me, I felt more in control, more active, didn't mind drying from one shopping centar to another one then back to the first one, then back to the second one. It was a nice day. I could also tell when it stopped working as I was telling them to clean up their room and they said that some old papers and empty bottles of water and dirty clothes on the floor doesn't mean that their room is a mess.


    I definitely need this!

  8. 40 minutes ago, Mister Pheromert said:

    I've read a lot about ghosting and diffusion and wrote down what I learned.

    I posted a question and I didn't get an answer. Which molecules can you

    overdose? I've read that you can overdose on alpha androstenols. An

    overdose of A1 can lead to depression; alpha molecules need congruence.



    So far I have OD'd on Lace and Open Windows (both have Alpha-Anddrostenol if I'm not mistaking). Lace gave me huge headaches and I was ghosted by people around me. Open Windows made me super sad when I OD'd.


    43 minutes ago, Mister Pheromert said:


    I have another topic

    The university will start again next month and when I'm in the lecture I

    want to socialize. If I sit next to someone 1-2 arm's length next to me in

    the lecture.


    1. Is Ali's Open Window better or Perfect Match or Ture Confession?

    2. Would pheromone sprays be too intrusive? I am considering wearing

    a pheromone oil.
    3. Do pheromone oils work below 20 degrees room temperature or do

    oils only work when it is very warm?

    4. How can I get good effects with oils not warm place?


    1. If you were a female, I would suggest Treasured hearts, but maybe go with Open Windows or Charisma?

    2. I prefer them in oil. Read these:



    3. In my experince, yes, they do work (at least they did for me) during colder weather.


    4. I always apply pheros and scents on my arms, so I really do not have a problem with them working. Winter or summer.


    Not sure if I helped, probably will someone else also pitch in.




  9. @Mister PheromertHave you read these topic yet?


    Also, read topics in here:




    I apply pheromones and fragrances on my lower arms, that's how I can enjoy both pheros and scents.


    The trick is to find your sweet spot, YMMV. Do one pheromone at the time, do not mix it with other fragrances (unless they're UN). If it helps, keep a journal of how much you have applied and where.


    I do not use pheromones other that from LPMP, so can't comment on that. But I wouldn't mix them. It's not that for instance Open Windows is pheromone A and Perfect Match is pheromone B and when you combine them you get AB, they are more complexed than that. Use just one pheromone at the time.


    Before ordering a fragrance, read the reviews. Most of the fragrances here are limited editions, once they are gone, they're gone. Try ordering samples first. 


    You can always order a UN pheromone and then cover it with a fragrance you like. Some pheromones will work better for you if you apply them UN, and some will work better in a fragrance. 


    There are amazing frangrances here, order samples so you can try them out. 


    I do not ask people if they like my perfume, what matters to me if I like it. That's way I apply it on my arms, I want to smell it myself mostly. And I love selfies from pheromones.


    Also, what I have learned is that sprays have better reach but oils are stronger and last longer, IMO. That's why I love fragrances in oil form.


    Sorry, I've probably went off topic. Anyway, use one pheromone at the time and take your time to find your sweet spot! Sometimes less is more.


    Good luck and have fun!


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