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Everything posted by SWBookworm

  1. No. It just means that you aren't soulmates, but are meant for each other for this lifetime or you aren't supposed to be together romantically in this lifetime but need to explore other parts of the complex whole that makes up a relationship. I don't think that in each lifetime you are with the same person/soul--what lessons would you learn from that? The potion is to help open the way and help manifest the possibilities but not force anything. It also might not manifest as a big bonk on the head too but may work slower and more steadily so if you don't get the big clue-by-four, don't worry.
  2. Whoo-whee!! Sounds like I've got another bottle for my list!! So here's my list so far (ever growing): Bottles: Neanderlicious Mr. Right Now Banishing Moon Evil in Carnation Ail's Vanilla Beth's Blushing Milkmaid 2 more of Jasmine/Oakmoss/Waterlilly Samples: Drac's Pink Pumpkin Witch Naughty on the Nile Love Salad JALN (when available): Romance in Bloom There's also been mention of pre-made blends and possibly some hoodoo blends as surprises. I think I need to ask for my birthday present early because I am SOOOO much going to be in trouble.
  3. Okay, I gotta know.... What's in Beth's Blushing Milkmaid??? Anyone, anyone, Bueller??
  4. I wouldn't expect anything you helped to create to be Traditional!!
  5. Yaaaaayyyyy! And my PE will be available! Love the art!! Jasmine, Oakmoss, and Waterlilly!!!! In addition to my PE: Neanderlicious, Mr. Right Now (4W), Evil In Carnation in full bottles for sure. Also leaning towards Drac's Pink Pumpkin WItch, Naughty on the Nile, Banishing Moon, and Love Salad in full bottles. Gotta get the JALNs when they come out too!
  6. I think it's a matter of the A-nol creates happy/sparkly/fireworks and the B-nol creates more content/snuggly/candlelight. That said, I'm pretty alpha-ish and I've noticed a bit of mellowing since I started wearing a lot of B-nol.
  7. Welcome to the Forum! A friend of mine gets the sneezles with certain scents and his wife insists on getting stuff from a large commercial organization and he it's like someone just dropped him in a vat of pepper! But he loves my perfume with nary a sneeze to be found.
  8. I had a visitor from the UK--a guy that I kind of knew but not really. I was doing a load of laundry and asked him if he wanted me to throw his pants in with the next batch. The dawning horror on his face was priceless. I do speak UK in addition to US and realized what the problem was relatively quickly and modified my question to mean his trousers. We spent the next week trying out idiomatic speech on each other so it turned out okay and still gives me a giggle.
  9. Can you actually imagine all of us BLAMming in the same room??
  10. I've got Orchid and Rose and Spicy Brown BAM that I'm going to layer with unscented BI. I might get some more LAM in either scent so I can BLAM with the best!
  11. I get the cops right when I put it on but they disappear after about 10 minutes. It happens with BAM and Tail and sometimes Cuddlebunny 2009. Lovin' all the sharin' of cops and love too!! What a GREAT place to be!
  12. Hey Ladies, I just put a bottle of Sexology up on my trading post! I'd given it to a friend and it didn't work for her so she very kindly gave it back so I could put it out for trade!
  13. Hey y'all! I just tried my new Fizzy Bath salts that I had custom-scented in Cuddlebunny 2009. Just like the other scented products, these salts had a LOT of scent added in. So, I was literally bathing in EST and Cops with my beloved Cuddlebunny scent all around me. It wafted through the house and made a very nice atmosphere for the evening.
  14. Got mine today! WOW!!! I'm going to give the little bottle to my best friend. The Legacy Edition has the scroll with the chant and everything. It's totally lovely!
  15. I should get mine either today or tomorrow as well! Can't say how excited I am!!!
  16. That's the great part (also true with Tail and Liquid Magix). Loving the LAM and BAM series!
  17. I'm totally a BAM girl. I think too much A-nol makes me a bit hyper, and not in a good way. I'm loving the orchid rose and am looking forward to the spicy sugar split from Djac. Still have to be super cautious with scents since my Guy is sensitive, but I just can't help myself! Most of my amped bottles are B-nol heavy--I just put them on the back of my neck and on my tummy so they're not in my face all day.
  18. I'm loving it too much. I'll just have to reapply early and often.... Maybe a nice shea butter lotion scented with Tail for layering.... Hmmmmmmm..... :emot25:
  19. My skin absolutely ate this one too. Loved it while it lasted. It was interesting that I couldn't smell the EoW after it faded. To me that's a win/win as long as the EoW is doing its work. Tail is a Stealth delivery system for massive amounts of cops.
  20. Great review!! I'm somewhat jealous though since you already have your order!! I've got some custom bath products in mine which are probably holding up the process (but TOTALLY worth it).
  21. I got a full bottle of Tail and BAM (orchid and rose). Going with a sample of Money Honey. Then I'm getting the Legacy Edition of Remind Me Again, which is just TOOOO cool for words. And I think I need to break down and buy a scent locket.
  22. I use Kiss my Face liquid in patchouli. If I put it on every 12 hours, it works fine.
  23. I'm generally not a big fan of ginger either, but I thought I'd take a chance! The other notes looked so lovely!
  24. Liquid Magix one of the few that I ordered, unsmelled in a full bottle. It sounded intriguing!
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