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Posts posted by cheeseburger79

  1. This is doll all the way BV! I think you should go for it. I did an order this month, but maybe I'll get this next month before the sale ends. I forgot all about this one, so thanks for pulling it up! It definetly has that Shiny & New plastic overtone.

    I'll test berry again too while we're at it. Hang on BV, I'll be back in a sec!

    ETA: I'm going to have to test berry tonight. I have to go to class and some stuff came up earlier.

  2. I've been on a real Violet kick lately. They are just so powdery usually and I lovvve that quality in a scent! Iris is like that too. Mm! I waffled between this and Violet Fairy Cake, then tried the FC sample and though it's gorgeous, it's very short lived.

    So I now have this coming as part of my sale order! Yay!

    I will review it once it gets here. So excited! If anyone else has sillage or longevity comments, throw em out there and make me more excited than I already am.!

  3. Haha! Thanks Halo! That's sort of the one I was leaning toward, only because Spring Fever seems like a light scent, and my other choices do too. I do LOVE Le Wiz's scents, but I've got Shangri La in the lineup so at least I have one of his.

    The reason I was waffling is cause Spring Fever is LE and Noco isn't, but you know what? I've wanted Noco Black since LAST YEARS sale! I love OCCO Black but really don't dig cops. I can smell em no matter what.

    So I'll go for it! Thanks Halo!

    ETA: Hiiiii MDC! Long time! How you doin?

  4. How's the longevity and throw on this one? I'm intrigued..but I have Sand Witch and she's a power house. I dig that. How different is this?

  5. It's lovely Stacy. Bright and sweet. It's not at all soft till it wears a couple hours, but that's how I like em.

    Longevity is great for a citrus. I had been contemplating between this and Lemon Fairy Cake, but Fairy Cake had pretty short lasting power. I'm glad I went with this! It does remind me of Love's Fresh Lemon in the drydown. Very nice! Layers great with strawberry and rose. Brings shine to whatever you blend it with! :)

  6. It's sort of musky and sweetish/salty. It's an Animalic musk note, but still a semi clean one. Not skanky like say, civet. I dig it! It definetly works here. If I could make this scent louder, I would order it too! But I'm a weirdo like that. I dig stuff like Poison and Giorgio. If you like softer wearing scents, I say go for it!

  7. Since this is in the freebie list for the sale, I figured I'd give it a quick review from a girls perspective, in case someone is eyeing it. :)

    I like this, but it's not at all what I expected. I have come to the conclusion that it's Copal which smells like brand new school textbooks to me, because this opens with that smell, just as Espiritual does and they are both really Copal heavy scents. It's a neat opening. It brings a wave of nostalgia, like I'm back in elementary school with a hinge lid desk full of new books, and when I open the lid the smell of glossy paper, shiny cardboard and contact paper( a vinyl like note) comes wafting out.

    After about twenty minutes, this recedes. I get a bit of frankincense, but it's not being burned. It's a bit salty from the ambergris, and dusty from dragons blood and the patch has almost a leathery quality.

    It evokes smoke because it's a diaphanous scent. Very sheer, and that's where it's different from what I expected. I thought these notes would make quite a power house, but it's not that. It dies down to a skin scent within a half hour and that's where it loses me. I really enjoy the smell of this, just wish it was more intense.

    It does have a bit of magic to it though. A power. I imagine you could use it for ritual work as an ancestor oil. Definetly on the male tilt of the unisex spectrum, but I'm sure ladies would dig it too. It's comforting and soft incense. But for me, I have Espiritual for this sort of vibe which is stronger in general.

  8. Ha, so this scent is 8 years old. Whose counting? It smells as fresh as day one. I've been getting this weird craving for white flowers lately. I'm digging big tuberose, big Lily's and Liz Taylor's favorite; Big Gardenia!

    This is a beaut. It's very heady and humid. You can smell the muggy moisture in the air as these ripe flowers release they're essential oils in the heat. There's not a breeze to be found and the nighttime is barely a drop of relief from the heat of the day. You can hear the cicadas buzzing..it's a sweltering night down South.

    This is not green. It's a bit sweet and wet. Very big sillage, very lasting. The magnolia is an afterthought, it's all about the gardenia. There is something else to it too, maybe the aforementioned 'southern spice' but it doesn't smell like spice to me..maybe a bare hint of fruit, like honeydew. Or even tuberose in its grape bubblegum glory. Whatever it is, it's working.

    I don't get the craving for scents like this too often, but this certainly fits the bill when I do.

    Most of all, it is evocative of a hot plantation garden in another age. An age before air conditioning or tv. It's sitting on the porch after unlacing your corset, breathing a sigh of relief as the sweat rolls down your glass of sweet tea. It's very good. Happy to have hung onto this one.

  9. I just read what Stacy wrote and I agree whole heartedly. She said what I was trying to say, but more sensibly.

    I know you can't control anyone and make them get help. I wish. I have been to alanon a few times over because I needed it.

    What you can do is control yourself. You can remove yourself from the situation and hopefully it causes the person to seek help. I'm not saying that's nessecarily what's right for ck, but that's what we learn in treatment. You can't fix others, only yourself. And if you remove your 'assistance' you hope for a rock bottom of sorts, just like with an alcoholic. You stop enabling behavior in the hopes it causes a positive change.

  10. Hi CK. No problem. I hope you didn't think I was being too harsh..I have just been down that line with a couple different men and it's so hard sometimes. I don't want you to

    ever feel like you can't tell us things on this forum. I just know, that when you joined up here, you were having problems with him, and you are still. And it's so tough to get hopeful and see a change occur, only to realize over and over its just another hill on the roller coaster. I guess I was just trying to spare you from that in my way..I sure didn't mean to offend anyone, it was just my personal experience.

    I also didn't know you were clergy. Yeah, your definetly equipped then, to help counsel people in need. I also didn't know he was in his 50's. Definetly set in his ways by now I imagine. Too bad he's got such a bad phobia about treatment. I guess you might be the only therapy he gets then. ..ah, hey. You love this guy, obviously. It sounds like in your situation, your doing the right thing. It's lucky you have breaks though, and a great husband to help smooth stuff out. Just take care of yourself, that's all.

    At least addiction isn't involved. It is what happened to me when I had panic attacks and such some years back, and treatment was my way clear. My best friend didn't get help and he died of a heroin overdose. He was my fiancé at one point, but came out of the closet to me a couple years after we broke up. We stayed friends through all of it, and like you I had that cosmic bond thing with him( you don't sound crazy!), we could finish each other's sentences, and if something was wrong in the other ones life, we just KNEW, and would call each other up and say 'ok, somethings up, what's wrong?". We had the same sense of humor..hell we even sort of looked alike. I miss him every day. When he was manic, geez he was fun. Life of the party, you know? But the depression was bad. The swings were severe, and for years man, at least 12 years I did what your doing now. Played the savior, over and over.

    The last two years of his life he went to heroin and we drifted apart a bit. We still talked, but I stopped partying and he didn't. He found other people to enable the lifestyle, I couldn't do it anymore. We still saw each other occasionally if he was sober, but not nearly as much as we had before.

    And did it hurt any less that I pulled away? In the end, no. I was devastated. I wondered if I could have saved him if I'd been around more. I had a lot of guilt, and an empty space that no one can ever fill. So I can't tell you that pulling away will save your heart. But at least your story is different than mine. Eddie had a lot more issues than this guy does I guess, or at least different ones. I just wish I would have pushed therapy at him more than I did, back when I still could.

    Sorry for the rambling CK. I went back in time a little bit for a second. Anyways, I wish you all the luck on earth, and him as well. Like I said, at least drugs aren't involved, so you have that going for you.

    Just take care of yourself, and see if there's someone who can share the load with you, you know? Maybe your husband can help talk to him, or a sister or friend. Good luck. Much love to you guys, and God bless. :)

  11. I don't think that's what I'm doing here Halo. In HER case that is happening. She's been talking about how draining he is for a year. In MY case, that's what happened too.

    I have an anxiety disorder and mild OCD which was much worse as a kid. I need therapy too, and I have a therapist. In the past though, it really did save my ass. And my untreated friend died. I'm not stereotyping anyone, but I'm saying he needs treatment. Right now he's using CK as his pseudo shrink, and that's not fair to her. I've been there. Twice. Maybe you are an exception, but it isn't a picnic trying to help someone who won't help themselves, and in this guys case, I really think he needs a professional. He is exhausting HER. And this same thing has exhausted ME.

    I don't feel at any point that I boxed in 'all mentally ill people'. I stand by what I said about treatment though. He needs it. And a lot of mentally ill people who could benefit from it go unhelped because of STIGMA. I'm sorry if you thought I meant everyone, but yes it can be very draining on the people who love someone bipolar. I'm not saying they aren't good people. I'm not saying it isn't worth loving them. But when you get to the point where you are drained and beginning to resent them, and they won't get help, it's time to cut the cord. Would you stay with an active alcoholic that didn't get help? If it was wearing you down?

    All I'm saying is, it's an illness. So is addiction. So is cancer. When your sick you go to the doctor. And if someone I love had cancer and didn't go to the doctor, I would find it ridiculous. Wouldn't you? How is mental illness any different?

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