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Posts posted by cinnamonmel

  1. I wouldn't say that no man wears 'women's' scents. I know a few men who do wear commercial female perfumes and if you read reviews on fragrantica, there are a lot of men wearing what are marketed as women's perfumes! My bf wears the unisex Velvet Moss a lot, and likes Ail's Voluptuous Vanilla! Personally, perfume is all art to me and I won't be constrained by gender specific marketing. A married couple I know have completely opposite tastes, her favourite is Fenric Wolf (which could be stereotyped as masculine) by bpal, whereas her husband adores florals. I like most perfume genres, but my bf likes the sweeter end of the market. So, I don't think it's always as clear cut as men's and women's scents.

  2. Lavender bakery type. Zucchini bread. Lavender vanilla.

    Yes! Purple puff type with balm bomb pleeeaaase!

    I also *ADORE* the winter woody scent with alpha/beta.

    I love the banana bread scent and caramel apple and the chocolate g2 one :)


    As for new ideas, blueberry pie?

    a chocolate-espresso scent, or something chocolate mint?

    bread and strawberry jam?

    A bedtime melt, something like pillow stuffing or essential bliss?

    Ice cream sundae-vanilla ice cream and marshmallow fluff with a chocolate sauce, or the same with peaches?

    Cinnamon-peach crumble?

    Vanilla mint? As simple as it is, this is one of my fave candle scents.

    Pinky pink-pink :) pink sugary bubblegummy pinkness.



    Okay, I'm done!


    Omg violet!! Chocolate violet creams! That would be amazing!!



    And! What if you had a kind of sugared line? Marshmallow or vanilla (and other) base melts with pheros in and then single scent wax chips or melts without phero to add extra scent in? A mix up personalised combo thing?!


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