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Posts posted by cinnamonmel

  1. BG, I'm glad you bumped this thread. I almost feel like I need to reread this entire forum with single eyes, lol. I've noticed that weird push/pull thing from men. Like they're interested until I give them a shot...effing weird. The more I pull I way though.....~sigh.~ (To the tune of Let It Go) being-single-never-bothered-me-anywaaaaaaay!

    All this gets explained in the commitmentphobic man book. It's classic. These are the guys I learned to sidestep before we even went on a date some of the time. It's so worth reading.



    Donsie - there's been at least two versions of mrf to my knowledge, I think one was sexology. Are you sure your mrf has super sexy?

  2. Beach goddess, I'm pretty tired so I'll keep this short: the idea behind the four man plan is definitely not to date intimately, that's why you have more than one man. The idea is you don't get intimate until you've narrowed them down. I'd recommend getting the book, it's easier to follow. I'd also recommend Men who can't love: the Commitmentphobic man. It taught me a huge amount.


    After all my reading, I met my bf and we're settled together and have a baby. We've been together for two years now. Take hold lightly of any dates is my advice. If it's meant to happen, it will.


    Eta: the guy I mentioned above-I NEVER saw again. I've said before that perfect match is the perfect date scent as it scares to death the commitmentphobes. Then you never see hide nor hair of them again, this saving yourself long and protracted agony of finding out later on. I think the danger of wearing anything with a more sexy vibe is that you get guys who just see you as a good time girl and want to dick you around.

  3. Knowing bf was having a hard time tonight, I put a little of this on him. Later he asked what it was and said it really helped. I find this better even than straight balm bomb, the scent is so soothing. This is my go to perfume for grief. Thank you, again, for making this. It's seen me through some hard times and if it helps bf too, then it's amazing. It fits the name so well.

  4. My observation with the three has been that bb makes me very much calmer when I'm stressed, balm bb is good for when you're upset and crying, but b2 is more social in effect. I also have PTSD and am resistant to sedation. When having my teeth out they told me that they gave me double what they normally use.

    Do you take vitamin d3? I've found that this helps me a lot where depression is concerned, I need loads, I take 10,000 iu capsules, if I take them everyday I'm pretty good. If I forget I take three for a few days and the difference is amazing. I also take magnesium which improves my sleep and makes me less nervy.

  5. I agree cutie pie. I've been in that situation also. My ex was always 'well it wouldn't bother ME'. Totally irrelevant!! The pint is that these things bothered ME, and in this case, YOU and they do not care. This seems the crux of the matter. My ex would tell me ' just stop being bothered by it'. What a complete dick he was. I thought in time I could get him to see my side, we'd make things work etc...

    It honestly took reading the book I suggested to see how things becoming unworkable wasn't my fault, and this was way after we broke up! Commitmentphobics get married, it's not as simple as them just not getting involved.


    Promises not kept, feelings left unconsidered, constant blame, YOU are the problem being so introverted/antisocial, whatever, it all adds up to a whole load of disrespect and if it were me, knowing what I know now, I'd be running for the hills.

    Sorry if this is upsetting but I just hate to see someone treated like this. Respect goes both ways in a good relationship, it has to for things to work. I only see you bending over for him.

  6. Just a nudge - if you want to earn some more forum credits to spend on these goodies, we have just added a ton of new stuff on Amazon and they need reviews.

    5 Amazon reviews = 100 post boost over here, and that = a $5 store credit!


    Here's the link that explains all....


    Post in that thread to receive your boost.





    Amazing!!! I reviewed three things the other day actually but didn't get around to posting in the thread. I'll go write some more!


    I love the labels. I'm going to get samplers at the very least for bf and me. Can't wait to hear the notes!!!! Seriously, this is the most exciting bit of my evening so far

  7. Is this anything like Ail's voluptuous vanilla? Bf had that on today, and oh my goodness, couldn't keep my hands off him, I just wanted to snuggle him constantly. we only have a sample though... Wondering if this'd work the same?

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