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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. I wore this last night for bed and fell asleep immediately and slept really hard. This happened once before but I thought it was a fluke so didn't mention it. It is very comforting to me - the combo of the type of vanilla and the smoke maybe? - and with just the little bit of aging it has already gotten mellower/quieter and more blended (before, I could pick up the individual notes more distinctly). It rides very close and definitely does that "oh I just smell like this" thing. I agree the smoke has come out a bit more and I do love smoke. Delightful

  2. teddy saved my life last night, sugar bear


    was having one of my delightful bouts of insomnia...anxiety in anticipation of having two really important meetings today. Stared at ceiling for HOURS, mind tazmanian-deviling all over the place, getting madder and madder. Then finally dawned on me to teddy myself ... I had put all my teddy in a different place away from bedside table and forgot all about it. Swiped generously under my nose, was asleep within five minutes. Got a few hours, which was infinity percent more than I'd have gotten otherwise, AND it was deep and heavy and high quality. Can't be without this.

  3. I grabbed what I thought was Pink Elf on my way out the door. Put it on at work and was very confused by its dirtiness. Went to a meeting with someone who is very smart and normally exceptionally articulate but was discombobulated to the point of not being able to complete sentences, getting very flustered, and repeatedly stammering "What why - why - can't I *THINK*!!" and staring bug-eyed at me. Finally got back to desk, checked the sample and saw it was this, and was like oh, well that explains it :D but it is drying down so nice that I can't bear to scrub it off.


    Although bang! is 100000% my jam I had been hesitating to try this due to the FLASHING RED LIGHT LOUD BEEPING smutty-honey / dark-resins alarms set off by the description and these reviews, esp the death word CIVET. But I got a sample anyway mainly because of hearts' " sexy little honey bee with a trail of pink glitter following me" statement (which I need a gif for btw).


    Wet, it was VERY VERY BAD WICKED NAUGHTY ZOOT on me. Like, dirtier than SLF. It was a pink, several-notches-smuttier Pherogirl. It very quickly settled down though - the civet, I assume - like less than 5 minutes - and it was a pink elf pherogirl. Now, about 4 hours in, it is a darker opaque pink down-n-dirty musk. Its evolution is fascinating and I love the through-thread of VA VA VOOM.

  4. This wasn't high on my radar, not being a big fan of lemon usually, til I saw it being noted as a favorite of the month, and the intriguing variety in the above reviews. I put it on and it was instant love. It is the first thing with Aja that I unreservedly loved at the first moment. Though I know a thing by definition can't be 'more' or 'less' unique than anything else, if it could, this would be even more unique than the usual uniqueness of LPs :) Its vibe is high-end and grown-up and delicious. It is sunflower-yellow and cheerful and very daytime-feeling on me. It also sometimes made me think of L'Occitane, probably because they have a verbena that this was reminding me of, but I like this MUCH!! more. The Aja was not detectable to my nose, but was probably what was giving it a purring undertone.


    All that was wet and drying down. In later and very late drydown the tea came out more and started reminding me of things like Port Jolie, and in the very end it was just the Aja hanging on as is her wont. Even then I like it better than in anything else I've tried it in.

  5. As Mara described it: "cocoa butter and coconut cream, blended with dark (almost boozy) red rose attar and warmed with a dash of "Cougar" musk" ...


    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm this is so delicious....at this age the cocoa butter and coco cream are together giving a unified impression of buttercream frosting, except that it is not very sweet; it is wonderfully light, like whipped butter as opposed to a pat or brick of butter. Imagine the ribbons of strawberry jam swirled into the french vanilla of strawberry swirl ice cream - that's how this rose is to the frosting -- a jammy mellow dark red rose swirled in. I predict that with aging they will all melt and smoosh together even more and turn into a uniformly creamy opaque very dark pink, but for now I am loving how the boozy rose dances in and out of the butteriness. I expected my nose to infer some bourbon vanilla but it doesn't. The musk is light and flirty! I'm off to slather more.

  6. With a bit of aging this has become less booming at the outset (not that I minded that), BUT just lasts absolutely FOREVER. I've had it on for over 8 hours and it still smells nearly as strong as when I put it on. The honeysuckle is quite a bit more prominent vs the other notes, compared to my nose's memory of when it was new.


    ETA I've dabbed some LV pussycat on top and it is glorious

  7. Errrr I just looked at my bottle for the first time in a long time -- and it is really dark - almost black! ?????? I put it on and it smells about the same as I recall, though much lighter. Anyone else's bottle turn dark?


    oo wait a minute, spark in the DARK ... ooooOOOOOOoooooOOOOooooooOO

  8. I wonder if something went amiss with my sample because it is PEEEEEENK. Pointily pink, like Pom Pom Om Nom Nom Nom or whatever the name was, too lazy to check. And candied lemon peel. It has an edge. Highly bizarre

  9. hey PPB, are you in the US? If so I'd like to send you a little welcome packet of stuff. If you're interested please contact CS for an email exchange. See here for more info.

  10. OMMMM nomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom.

    Even though it says MAPLE, I persistently expected this might be like an orange Kittenish, or else like candied oranges covered in goopy opaque caramel. It's neither! It's super translucent to the point of almost being clear. It's light. It's REFRESHING. The commercial for it would be shot from a very low angle and be full of people grinning and holding hands and jumping around in the spring sunlight in a meadow. It's super thin FRESH ripe orange slices and a really light, not overly sweet caramel. It doesn't read as maple to me at all. Just a "light spring caramel" the way "light spring honey" is to other types of honey. Kids would flip for it. This would be the best scent for a shower gel or shampoo, ever. It faded really fast on me but again I think that's my dry skin's fault.

  11. My experience of this scent is word-for-word same as Halo's. Consider it copied & pasted here :) That mounds bar thing is pretty fantastic. It did fade on me relatively quickly but everything seems to be these days... probably not drinking enough water.

  12. YAYAYAYAYAYAY so happy you like it! I have been wearing it more or less nonstop since getting it :) Got stopped on the street by someone who asked what it was!!


    Oh and yeah I can't believe how well it covers CB. Both the cops cheese and the EST swingset-pole. I can't think of anything else I've smooshed it with that covered it so fast and so well. I wouldn't have expected that from either the notes or the smell of the blend itself, but so it is.

  13. o noes...vintage musk did NOT work on/for me, so anything resembling it is not likely to be my friend :'( Mara can I trouble you to un-save mine.... sorry for the inconvenience.


    If by some wild chance you unexpectedly find some more of my eternal summer lingering in the bottom of the cauldron, though...??? :D :drool:


    I'm dying to hear how honeyed blackberry is.

  14. I asked for suntan lotion coconut, the steamy bikini smoked sugarcane, scented Cougar musk, and a pinch of salt, to help extend the precious beachy feelings of summer as the days grows shorter and colder.


    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! This is one of those that smells well aged already - super smooth and harmoniously blended, with no one note dominating.


    I know I asked for a suntan lotion coconut, and yes it's recognizably coconut, but I'm so glad Mara didn't go as hog wild with the suntan lotion-y-ness as my imagination-nose. The coconut's texture is like a whipped lotion, rich and fatty but fluffy. The sugarcane isn't too smoky - bit less so than in steamy bikini, to my nose. The musk is just doing its beautiful quietly sexy confident holding-everything-together-in-the-background-and-don't-have-to-be-showy-about-it thing. It's the bass player of the scent :)


    The overall vibe is so warm and snuggly. It's "not sweaty tired gross end of the day at the beach". It's "wrapped in a flannel blanket over your swimsuit and coverup in front of the bonfire at the beach". I kept thinking "peaceful".


    Wet, it has a similar feel to Johnson's baby lotion of all things-- doesn't smell ANYTHING like it, just that feeling. Through drydown it stays relatively the same, other than being even more velvety during the middle parts.


    In late drydown - and I mean this as the highest compliment - the feeling of the smell (NOT the actual smell) reminds me more than anything of burying my face in the fur of a very clean warm fluffy blond dog. That crazy endorphin-spiking feeling and smell. So yeah, this scent is just amazingly warm and happy-making. It's addictive.


    It covered CB instantly and completely!!!! I may make a small bottle mix. Yum, yum.

  15. you guys there are no words for how amazingly this is aging. IT'S SO GOOD. It's mellower, less 'hot' than I remember, even sweeter. The amber has gotten all chewy and taffy-like. unfffff g nrom snorfle

  16. Welcome! I suggest trying EVERYTHING on your skin - and I mean everything - no matter how much you think you'll hate it. 5+ years in and I'm still often surprised at how I end up loving things that I was SURE would not. They smell different on vs. in the bottle or vial.

    AND once you've got it on, wait a little while to see how it evolves.


    Are you in the US? If so, I'd like to send you a little welcome packet - please feel free to email me (address in my profile) ...

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