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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. WHAT THE FROG!!!! I have not been wearing pheros much lately for various reasons. Today on a whim I had put on velvet kisses a while before seeing a group of people I'm working on a project with, who all already knew each from before and I'm the only new person. It's intense and stressful and a type of situation that is "naturally" cliquey. Some people were friendly enough before but you kind of had to be the one to do all the work. Well I walked in a little late and sat apart because they were all working on something and one by one they all came over like moths to flame and surrounded me and were competing, and I mean like at escalating speaking volumes and shoving in front of each other, to compliment me on my dress (which they've seen me in before), various aspects of my appearance, even my freaking choice of the ginger ale I was drinking. Straight and gay girls and guys. It was pretty uncomfortable honestly. It was so bizarre (vs past interactions) and extreme that before I remembered I was wearing CB I seriously wondered if it was some kind of CARRIE-like prank. I can only assume they all happen to be soft hearted EST super-responders.


    I'm continually amazed by how multi purpose so many of these blends can be

  2. I think I love green musk but for some reason whenever I have anything with a lot of it (eg Lucky in Love), even though I love it when I put it on, it just ends up sitting there forever unloved. The white musk must have stood out on me with this scent more than the green, as this one, the one in scented Cougar, and the one in my musk/peony/plum are my all time favorite LP musks, and they're all white. I'm gonna dig this one up from wherever it's hiding tonight (all my LPs are still frustratingly boxed up - my pretty nail polish holder broke during my move :'( waiting for the replacement) and have a nice slather...thanks for the inspiration.

  3. I love how the fairy cake treatment is doing such unpredictable things with florals with my chemistry. eg fresh had a waterlily perfume ages ago that was one of my all time favorite perfumes - incredibly true and fresh. This smells similar in the vial - similar both to the fresh perfume and to the real thing - but once my skin got hold of it the cake immediately came out (unlike w/ some of the others), and the combination went surprisingly super commercial-perfumey - not necessarily a bad thing, but on me, not my favorite of the bunch. cf the lilac cake, which I would have assumed would be the MOST likely to do that, and it doesn't. I am thinking of puttinig this into a spritzer and making a room spray :D

  4. Atomic Mandarin will remain my favorite of the AM/Darling Clementine/Fairy Orange family. This started out wonderfully super syrupy sugary orange ...but during and into drydown it went sideways, a little chalky & plasticky on me :'( like Darling Clementine sometimes did. I think I'm going to try this one in the electric warmer because I'm pretty sure it's my skin having its "sometimes turn vanilla to plastic" fest with it.

  5. I love the smell of real apples but the scent in perfume sometimes isn't my favorite. What I really liked about this scent though was that on me it didn't evoke juicy or crispy - only the scent part, in a perfumey way (in a good way), like in an "apple extract" way - as if you really just put your nose onto the skin of a perfectly ripe apple and inhaled the scent really hard through the skin, without eating the apple. I think this is because the cake and frosting gave it a density and creaminess almost right off the bat. I kept thinking "creamy apple", so curious if it's anything like Lina's creamy Apple which I haven't had the pleasure of trying yet...

  6. This was by far the strongest fairy cake I've tried - absolutely huge body and ALLLLLL green. It felt at least unisex to me if not slightly masculine. Its mood reminded me of Irish a Spring in fact. Doesn't smell anything like that of course, just the vibe. It smelled very similar on me to the coquette fig but, unlike the latter, in which it does a nice dance with the other notes, in this it was kind of overpowering. I tried to wait through late dry down but it just was not going anywhere and I was impatient to try others. Will try again.

  7. Funny it's not candied on my skin! It's very sweet yes, but the way vanilla and rooibos are sweet - as an integral part of the flavor - it smells like bursting succulent fresh violets - it smells like what violets WOULD smell like if they were a gushy fruit like peaches. :) this one has not morphed much during the testing other than the cake coming out just a bit more, but on me it was pretty present from the get go. Top fb contender

  8. Until actually putting this on I'd never have imagined that this particular flower could blend so thoroughly with cake and frosting - it's so distinctive and seems like the kind of thing that would NEVER dissolve into and with something else so well. Wrong wrong wrong! In fact of all the fairy cakes I've tried so far I'd say this one is the MOST integrated (main thing and cake) - and from the first moment wet, even. I shouted YUM.


    I grew up with masses of several varieties of lilacs outside my bedroom window so I know a thing or two about how they smell - and it's very realistic in the vial, but funny enough on my skin I would never have recognized it, such is the alchemy with the cake and frosting. There's something high end and vaguely glamorous about this one, too...I picture wearing it while descending a curved staircase in a gown and jewels :D

  9. This was mostly swoony hard candy pinky purple berries with an intriguing, unexpected and enjoyable slight muskiness, though occasionally something in it felt a little ...angular is the word that kept coming to mind. I think it's the mulberry, which my nose sometimes doesn't know what to do with. My silly nose filled in blueberries and raspberries now and then. As with some of the other fairy cakes, as it dried down, it became less just its "name" thing (here, berries) and more like a sheet or sponge cake with the name thing swirled or marbled in.

  10. Some of the other florals weren't my kind of thing, and having grown up with lots of daffodils in the backyard and not especially cared for what little scent I could pick up from them, I wasn't sure I'd like this one....but it's delicious from start to long dry down. Wet it has a very springy - not like the season, I mean like a Slinky - bouncy sunshiny vibe, bright and light. It felt a lot like whoopsy daisy cake. It just keeps getting better and better on me through dry down. Late drydown is yellow frosting thickly folded with marshmallow goo, just incredible.

  11. wet this was quite snatchy on me (as is honey's wont) but not really in a bad way - I'd say it was around phero girl level - then quickly the gamy aspect faded and it turned crystalline-like. Long dry down is absolutely TDF - you know how tres leches cake is soaking wet - this is like that but with a light golden spring honey . It actually reminds me more of honey whip in the long dry down than earlier on - so much so that my brain keeps trying to fill in anise and I have to sternly inform it that there is none.

  12. This might be the truest rose I've ever smelled ... I tried it on while sitting next to a vase full of red roses and this practically smelled MORE real than the real ones :D I agree it's a very very bright red rose, not the blood colored ones, and has a tea aspect on me - actual black tea, not a "tea rose". It has a pure clarity like the sound of crystal or a bell. Yet for all that it is not that strong; it's not like one of my all time fav LP red roses, Nosfy's; it doesn't take over the entire room. This is another one of the Fairy scents in which I don't get that much cake, but that must be what is keeping the rose relatively quiet.

  13. Surprise close-second favorite so far. Berries are iffy for me (plastic) but this is strong and true. It is like a Raspberry Twizzler - that same quality of chewiness and opaqueness, with a Twizzler level of intense flavor. I've had it on for almost four hours and if anything the berry seems to be getting STRONGER! I actually still am not getting any cake - just that raspberry. Surprisingly for a berry on me, it's coming across to me as really ballsy, and has a Leather (phero) type aura to it.

  14. I thought this would be my favorite but I've tried it several times now, quite a lot, and what I do get briefly is more buttery, as NuTrix says, than maple candy or maple sugar or maple syrup; more like a maple flavored butter, delicious, but VERY sheer, and gone within a few minutes :'( even the cake! Will have to try again another time of the month.

  15. Surprise favorite of the fairy scents so far. The lemon is so creamy and does this do-si-do with the cake - they spin around each other and take turns being slightly more prominent throughout wet and drydown. Absolutely no pointiness or tartness on me. It reminds me a lot of the lemon cake simmer oil (shockingly) :)

  16. I usually love fake strawberry (like, bubble yum strawberry is heaven to me) but this one did not play nice on my skin - it was TOO sweet for me, which I had thought was impossible :D I do get a lot of cake with this one during and after drydown though.

  17. On me this is super big and heady... it evokes the drowsiness of the hottest part of summer when there's no wind and it's hazy and you're drowsy and even the animals are still and all you hear is the occasional distant bzzzt of an insect.


    The funny thing though is that no matter how sternly I say "BRAIN, THIS IS *PEACH*", what I smell is honeysuckle, a dense sticky honeysuckle syrup that barely flows, it's so thick. I think my Honey Buzz has permanently inserted honeysuckle into my sense of peach or something. I'm enjoying it now but really look forward to using it in July and August...

  18. wet: CANDY CANDY CANDY I CAN'T LET YOU GO .... hard translucent tooth-breakingly sweet pineapple sucking candy!

    dry: something threatening to go a bit plasticky on me :/ as vanilla sometimes does. Strangely this hasn't happened yet with any of the other Fairy scents I've tried. The pineapple is no longer really detectable as itself- if I didn't know it was there I wouldn't pick it out- but it gives a bit of tartness still.

  19. I feel like I left my previous crappy work environment just to work in a different crappy work environment


    One of the best bits of advice I ever got was from a friend while I was unhappy in my then-current job and considering another: "when you change from one job to another that you think is better, make no mistake - you're just exchanging a bag of one kind of shit for a bag of a different kind of shit. Otherwise they wouldn't be paying you to do either one."

  20. I always say that I can never be without cougar because it is all things to all people - but so is this. I'm working on a new project with a large group of people, some of whom knew each other before, and they were all total strangers to me until a cocouple weeks ago. I wore ONE SMALL drop from my PYP dropper, split to wrists and rubbed onto my legs just to sort of spread it around. It did wonderful things to so many people....


    There is this really stuck up stand off ish woman - around my age, maybe a little younge r- I had tried to be friendly with her and she BARELY responded - but today, I passed her and said something not even funny and she giggled and repeatedly tried to make eye contact...then later she came to me with a huge smile and struck up conversation. This was such a 180, I can't overstate.


    One gay dude who had always been friendly and nice, was following me around like a puppy. :) Such a sweetie.


    There was another woman, much older, who wasn't openly RUDE to me before but paid no attention whatsoever to me. Today she literally ran across the room to sit and chat with me - sat leaning forward toward me so far I thought she was going tip forward onto her face.


    Two different straight dudes - one was previously friendly enough, but sort of in charge so was a little stiff and distant. Today he was FALLING ALL OVER HIMSELF to answer my questions, was almost deferential, was very concerned about me being happy and feeling good. The other kept high fiving me for no reason, lol.


    Plus a variety of other previously super cliquey not-overly-friendly women suddenly wanted to strike up conversation and were saying complimentary things and just generally kept trying to kind of hang around in my vicinity.


    So it's a combo pied piper and "shiny" making thing for me. With barely a drop! AMAZING.

  21. This is so JUICY and so CUTE with a capital Q. The tiare is extremely modest and well behaved in this and does not Insist Upon Itself - it isn't even detectable to my nose as itself - which is a nice surprise as tiare likes to stab me in the skull. Wet, i too get a powerful "tea" impression, that strongly colored but translucent quality. The strawberry reads as a fruit melange on me, and doesn't go plastic on me the way berries sometimes can. It's very sweet on me. Its attitude reminds me of gushy fruity-florals like Goodie Tooshu and Perty Flirty.

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