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Posts posted by Ishtar

  1. My experience with Heart of Kapet is similar to JOC's: I too get a lot of spicy sweetness for the first few minutes, then a lovely floral - warmed up by the resins and the honey, made tangier by the wine, and finally fading down to a sophisticated powderiness.


    This is a very wearable Kyphi scent - it is more lighthearted and sensual than most versions I have tried before, and it's really nice to have a blend that feels a little flirty and more "everyday" than the usual solemn and mystical take on this venerable recipe.

  2. I recently got to try Raqs Sharqi thanks to a generous forumite who sent me a sample in a trade (dank u wel, Gaia! :ange: )


    First impression: this is a dry scent. It has that almost severe feel that straight attars tend to have - on my skin, there is no sweetness, no florals or woodsy notes; nothing but attars, in all their glorious dry richness.


    It reminds me of incense burning in a metaphysical bookshop, the smoke mingling with the dryness of the paper.

  3. Such a quiet, pretty scent... it's like a soft little cloud of tranquility. :huh:


    The lavender in this is lovely - very subdued and a touch powdery. Nothing sharp or herbal about it, and it's nicely tempered by the vanilla.


    It's too bad this one is sold out, as it's really beautiful and relaxing. Thankfully, there is a NA scent that has a very similar feel to me (although it is a bit fuller bodied), so I'll still be able to luxuriate in soft fluffy lavender and vanilla at bedtime.

  4. This is really lovely! Beautifully done Fawn and PM :D


    The tea and mint are immediately recognizable as the main notes, bright and fresh, but after a few minutes they meld into something that's more than the sum of its parts. This is one of these deceptively simple scents that you end up sniffing compulsively to see how it's evolving and what it will do next.


    I'm very happy that a great swapper sent me a sniffie of this, as I love tea scents and I was wondering which tea-based LP to try first. If they're all as good as this, I'm in trouble (but in a nice smelling way)!

  5. Mmh... this is truly beautiful. It has a classic, almost timeless feel to it.


    At first the floral aspect is the strongest, and it is so well blended with the other notes that I don't immediately think of rose - just a lovely, rich, perfumey floral.

    After a while, the resins and woods become more prominent, combining into an incense scent that is both deep and very soft.


    Remind Me Again is a powerful yet gentle fragrance. It feels deeply introspective to me - it is definitely a very special blend, charged with intent. I loved reading about the ritual that accompanied its creation :D

  6. Oh yes, this one is a morpher for sure!


    When I first apply it, I get a whiff of something so intensely frity and ripe, it almost smells like a booze / fruity girly drink kind of note. That burns off very quickly though, and for the next little while, the floral and fruity components are perfectly balanced and quite elegant.


    It's only after complete drydown that it starts deepening and becomes rather sexy. Iit's not dirty properly speaking, but it mellows into a sensual, flushed-skin musk type of scent. :666:

  7. This is very soft and pretty on my skin. The lavender is gorgeous, and its freshness is beautifully counterbalanced by the warmth of the beeswax and mead.


    I seem to be amping either the moss or the hay on drydown though, which makes for a sharper dry stage than I'd like. I'm going to give it a couple days to settle down, and I'll report back if there are any significant changes.

  8. Hi Tanya! Welcome to the boards!


    You have one of my absolute favourites (That Kind of Girl) on your list, and Lusty Licious is another love of mine. It's a big, bold fragrance on me, but if you like red fruity scents, I think you'll really enjoy it.


    Have fun exploring, and congratulations on the new baby! :666:

  9. Ladies, would you please stop making every single one of this month's releases sound absolutely fantastic - even the ones I wasn't initially considering?


    Thank you in advance.


    Signed, my bank account.

  10. Got a bit of a funny CB hit yesterday :)


    I was walking down the street, on my way to go grocery shopping, when this man caught up to me and told me, "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to pass you - actually, I just want to turn around and take another look at you." :P


    Now, I always dress pretty feminine, and so I'll get compliments every now and then, even though Vancouverites can be fairly reserved in that respect. Besides, yesterday was the first gorgeous day we've had in eons, so people were smilier and flirtier than usual. So how do I know for sure it was the Cuddle Bunny?


    After this guy delivered his pickup line, he stood there staring at me and looking completely bewildered (now I know what you ladies mean by DIHL!) The most telling part? He kept repeating, "I'm sorry - I couldn't help myself, you're just adorable" - and I've NEVER been described as adorable. Sophisticated? Yes. "Very French" (whatever that means)? Yup. But adorable? Never.


    So, yeah, that was definitely the EST softening vibe at work. I actually felt a little sorry for the poor guy, as he looked so utterly confused as to why he was telling me all that... and that was with only a few swipes of scented CB!

  11. I really need to try this. My mom and I have never had a particularly close relationship. There are no serious issues between us, and I know she loves me very much, we just have very different personalities and she's... extremely good at pushing my buttons.


    She's turning 71 on Saturday, and I am really beginning to fear we're running out of time to mend our relationship :D I know it must break her heart, but whenever we talk on the phone, it's like my patience and empathy (of which I usually have a lot for my friends and my clients) fly out the window. Gah.


    If Heart to Heart can help - even a little - I'll be buying this by the gallon.

  12. One time she did that thing--there's a name for it, but I can't remember what it is--when cats sort of open their mouths and take in extra air to smell something more intensely. Busted me up!!!


    I never knew there was a name for this, so I looked it up, and it turns out it's called "flehming" or the "flehmen reaction". Yay, learned something new!


    Another thing my Ishtar will do (yes, she's the real Ishtar, I'm just impersonating her online :) ) is licking sweet scents off my skin, especially those with vanilla or cinnamon oils. I've woken up more than once at 3:00am, having dreamt someone was sandpapering my arm, to find a raspy little tongue licking the perfume off the crook of my elbow :D


    I don't think she'll attempt that anytime soon with Jouir De, though!





    Well, here are the results of the chemistry experiment over here:

    Last night, as I was trying Jouir De (sparingly, thank goodness!), my cat came to sit by me. She looked at me, she looked at the vial, and started making that burying motion with her paw - as if she were in her litter box.

    Sadly, I'm going to have to agree with her on this one. As you may have guessed, Jouir De doesn't smell anything like orchids or vanilla on me :lol:

  14. Honeyed Seductions surprised me the first time I wore it. Having tried several LPMP honey scents before, I was expecting a strong, assertive honey note, when in fact I got elegant florals with a touch of well-mannered honey.


    Really gorgeous - but not particularly dark nor openly seductive - during the wet stage, with lots of violet. After drydown, the violet recedes, a hint of soapiness creeps in, and it settles into what I think of as a classic floral scent.

  15. I'm not exactly allowed to say, but you can guess, just don't post your guess. B) But I will say in this case, the source is the Balkan Islands. And it's something, if one is extremely lucky, one may find some of this substance washed up on the shore.


    Oh - wow. If it is what I think it is, then... um, yeah. ;)


    PS: How much more cryptic can we get? :lol:


    :Hug_emoticon: :Hug_emoticon: :Hug_emoticon:

  16. This to me is the very scent of feminity: elegant, seductive, womanly, and wonderfully powerful.


    I procrastinated for the longest time on writing this review, because it feels like I will never be able to do justice to this incredible scent. Ego Boostier shot up to my Top 3 LP the very first time I tried it.


    On me it's predominantly orange blossom - a note that I love but that can be hard to successfully balance in a blend - with an undercurrent of sandalwood and frankincense. This scent has a definite presence; an aura of power surrounds it, yet it never gets loud. As several reviewers have noted, it is indeed reminiscent of Sin City, only lighter in feel.


    This is dangerously close to becoming a signature scent for me :)


    PS: JOC, I can see how this would remind you of scented hot towels - but these would be the best, most addictive hot towels in the world. You'd have to call security - and tell them to bring backup - to get me out of that restaurant!

  17. Yes, that's something I have been wondering about too. I do enjoy some of the aldehyde-based scents out there, and I'm very curious about the LP version.


    Not that Chanel no. 5 was ever that great on my skin, mind you. But like kblazin said, Gallimaufry wouldn't be a dupe anyway, so it's worth trying :)

  18. "OH YEAH BABY!" is what I squealed to myself when I got into my sample of this.


    Oh I am so glad you like it too! I'm wearing it as my bedtime scent tonight, so I'll join you in the olfactory celebration of blackberry.


    PS: this second guy sounds like he has a discerning nose, so that's one point in his favour, I say ^_^

  19. Whenever I try a scent with almond in it, I find that it tends to overpower everything else for the first ten minutes (not that I mind it, I like almond). No so here. In fact, I cannot detect any - the most prominent note by far is the chocolate, with a hint of violet in the background, and the blueberry progressively gaining in intensity during drydown.


    I was hoping for a creamy, glistening purple scent, but the blueberry takes it in a matte blue direction (I apologize to all non-synesthetic readers, to whom this last sentence probably doesn't make any sense :)). Although Pithivier is quite nice, I feel it falls a little flat on my skin

  20. Welcome xotic1! You've already been given great recommendations, but I must second and third Cougar - it's fantastic! I'm looking forward to trying Sparkle Fuschia too :ph34r:


    Have fun sampling a bit of everything (there's always the Trading Post for those scents that don't work out). I'm looking forward to seeing you around the boards.

  21. It's such a nice idea to do something special in honour of Father's day, Mara!


    So many of the new releases look tempting at first glance...


    I'm waiting for the descriptions, but unless there are deal-breaking notes in Rainbow Falls, I think this one will be a definite purchase. I have one scent tha I bought many years ago, and that I always wear when entertaining (it just evokes good cheer for me) - but it's more of a robust winter scent, and I wouldn't mind something different for summer.



    Put a piano bar in the dirigible's lounge, and I'll play and we can all take turns singing torch songs! Wearing tiaras, black tie, and evening dress!!!

    My cat wants to join in the loungey fun (she's great at draping herself across pianos), but she insists on coming as she is. No tiara, no black tie - and no steampunk goggles either.

    What to do?

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