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Posts posted by Chaionlife

  1. Ok, I just had to go in and order the full bottle of Dark Seductions. I wore some of my sample last night with my fiancee. He has renamed it from "Dark Seductions" to "Instant Erection" :mellow:


    Dolly, I am so glad you ordered a bottle... and that it works as well for you as it does for me :) This was precisely the response My Beloved had to the scent. It is an absolutely sexy scent on me. In fact, I have already ordered my second bottle because I wanted to make sure I had some for future wearing.

  2. What's puzzling me, is that some have remarked that Phero Girl seems like a "thinner" blend than Sugared Honeycomb, when in fact the opposite is true. Phero Girl is opulently rich. It finally occurred to me, that perhaps the advice to 'SHAKE WELL" on the label and perfumerie page had not been heeded.


    You will notice, there is a settled layer of deep orange on the bottom of the bottles and Trial Vials. That is the Bee Pollen, and it is an essential part of the experience of this perfume. You MUST shake this blend until cloudy, and then apply. If you don't , you're not going to get the intended effect.


    If you didn't shake it before you tried yours, please do me the favor of doing so and then report back, ok? Thank you! :) *


    Hmm, how to word this response? I certainly don't want any incorrect inferences made from my description. I know I tend to "feel" scents in a different way and the descriptors I use are often texture- and taste-oriented rather than smell. My brain, I think, perceives smells strangely. Then, too, my brain is a bit preoccupied because the Beloved and I had a nasty fight and the global reason seems to be that he is extremely disappointed in his son and oh-too-often feels guilty for loving mine/feeling appreciative of mine when his is such a disappointment to him (this reason came to light during the after-fight discussion... and, oh, my was it a doozie of a fight! The specific reason which prompted the fight was my correcting his son for asking my son to lie to me, an act which my son found highly replusive and immediately reported to me... gak, blending a family is awful tiring sometimes!) Sigh; lots on my little brain right now. Still, I'll try and formulate a response and do so appropriately.


    I shook mine not so much because I read the directions to do so but simply because I saw the "settled layer" (so I was correct just by luck and not by virture of reading; not a good balance for a teacher, huh?)... and it is indeed a beautiful scent and definitely rich in terms of the interplay of scents. Still, for me, it's "texture" is thin (yes, the oil is thick; that's not what I mean ;)) and the notes are "high" and slightly sweet. When I breath in the scent, it enters as a thin, light ribbon of scent, with this even lighter layer on top. What I mean, I think, is the same as the "brightness" to which Dolly alluded... and the airiness which May perceives.


    My scent-texture preference, I think, is the muskier/spicier/darker/sharper scents (I love the thickness of these scents on my tongue and in my nose) and these "brighter"/"airier"/sweeter scents tend to powder on my skin (not that PheroGirl "powders" on me; just that scents of . So, I layer my PheroGirl with Dark Seductions (which I absolutely love*love*love and must stock up on before its gone forever! Oh, the limited edition aspect of the perfumes is making me feel like I need to collect this scent as if it were a precious wine) or Hecate (almost too sharp at first sniff but the dry-down is nice). I think I have noted in May's other responses a similar preference for the darker scents (am I right, May?).


    I wonder if I should note that I haven't yet posted a review/response regarding PheroGirl so it hasn't been me using the term "thinner" prior to this post; I am only offering forth my perception and am not intending to speak for anyone else. This may not have been what they were meaning at all.

  3. Oh, I find Dark Seductions to be absolutely sexy! While I do not find that my skin chemistry responds well to most "floral scents" (too light and girly and they far too often turn powdery on me) when I tried out my new vial of Dark Seductions my Beloved's immediate response was "Oh, you smell incredibly sexy."... and, trust me, we are a very amorous couple so for him to consider something I wear to be above and beyond the degree of sexy he usually perceives in me, it's SEXY. This scent makes me want to buy up as many bottles as possible because it is absolutely perfect... an incredible orchestration of scent notes... and I would encourage you to try it despite your hesitation regarding florals (Whoa, hold on, what am I doing suggesting you should buy Dark Seductions? On second thought, no... you absolutely don't want to buy this one... so I can buy the bottle I "talk you out of buying" :blink:

  4. May, I most definitely agree... ozone-laden breezes indeed!


    In the vial and on my skin, in addition to the "ozone-laden breezes" (I love that description, May! It so accurately conveys what I'm smelling! I'm wondering, is the bite of salt from the Bladderrwrack and sea moss?), I also get the most delicious florals and fruits as well. Salty airness over sweetness, watery and fertile, resplendent with florals and fruit; this, too, like the others I have tried today, is an artistic combination of scents.

  5. My order arrived late last night and today I got to sniff and annoint myself to my absolute delight! Only problem was I didn't have enough extremities to annoint!


    Dream Lover was one of the first tried and..... Oh, but this is delicious!

    In the vial: definitely vanilla and neroli... and I smell the chocolate. However, I seem to missing altogether the orange and I don't think I know how cotton blossom smells so I can't very well identify it. This is a thick, rich scent which literally pours into my nose. Very nice!

    On my skin: I agree with salomewilde; great throw... and the vanilla is thick and rich on my skin. Oh, and there's that chocolate. I can't stop sniffing my wrist! Yummy!

    Drydown: Long-lasting; not too much change in scent on my skin from wet-to dry-down which is absolutely wonderful because I love this so much. I never did get the orange... which is again, okay, because what is on my wrist smells divine :)


    I can't report on My Beloved's response because *sigh* even though it's 10:30 he isn't home from work :blink: I can, however, tell you that my Jacob (I don't think I've mentioned it yet but, in our family, we have two twelve-year old Jacobs... mine and his! Makes for an interesting household on the week that his Jacob is here along with mine... I've taken to calling them by their last names. And, oh my goodness... you couldn't find find two boys so dissimilar in either physical or emotional makeup.... and that definitely amps the interesting factor!) really likes it; he thought it was a lovely scent and applauds Mara's artistry :)

  6. Now, to take the subject even further from the original post.... When I was a practicing therapist (prior to becoming a teacher), I used to be able to tell when my bipolar and unipolar patients were "approaching" a manic/depressed period simply by their smell. It wasn't a matter of body "odor" per se; it was as if the "texture" of their scent altered. It just

    "tasted" different when I breathed in their scent. And, I have always been able to tell when my children were getting ill even before they were aware of it. Again, not a matter of "odor" but of "texture" of the scent.


    And, to refocus the topic back to scourger post and et al (I found your statement of geranium undertone interesting, Scourger), for me, the "smell" of my beloved is exceptionally important, even more so than appearance. On-line dating (and, I say this even though I met my husband through an online Jewish dating list... my first husband is deceased and I just very recently remarried on July 1st) was difficult for me because of that fact. I could "meet" someone online and form a desire to meet them in person only to have any possiblity of romantic involvement squashed by their scent (we could, of course, still be good friends after that point). From the first moment, however, my husband simply smelled like desire/committment/forever... I remember being a bit taken aback by how powerful the emotional response was from that first smell... all the more so because (and, Lover, if you ever by chance read this, I know it isn't any surprise, but I do hope it doesn't hurt to read the words) he was so opposite of my physical "type"... and, since our first meeting was at synagogue, and I was seated next to him during services, smelling him all the while, and services last almost three hours, I was in quite a state at the end of services :) (Now, as an aside, if you are wondering why the first date was at synagogue... I wanted the rabbi and my close friends from the community to "screen" him for me. Based on our phone and email conversations, we had discovered such a depth of common values and beliefs that I was significantly interested in seeing whether there was a potential for a relationship. He knew he was being put forward before a committee and that the synagogue members are "my family", especially since I teach on the weekend at the synagogue's religious school and he was significantly interested to agree to the screening!)


    And, finally, to bring the topic back to the original post, women in various cultures and across the centuries have used their own personal "scent" as a note to dab here and there as inticement/advertisement. One does have to wonder, however, about the type of woman one would need to be to "sell" one's scent in that way, don't you think?

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