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Black Cat's Cottage


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Black Cat gave me a couple of wonderful challenges this month and I am really impressed with how beautiful they both came out and by her inventive choice of notes! This first is a homey scent of freshly baking bread - rosemary and lavender bread at that! - with a hint of lemon peel too. omgyum.

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I've already raved in the PE thread but I need to put a proper review here too!


First of all, just because I love to look at notes:


LAVENDER ~ Soothes/ restores body and mind. Arouses sexual desire in men, loyalty, purification, protection, healing. Third eye chakra, spiritually uplifting.

ROSEMARY ~ Intellectual stimulation, purification, love, sensuality, wards against dark forces, invigorating.

LEMON ~ Energizing, uplifting. Longevity, faithfulness, fidelity, friendship. Used to attract spirits.


So this was actually a bit of an afterthought, but I was asking Mara for potions this month to help me channel my inner domestic goddess because, I will not lie to you guys, it has not been good. I am working a ton of hours at a job I love and I am waiting for the contractors to actually hand me a contract with a start date for my house to be totally taken apart and put back together, so I am living and eating out of boxes. Not the greatest. I wanted something bright and clean and airy and nourishing and mood elevating (I wrote to Mara "more aromatherapy than perfume") and WOW this delivers! I also picked notes that felt like a match for what I want, ultimately, for my home. I want it to be a place of refuge, a clean well-lighted place. And I want a sense of secure protection from all the chaos swirling around out there.


This completely delivers on the aromatherapy effects, but of course it is also a pretty spectactular perfume. Fresh on I get the most delicious lemon sweetbread scent -- crumbling cookie gorgeousness. Very quickly though it settles into something less sweet and more complex -- bread gets breadier and herbs! Oh, my lord, the rosemary is especially exquisite! This is based in part on a recipe I listed in one of my journal threads, for lavender rosemary butter cookies and wearing this is like having a freshly chopped rosemary lingering on the skin. And just as it feels as if rosemary is going take over, lavender peeks out and adds to the shimmer.


I've worn it out and got really good responses -- mostly "It smells like cookies!" and "what smells so YUMMY" but this is very much something I wear primarily for me. I just love it. It's delicious and while it's obviously very foody, it doesn't read as pure foody. I have already gone through about a third of a bottle -- I love it for sleep and I also love it to start my day. So gorgeous! Thank you, Mara!


ETA: And oh my stars, the LABEL! It's like you peeked inside my brain and saw my fantasy for what my downstairs will look like after renovations! Love it so much!

Edited by Black Cat
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Such a delicious idea, seriously! I love the way it smells in the wet stage. It fades on me rather fast but the combination of the citrus-herbal and gourmand qualities is truly inspired - bravo!

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Yay Halo, I was really curious to hear what you think! I put this on just now to try and face the day with a better attitude and I can't believe how quickly it lifts my mood.

Wow I need this. My attitude sucks currently. lol

But, it does sound super good. I regret not nabbing this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooove rosemary so no surprise I swooned as soon as I put it on. It's wonderfully salty - I loooooooove salt - and even though my brain passingly insists on inferring slightly-charred lamb chops from time to time it is somehow dead sexy. the combo of rosemary and lavender is fantastic. To me this is straight up unisex. I would chomp right down on any dude wearing this & not let go.

Edited by tyvey
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