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Responding to pheros based on zodiac

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I wondered if anyone had ever taken time to compare notes about whether certain signs respond consistently to specific blends. I know we all have different chemistries that affect the way we project the pheros for lack of a better term, but just as certain personalities seem to respond similarly to EST, for instance, I wondered if that could apply with zodiac For instance, are there enough people who have tried an EST blend with Scorpios to see that they generally respond well or not. I realize even if that IS the case, there would always exceptions...but i found the concept interesting if there was a potential to "guess" what a target might respond well to based on their sign.


Just a thought.

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Well as someone who has been involved with a Scorpio who does respond well to EST, I would say if that guy is a classic embodiment of the sign in their personality, then yes he would. I think Scorpio males tend to be intense and chivalrous, they want to be the one who makes everything right, to come in and save the day, as it were, so EST is congruent with those desires.


I think you would really have to consider the personality traits as well as how much does that person embody those traits, and then what pheromone blend would encourage those traits to emerge.

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I think what affects a person is going to boil down more to personal chemistry. Like the personality of certain signs may respond better to a type of pheromone blend, but it would be hard to nail it down to a specific mix for such a diverse group of people. Experiment & let us know, though! :)

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I think it would be an interesting but difficult experiment. People's charts are not only made up of their Sun signs. I think you might also have to take into consideration their Moon, Venus and Mars sign, and possibly even their Ascendant/Descendant and maybe even their IC/MC axis, and that would get pretty complicated. For instance, someone with Mars in Scorpio would find traits sexy that someone with, say, Mars in Capricorn, Leo or Pisces wouldn't, regardless of whether or not their Sun were in Scorpio. Might be kind of a cool experiment if you had access to the full charts of lots of people you know, and whom you deal with regularly.


Off-hand, I know that my boyfriend and one of the chefs at work both have their Suns conjunct my Descendant. They don't necessarily respond in the same way to the same blends. Is that because I'm intimately involved with my boyfriend, and not with the chef? Or could it be because my BF has his Venus in Leo/Mars in Gemini and the chef has Venus and Mars in Cancer? All of those positions describe different likes/dislikes, different turn-ons/turn-offs in a person's make-up.


I am actually familiar with the full charts of a lot of people I see regularly. Now you've got me curious! Lol!

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There is a LOT more depth to signs than I know ANYTHING about. It was just something that I pondered. I am currently "trying them out" on a Scorpio, and I think his moon is also Scorpio. But that is about as in depth as I get. lol. I know he fits the Sun Sign Scorpio to a TEE! And I haven't gotten to spend enough time with him to REALLY gauge how he responds to the different blends, but I think Bang! might have gotten to him the other night. It was hard to say. I posted about it in the Bang! review thread. Anyhoo... in reading some of Luna's journals, he has a lot of traits that I think would match up with her man and I am HOPING he will respond in the same way over time. REALLLLYYY hoping. :D

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FWIW, one of my exes is a Scorpio Sun, (Libra Venus/Libra Mars). I see him pretty regularly. He responds to Bang! really well. ;) Have fun!


I tried it on him again. He didn't seem as effected, but last time might have also NOT been the Bang! However, he is also REALLY good at NOT showing what he is feeling when other people are around. He was always pretty open when it was just us, but he's super private, so unless I can get an initial read when it hits him, he is really good at playing stuff off. I kind of want to try Bang alongside some BAM! See if I can get him talking....lol. The opportunities are so few and far between with him lately, that it is hard to endure the wait between tries and seeing what works, if I have even reached a sweet spot for MYSELF yet, much less him and if he will respond. Patience is NOT my forte, yet so necessary with the phero trials. I've also considered an Indiscretion sample I got with TMI and cops, but I am a little nervous it will make ME yappy, PLUS there are usually plenty of other men around when I see him, so not sure I want to be hitting up other people with the cops.

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