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Strawberry Dove


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Scent: Sweet and creamy fruity floral. 


STRAWBERRY ~ Attraction, friendship, draws fortunate circumstances in all areas of your life.
COCONUT CREAM ~ Chastity, protection, purification, receptivity.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, is vitalizing.
ORCHID ~ Strong love symbol; beauty, refinement, fertility, creativity, psychic powers, lust inducing.
LILY OF THE VALLEY ~ Soothing and calming on the nerves. Sweetness, mental prowess, happiness.
(CLEMENTINE) ORANGE & BLOSSOMS ~ Strong ‘magnet’ to attract men; eternal love, marriage, fruitfulness, thoughtfulness, happiness, tribute.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism.
BALSAM ~ Fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Strawberry Dove I think might be the most food-y of the new releases (though I'm still testing them so that opinion might change). It reminds me somehow of a flower-y strawberry milk shake and also I feel like I'm picking up some cake impressions. Maybe a strawberry shortcake? The strawberry isn't overpoweringly strong on me but is still nicely present. I think it's really well balanced and blended. I would call it:  fun and pleasant.


My cat, who loves strawberry scents, seems to like it too, though he really, really loves Rubylicious the best still. In comparison, Rubylicious is a stronger strawberry scent.

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Ooh I was just about to ask about Rubylicious before I read your last line! That one didn’t work for me so I was scared of trying this one. My skin does something weird to strawberry.🫤

How strong is the coconut cream for you @RosesArePink?

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In the vial, this is sooooo sweet and gorgeous!! I love it! Wow. Once it’s been on my skin awhile, the sweetness fades a bit, but it’s still beautiful. Is the strawberry in here the same as the one in Musk in the Pixie Dust? It reminds me of that one a little. Kind of pink and fizzy.

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Really pleased with how this one came out, it is a sweet coconut strawberry with a really pretty gentle musk. The orange blossom adds a hint of honey-ish sweetness to it. Orchid, sandalwood, and balsam adds a little luxury to it with the gentle florals. Love it! 

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Posted (edited)
On 6/29/2024 at 6:42 PM, Amanda said:

How strong is the coconut cream for you @RosesArePink?



For me the coconut cream is really nicely mixed in with the strawberry and the other scents. I like coconut, but sometimes coconut scents don't work for me. This one works. 



On 6/29/2024 at 6:42 PM, Amanda said:

My skin does something weird to strawberry


Skin chemistry! Annoying sometimes. 

Edited by RosesArePink
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  • 2 weeks later...

On me this is a classic strawberries-and-cream type of scent.  It's very cute!  I get more nuance in the vail than I do on my skin.

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