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Newbee to pheros can anyone give some tips?


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I purchased sexology unscented it packs a punch. I was wondering how could I tone it down some I know you can used other perfumes but it's still

a little overwhelming.

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Sexology scented or unscented are both brilliant! (The scented version is sold out though :Hug_emoticon: )


Did you let it dry down properly? I find that after 10 minutes or so I can't smell it anymore. You should definitively let it dry properly before applying a cover scent. Pretty much anything will cover it if it's dried properly, though I find that oil perfume stays all day whereas with the really smelly phero's like cops you can get bleed through if you use alcohol perfume.

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Sexology scented or unscented are both brilliant! (The scented version is sold out though :Hug_emoticon: )


Did you let it dry down properly? I find that after 10 minutes or so I can't smell it anymore. You should definitively let it dry properly before applying a cover scent. Pretty much anything will cover it if it's dried properly, though I find that oil perfume stays all day whereas with the really smelly phero's like cops you can get bleed through if you use alcohol perfume.


Thanks, That's probably what I did not do. I appreciate you.

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