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Ok so yesterday I was decanting out half my bottles of OCCO Red & LAM Sandalwood for sale. Which the proceeds were going to go for my birthday monies, but now thnx to the kids will be going toward a :( new window! So anyway I didn't want to waste the drops in the suckers (I'm frazzled today), so I smeared them on. which was quite a bit after all. I ended up having to go to Walmart after that, & I just felt strage. Like I was being watched & like people were staring @ me. Even though there was hardly anybody there ? Anybody else ever have these self effects?

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Yup ;)


I've done that before... I slathered myself in OCCO White 2x just because I adore the vanilla in that blend...

People were being very odd...not quite avoiding me, but they were staring at me, both men & women. Not in the way men normally do (like they like what they see or are imagining me naked), but they were staring at me with odd expressions like they couldn't figure me out, or they thought I was weird. Not a single person spoke to me or smiled at me.


The only other time I've noticed the odd looks was when I was testing pure AndrostErone with no social or feminine phero's as buffers...I assumed it was because I was sending out very male vibes and that obviously wasn't congruent with my appearance.

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Yup ;)


I've done that before... I slathered myself in OCCO White 2x just because I adore the vanilla in that blend...

People were being very odd...not quite avoiding me, but they were staring at me, both men & women. Not in the way men normally do (like they like what they see or are imagining me naked), but they were staring at me with odd expressions like they couldn't figure me out, or they thought I was weird. Not a single person spoke to me or smiled at me.


The only other time I've noticed the odd looks was when I was testing pure AndrostErone with no social or feminine phero's as buffers...I assumed it was because I was sending out very male vibes and that obviously wasn't congruent with my appearance.



Yeah it was almost like a bad acid trip. I'm suspecting I may be producing extra cops 'naturally' @ the moment. Gah I hope not!!!!

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Yeah it was almost like a bad acid trip. I'm suspecting I may be producing extra cops 'naturally' @ the moment. Gah I hope not!!!!



Sounds like you were in the OD zone.....been there with EoW.....people giving you a very wide berth.....making-sure-not-to-venture-too-close type of situation....

Edited by Dolly
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  • 2 weeks later...
Sounds like you were in the OD zone.....been there with EoW.....people giving you a very wide berth.....making-sure-not-to-venture-too-close type of situation....

WAIT!.... I thought I read someplace that you couldn't OD on cops?! Didn't you all say that the worst with too much EoW was needing a bodygaurd? I'm confused.

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I certainly didn't say that.


There is the potential, with overuse, to receive not only inappropriate attention but also to be shunned by others, if they find the blatantly sexual signals you are sending to be distasteful to their sense of social propriety.

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WAIT!.... I thought I read someplace that you couldn't OD on cops?! Didn't you all say that the worst with too much EoW was needing a bodygaurd? I'm confused.



YES, you can TOTALLY OD on cops.....cops in public can make you need a bodyguard, but that is not the only danger......trust me, if you OD on cops, you will know it.....you can get avoidance, hostility, or other reactions from people who may view your sexual messages as totally inappropriate, depending on the situation.....

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I have not experienced any negativity,DANGER, or anything remotely close wearing cops. And I wore them in a BAR. This is my experience.


I have had reaction to the smell, both pleasant and unpleasant,

but I have NEVER had anyone look at me like I was topless or trying to be a ho just because I was giving off a fertility signal.


This is just my experience, wearing cops while working alone in a bar for years.


I think "innappropriate" signals happen when you are dressing congruently...many women enjoy being sexy.

Zero wrong with it. But add cops to sexy-dressing and it exaggerates it.

Add cops while being covered up, your fertile.


Fertile doesnt equate in my experience to danger.

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I'm just curious because I wear a lot of cops. I'm 44 and had a hysterectomy. Nobody's ever commented except the husband who hated everything I got from LP. Turned out he just hated me. LOL!

Edited by LadyRose
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I've never had negative experiences wearing cops but I have usually worn them in sexual situations. But when I wear LAM, for example, it's not always sexual and that blend works in other ways; same thing with other mixes like Cougar.

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I'm just curious because I wear a lot of cops. I'm 44 and had a hysterectomy. Nobody's ever commented except the husband who hated everything I got from LP. Turned out he just hated me. LOL!



hahaha me too!



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