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I know LP #9 was developed a long time ago, but I didn't know it had been for sale that far back, wow!


I clearly remember the name and small bottle it came in. Oh dear, I certainly hope this isn’t a case of mistaken identity…

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We've been selling LP Original since 1989, and LP9 since 1994-ish...(the latest version since 1997). We own the rights to the names in this country, but there's another owner of the name in Australia with their own scent, and another company in the UK...I think Ireland.


I hope you enjoy your fragrances in any case!

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We've been selling LP Original since 1989, and LP9 since 1994-ish...(the latest version since 1997). We own the rights to the names in this country, but there's another owner of the name in Australia with their own scent, and another company in the UK...I think Ireland.


I hope you enjoy your fragrances in any case!


I thought as much. Was made a bit apprehensive by Luna65’s original comment, though.


This gift was given Christmas of 98 so I really don’t think I have anything to worry about. I appreciate the quick history.


I can hardly wait for them to arrive!

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Well and I wasn't trying to imply it wasn't LP #9 (apparently Mercury Retrograde is sabotaging me big time). so I apologize for any misunderstanding. I don't think we've had many people here who were customers of Mara's from before the past decade so I was just expessing surprise, not disbelief.

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Well and I wasn't trying to imply it wasn't LP #9 (apparently Mercury Retrograde is sabotaging me big time). so I apologize for any misunderstanding. I don't think we've had many people here who were customers of Mara's from before the past decade so I was just expessing surprise, not disbelief.


Well and I wasn't trying to imply it wasn't LP #9 (apparently Mercury Retrograde is sabotaging me big time). so I apologize for any misunderstanding. I don't think we've had many people here who were customers of Mara's from before the past decade so I was just expessing surprise, not disbelief.


Not to worry! We all have the right to be human from time to time. :D

Not to mention that you’re one of the ladies who I’ve learned from most thus far, and that’s before interacting with you to any extent.

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