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Advice. Which should be the next phero on my arsenal???

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I have to agree with Phergineer. As an introvert, Gotcha does not have any disinhibiting effect on me at all. I like it for other uses, but not that. I haven't found anything yet which really disinhibits me, but have so far steered clear of things like BI, Sexpionage and Dom, which might help with that a bit perhaps. My one experiment with Audacious so far did have me feeling a bit more socially confident, but I certainly didn't become extroverted or anything.


I truly do believe that the more intensely introverted a person is the harder it is for the pheros to really "disinhibit" in any way, because you have a greater wall of protection around yourself to start with.


As for TMI, I can honestly say that neither TMI or True Confessions has ever made me spill the beans- and I've slathered and snuffled and snorted like a truffle pig. I believe it's that introvert effect at work again. I'd love to hear if you find the same.

Audacious has not turned me into an extrovert by any means, but it has made me more comfortable in social settings, which is a plus. I can actually chit-chat and have very limited nonsense conversations for short amounts of time when wearing it. While I have come to terms that no phero is ever going to turn me into the life of the party, for an introvert, I'd say audacious a winner!


As for TMI - good to know! I was wondering why I didn't feel any self effects when I tried it, despite using 5-6 drops. No desire to be more chatty or share more by any means. If anything, Audacious makes me more chatty, but not in an intimate connection/sharing way, just at a very superficial level.

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Yes, I had a similar response to Audacious- more able to chat the way other people seem to find it so easy to do everyday (why is being social sooo hard for me?).


I'm finding it fascinating that we introverts seem to have such a different experience with certain blends. The number of times I've read about someone spilling too much personal info with TMI or TC made me wonder if I was doing something wrong when it had zero effect on me!

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Yes Audacious is available still. It's one Mara can make pretty easily.


As for Gotcha it is not really supposed to be disinhibiting for the wearer. It's more for the target. To get him to drop his guard and act on romantic feelings he may be holding back.


Thanks phergineer and halo.


Just chiming in to add that Gotcha certainly isn't disinhibiting on me in itself but my gosh does it achieve this on the people around me; when they let down their guard it becomes easy to be swept along. So, it doesn't do it by the phero alone, but by creating an intimate atmosphere Gotcha has the potential to get both wearer and target to open up to one another if the wearer is so inclined.

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Yes Audacious is available still. It's one Mara can make pretty easily.


As for Gotcha it is not really supposed to be disinhibiting for the wearer. It's more for the target. To get him to drop his guard and act on romantic feelings he may be holding back.

So true. On me I'm usually very calm and relaxed with it. I don't get chatty. (I can get chatty on H&S)

I generally feel soft and feminine with Gitcha. But it does often bring out the talky side in others. The only type of disinhibiting feeling I get is if I wear it a few times in a row. Once, early on, I was really loving the whole vibe and I wore it 3 days in a row. Never a good idea with any of the pheros IMO. That was too much. I was overly emotional ect .. ect.,

lesson learned.

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