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Epi-Androsterone vs Androsterone vs Androstadienone

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Does anyone know what the difference between Epi-AndrostERone and AndrostERone is? Are they the same thing with same effects or slightly different? :unsure:


They are both in Heart & Soul, and the epi-rone is also in Open Windows...


If I'm not mistaken epi-androsterone is the phero that makes people relaxed and calm as well as promoting bonding?


And to confuse matters more...If the epi-rone is calming/relaxing...then how is it different to Androstadienone which is the calming anti-PMS phero isn't it?

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Hi Rosebud..


I'm going a mile a minute right now, but to break it down as best I can..


Epi-Androsterone is the female isomer of -rone, which does indeed promote relaxation and calmness in the wearer and those around her. Androstadienone I have gone into in a LOT of detail on Beccah's "wild night" thread, but basically, it is known as a proven depressive for a small percentage of men exposed to it, and so I won't be putting it in ANY of the pheromone blends I work on, and it is not in any LP blends at all other than SS4M (the male version ONLY since people missed that the other day).


I'm working right now on an alternative to be used in place of Androstadienone to help ladies with bad PMS and such-like. It's looking good..


Adrosterone is the male isomer of -rone, and when used in SMALL ratios such as in Heart And Soul, it can enhance the bonding effect and also lends some women who may appear very dominant, a slightly softer, more approachable side to them in other people's view..


Hope that helps. I will get back on and type more tomorrow, but if you need to know more, drop me an email, and DO read beccah's thread if you can please, as I believe a few of the ladies here were unaware of some of the facts I posted there.




Ail )O(

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Thanks Ail!


That makes more sense now :jumpforjoy:


I did know that androstadienone can cause depression in some males... It's one of the reasons I never bought IFM. I also read Lor's journal on the other site where she's men tioned the effect it had on her son.


If you have time for more explanations tomorrow that would be great... Some of these phero's still really confuse me with the subtle differences :) Speaking of which... What's the difference between androstadienone and beta-androstadienol? The latter I was under the impression is also a form of PMS reliever and uni-sex relaxing/harmonising phero...sometimes called "alpha man at peace"?

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Hehe.. :)


For your last question see what I said about working on an alternative PMS solution. It's already been used in Teddy Man here - with good success, and I'm playing about with it right now.. Will explain more..Soon..




Ail )O(

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i am very encouraged.


i have complete faith Ail will create something that may work even better than 'dienone.


(im more excited than some because 'dienone never helped me anyhow.)

now if its paired with a groovy scent, even better !

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Thanks Ail!


That makes more sense now :)


I did know that androstadienone can cause depression in some males... It's one of the reasons I never bought IFM. I also read Lor's journal on the other site where she's men tioned the effect it had on her son.


If you have time for more explanations tomorrow that would be great... Some of these phero's still really confuse me with the subtle differences :020105~21: Speaking of which... What's the difference between androstadienone and beta-androstadienol? The latter I was under the impression is also a form of PMS reliever and uni-sex relaxing/harmonising phero...sometimes called "alpha man at peace"?



This is crazy, I wanted to post that exact question yesterday , and just logged on quick to get it out there... And here it is! But I'll second/third/fourth whatever a request for any 411 on beta-dienol, please?


Oooooh, and I'm SO excited about Ail's brews in the works!! :CHEERS~19:

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Hehe.. :Hug_emoticon:


For your last question see what I said about working on an alternative PMS solution. It's already been used in Teddy Man here - with good success, and I'm playing about with it right now.. Will explain more..Soon..




Ail )O(


I can hardley wait for this one seeing I have been having my monthly every 2 weeks.I need a bottle asap lol



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