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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Well, I wish I had her heroic chin, but the body size and hair length is similar to me these days. Yeah, you're right, she looks nothing like me.
  2. New release sets always come in cloth bags, and some orders too if they fit the particular size. But if the order is too large we need to wrap everything individually so they are protected from breakage in transit, and that makes a bag impractical. Sorry! This month's NRs are in a very pretty shade, one considered magickal. Thanks for the kind words, everyone! xoxoxo
  3. Yes, ladies, thank you! Stacy, that pic on "One of the Boys" is actually me dressed up for sexy-time for my Viking exBF. lol
  4. Wow! Lunacat's Whisker Wishes are outselling them all so far! I am surprised! Vishnu's Come to Me Lover is a close second! Honeycake - you do not need to empower the whole bottle if you plan to use it for different situations. Just meditate on your purpose as you apply. A good way to do this is by lighting a candle and focusing on the flame as you apply, imagining the positive outcome you desire. Another way is to look at yourself in the mirror while applying and do the same thing....tell yourself how everything is going to come out amazing for you.
  5. Spell potions generally overlap a little, with regard to their magical uses. And the part that YOU play in their success is crucial. Take a look at the properties i listed at the bottom of each page - the ingredients list. For this set I removed a lot of the superfluous meanings and honed in on the ones that showed the intent - why they were chosen - the magic is in the notes. When you look at these, choose the potion that will best suit your purpose, and then empower the bottle, or meditate while applying it, for your specific needs. When I empower potions for the public, I do it in a broad rather than specific way. I wish the user success. You may layer your specific issue atop that blessing.
  6. JOC - as long as there's no more than 2 bottles of any one, I am ok with that. Maiea & Cheezy ~ Get a job is empowered for employment success, and is a very office friendly blend. It's fine to wear it to an existing job, and will also work as a Road Opener in this respect.
  7. Correction: Who IS drinking. ETA: And what are YOU doing up so late?! 3 hours later than here!!!
  8. You can wear them like regular perfume, Christy, but understand that they have been crafted and empowered for magical/ritual/religious use. If you want to use them to best effect, meditate upon your purpose when you apply them. Spend a few minutes imagining the positive outcome you desire before you apply them. Try to clear your mind of other concerns and reallllly concentrate hard and focus upon your goals...this will assist your message in getting out to the universe clearly and returning to you your result as you wish. Perhaps our darling Beccah will chime in?
  9. Ahhh! I did it! 8 solid hours of programming! Thank you, Luna, for being AMAZING as always!!! BOOZE! NOW! SOMEBODY PEEL ME A FRISKIE! Ok, just a few notes..... I added the options for sprays and phero-adds, because someone will inevitably ask, but I do not recommend them. These are true spell oils, and best used in the form presented. Most really do not need pheros...this is the art of producing pheromonal responses without them. Please try a sample first before you decide to mess with the spell potions. If you want to spray these potions around for ritual use, there's a more effective/magickal way of doing it, that's less expensive too. Rather than ordering an alcohol based cologne (for $15 extra), just purchase a dollar spray bottle from the drugstore and add a few drops of the potion to purified water (which also has magickal properties). Yes, you'll have to shake it up and use it promptly, but it's a better magickal method without needless waste. Just my 2 cents. Enjoy, and thanks everyone for your assistance in creating these spell oils!!! LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I'm putting up the descriptions today, they should launch by tonight. If you haven't posted an anecdote for your label in time, no worries, I can add it later. Thanks everyone for your contributions this month!!! xoxoxox
  11. Halo is correct, that is indeed my beautiful River, pic taken by me in the back yard. She has the most astounding amber eyes I have ever seen - even more striking in real life. Before I adopted her, the rescue lady had named her Amber for those amazing eyes.
  12. The photo paper labels will not withstand a water bath. Better to bury in dry salt.
  13. Mel, yes we can do it all in one invoice but you need to send me an email with all the instructions and your list of wants, please, thanks!
  14. Order 2 full sets, and you won't have to fill in notes. Only need to note if you get 10 out of 20. BTW ~ Just want everyone to know that the bottles have the shiny gloss photo paper labels, and the samples have regular paper labels.
  15. That's Catalina on Love Immortal. Defensive Magic is Raq's Norm, and Eggers contributed the pretty calico.
  16. You have to see the close up of Cullen and Romulus - hope you don't mind, Cheezy. I was HOWLING with laughter. The look on each of their faces is hysterical. Cullen looks like he's going to explode and the baby looks really MEAN! This exact same scene is playing out at my house between Seven and Luna.
  17. Different amounts are available, Hazel. I made double of the ones I thought would be the most popular....the love and money potions always go the fastest!
  18. If you get the NR bottle sets, you get a $50+ discount off the price of ten. So $200 per 10, $400 for all 20.
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