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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Ok! Brewing more today! Will put back in the cart in a little while once I see how many bottles I can make. Thanks, everyone! xoxoxo
  2. I CAN make a little more of this one. How many bottles worth should I brew? Any takers?
  3. This one is kinda like the opposite of Sug Honeycomb or Phero Girl.
  4. Betsy, the full bottle sets include all the scents for women, so you would get those 11 bottles. However, if you wanted to swap any out for the men's scents that's fine too.
  5. Molls! Thanks for letting me know the sampler sets were still turned off! Sorry everyone, they are back on! I HOPE! Let me know if they are not! Thanks!
  6. it IS a little different. Same recipe from Celrynnya, but a little more ingredients.
  7. Remember, Dolly & Celrynnya, you each get a bottle of your creation in exchange for sharing your wonderful recipes with us! THANK YOU!!
  8. HI Luna! Just sent you a PM! Yeah, it's tricky to grab fotos off the site, I usually have to click like 20 times to get the right options to come up. If no one can, I can do it once my hardware gets here on the 23rd. (It was scheduled to show up tomorrow, but they back ordered me! grrr!)
  9. The New Releases are UP!!!!! Wooohooo!!! I'm sorry we didn't get to do this gradually, like we usually do, but I still do not have a working computer in this new place!!!! My web-connecting parts have been delayed until the 23rd!!! I am shuttling files via memory stick across 3 different computers, and do not have online access to my FTP software, so could only go directly into the LP interface. Sooooo, if anyone wants to do me the favor of starting a New Release thread for this month with the images, I would appreciate it, since I currently cannot! Thank you! xoxoxo So anyway. This is our Valentine's Collection... we want to get them to everyone in time to wear on the Big Day. Our theme is loosely, "Life is like a box of chocolates....Valentine's chocolates, that is!" Thus, much of this collection contains scents of a type you might find in your heart-shaped box full of yummies...as well as appropriate trappings in the form of champagne, honey dust, and the scenty equivalent of sexy undies, A 13 potion set...11 for women, 2 for men, several phero'd and even Aja'd. Heee! Let the games begin!!
  10. We're BACK! Happy New Year, Everyone! Hope you all had a WONDERFUL Holiday Season! Will post more in a bit...about stuff that's been going on and where we are in our schedule, etc. TTYL
  11. Storemy, we could not locate that order so to be safe we sent you another box today. But...D'OH!...we left the spray out of that box so it's being mailed in a separate box. Just so you know, you will get 2 shipping notices today for that one order. Thank you for your patience!!!
  12. I tried sending the info via email to you again through the stamps system, Tyvey. It's your email addy with the initials. Hope it works!
  13. Thank you so much for your kindness and patience, Storemy. Tyvey, I have a feeling the email will not arrive until Monday since it was printed after the cut-off hour. It is most definitely on the way, no worries!
  14. No need, I see the order from the 18th. I think Catherine filled that one. I will have to ask her on Monday, can you wait a few days? If you do not get it by then, I will resend the order. Please email to let me know if you do not get it by Monday. CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com You will get an auto-reply that says we are closed, but I will still get the email. Thanks!
  15. Storemy, was that the package that was delivered yesterday? We show one shipped on the 25th, delivered on the 29th.
  16. Tyvey, I definitely did yours. I just looked it up on stamps and it's in the system as "in transit". You didn't get a stamps.com email??? hmmmm....I wonder if they will not email until Monday, since some of them were after the cutoff time so technically they will not enter the USPS system until Monday??
  17. DD, that package shows as delivered today. I hope you got it!
  18. Did everyone get their ship notices today? I hope so! I managed to get out every last order! If you did not get a ship notice, please let me know so I can do a search and make sure your order was printed and filled. Thanks! Orders rec'd after the deadline have been refunded....and I will continue to do that, but I will have a week without a computer. The packing begins!
  19. email Mara for all invoice requests CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com thanks!
  20. I have turned off our Amazon and Artfire stores until January 1st. We are allowing LP site orders until midnight tonight. (11/25/13) Since the LP cart does not have a vacation setting, it will still ALLOW orders to be made, but PLEASE do not do this, because we will not be able to fill them until we get back up on Jan 1st. Emails will be returned with a vacation notice, and there will be a solid week where we will have no internet access at all. There will be a notice on the front page, please heed it, thanks. Thank you, Loved Ones! Have a wonderful Holiday Season! We'll miss you! xoxoxoxo Mara
  21. I must apply more than most people. I never have a problem with diffusion...sweaters make great diffusion material. I apply from belly button to cleavage several times, then smoosh around with my wrists, then dab on back of my neck under my hair. I put my bra and shirt on while the perfume is still damp, and I make CLOUDS of scent. My whole life, I have always felt like my temp runs hot. I rarely feel cold. But the truth is strangely the opposite, my normal temp (every time I go to the doctor she checks) is a little less than 98 degrees. So I am not diffusing because of my skin temp, necessarily, so maybe it's the sheer volume I apply. If I think a perfume is going to wear 'light' on me, I also roll some from my wrists to my elbow on my inner arm.
  22. Now I'm thinking how annoyed the employees of the Saks fur department must get trying to round up stray children. I once heard this complaint from a crotchety old guy that worked at a comic book store, that parents would drop their kids off there and expect the employees to be babysitters....bwaha!
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