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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Had I made it tooooo much like Sugared Magi, I was afraid it might smell too similar to The Sand Box. I wanted them far enough apart, even though they share several of the same ingredients, so I took care to balance the ingredients differently. Thanks, Liz! I'm glad you like it! It's one of my faves.
  2. Liz, truly, we were laughing our asses off over here. Lighten up, it's ok. xoxoxox
  3. Ohhhh, thank you so much for turning the new release thread into the diarrhea thread.
  4. Yup, I made 2 extra bottles just in case. Or, I really should say that I had a psychic intuition that YOU would like one too. That really is it tho. I used up the last drop of one of the main ingredients in this second batch.
  5. bwahahahaha!!! The face on that cat is too much!!! Awww, poor little claw.
  6. Hey kids, when putting in your new orders, don't forget the PEs you've reserved! They're ready and waiting for you.
  7. Those of you who are on Facebook, we're conducting a giveaway along with Baba Studio! Our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Love-Potion-Magickal-Perfumerie/136059173114273 begging...please LIKE us! Thanks! Come over to their FB page and join in the fun! http://www.facebook.com/BohemianCats Prizes are perfumes from us and velvet bags from them!!!! Yeeeee!!!!
  8. I will only swap for a cape with an *S* on it.
  9. You are correct in that I have no record of you asking for it at all, nor ordering the phero month sampler pack. If you have it, we have no record that you received it from us. Did you get it in an Itty Bitty set?
  10. JOC! You never even ordered Dolce! Did you try it via trade or something? I just brewed A Lick a Cream for those that were fans of it...hopefully they will like this one too.
  11. There are a million kinds of amber, and it's the most common basenote on the planet. There may be certain kinds of amber that people don't like, or maybe if it's too heavy in a mix, but trust me, everyone can and does wear amber whether they know it or not!
  12. Rebrewed two today, and they are back in the cart and ready to go. Voracious Spray w/ Wanted Man (for men, obviously) ;p Velvet Kisses w/ Cuddle Bunny for Women
  13. Wow, and isn't that hitting that phero blend right on the head? That's the vibe! How did guys treat you while wearing it? Another male customer said that other men treated him like he was the coolest dude in the room. Welcome, idontknow and thanks for the report!
  14. Hi Honeybee! Thank you for the kind words. I am glad they've brought a smile to your face. In general, no, because the point of the discounted price is supposed to be to trial something and then if you like it, you buy the full bottle. But for you, since you are gifting those two to Mom, I will say yes in this circumstance.
  15. Wow! Dayem, the girl is fast! You are correct!!!! Upping your post count by 20.
  16. LOL @ Beccah, I'm glad you are pleased. There's one more in there from the "Best of" vaults...I doubt it's very obvious tho...but it's a scent we sold out of twice, and was met with much enthusiasm both times it was out. hmmmm, which one could it be? I'll give a 20 post boost to the first person to figure it out.
  17. Yes, I think we made two label versions for this one. For the others, if we only hold a few UNpheroed bottles aside, we slap a big *VIRGIN* sticker on the cap.
  18. Hi Invi, Yes, I got your email. It all seemed good to me, what I remember reading of it? Been a little distracted, sorry! Yes, proceed as you like. You can list the credits in the section for forum freebies if you like, and that will put it right on the order and make it easier to fill, if that's ok? Thanks so much! xoxoxoxoxoxox
  19. Katz, you're getting the 20-bottle rack with the set, baby. The first ones I commissioned were for you, Karen and me, and then when I got them I called our rackmaker and told him to make a bunch more for customers. He's already delivered the additional ones. He's so awesome; we're stocked!
  20. In Bang? Naw, it's just SS4W with cops. Oh wait, yeah, I did add extra Est, but not THAT much! It's a 5/1 ratio with the rest of the mix, not including the cops. It's funny, Chris said he had never heard of anyone complaining of too much Est. (He recommended boosting it thus for a more "magical" feel.) He said, you can never use too much Est. And I said, oh yeah? You should come over to our board and see what our ladies have to say about that!
  21. I asked Karen in one of our emails if EVERYONE sends them pix of their cats hoping they will draw them. LOL! Somehow, she skipped over that question in her reply. I just bet they are inundated. Everyone thinks their cats are the best, right? My aunt just sent me a pic of her cat Azalea - OMG, she's gorgeous. I told her my cats were embarrassed thinking they were the most beautiful cats in the world after seeing Azalea, and they humbly invited Azalea to join their private club, The Sisterhood of the Tails Splendiferous.
  22. Noted Napologist is the part that cracked me up. I figured Dormira shared a Latin root with dormant?
  23. She's the Queen of Cups in the Bohemian Cats Tarot set, and this is the image that Katz sent me as a gift on a pouch in memory of her. Karen Mahony wrote in the accompanying book that came with the first edition of the Tarot Set, that the Queen of Cups cat is the one you remember forever, that very special cat. Yes, that's Catalina, and this image coincidentally looks like her too.
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