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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. And this, ever so geekily, leads me to "Mudd's Women" from the original Star Trek series, where he was auctioning off "pheromone enhanced" brides!
  2. Our kindred sister. Gods, all those old WB cartoons were just BRILLIANT, weren't they? That's why I loved Animaniacs so much too, cuz they were done in the spirit of... Just an FYI for everyone: I added the Mad Scientist Mixture option due to requests, mostly from men who like to have total control of every drop of content in their bottles and don't mind experimenting and risking money. But truly I do not recommend this option on the whole. It's easy to spend a lot of money on things that may not work, unless one is truly experienced at mixing from scratch and knows what everything is "supposed" to do, and in what measure. It's a GREAT way to waste money if you're just playing around. Just a head's up, okay? Ms OSP: The only product that I have left of Intellectual Man is already mixed in silicone or DPG and bottled. I do not have any raw materials left, this is a discontinued product at this time. Pretty much, the most I can do is pour a roll-on bottle into a spray bottle to have more room to add stuff. That means that you'd be paying for at least 2x to get to where you want to go. Understand, Honey? Just checked, and at this moment I have 4 bottles of IM in oil and 3 in silicone left, and that is ALL. xoxoxox
  3. Well, if you want, you can just put a drop on a cotton ball or Qtip - wrap it in plastic, and mail me that. That will suffice, no need to part with your preciousss.
  4. I emailed you, Honey! Sorry it took me so long to answer your question!
  5. Ummm, you might want to be careful with that idea.... First of all, everyone, the wax I used last time was soy wax and very soft and easy to cut. But this time I used hard as a rock paraffin because it's supposed to have the best throw. So cutting them is not easy and may be perilous - watch your fingers! I had to cut the stuff up with a mallet and chisel!!!! Secondly - while this stuff is harder, it will STILL melt in a hot closed up car at the height of summer. You might want to be careful not to get liquid wax spilled all over your new car! But anyway - if you order the monthly collection, I am including a special secret freebie that will be totally appropriate for use in your car.....you can dangle it from your rear view mirror and enjoy the scent for probably months.
  6. Ms Luna - to answer your phone message, YES! I can totally make Sugared Magi in perfume again. I got really lucky and got a little bit more of my favorite Fig when that one supplier went out of biz, so I have the ingredients on hand now and it's pretty easy to brew. I mean, I do not have any of the old version to compare it to, so it won't be exact, but I do have the ingredients. I didn't realize there was any interest in it. But I do love the combo myself, and often make it in bath oil form for the BF. He's so funny, he actually put in an ORDER for it through the website yesterday, plus the Magi tarts, to make sure that he got some before they sold out!
  7. Either way, Honey, cuz I still have that box I hope to get out to you tomorrow, so either way. Thanks for asking!
  8. I wore this out to a gathering a few days ago. I just LOVE it. Desert aromas are so different from my city world. Putting this perfume together gave me a new appreciation for the magic that is the desert. This is another one I plan to hoard for my personal stash. So no one buy any. The supply is already alarmingly low!
  9. Yes, Halo! And that'll be the last one available, folks! Thank you!
  10. Ok, shipping explanation. Last time, we took such a bath on the shipping expenses on the wax melts that I had to add this charge. Sorry, kids! They're a lot heavier than I expected them to be! Here's how it works: We weighed it out, and if we were to send ONE wax melt, it would cost us $1.88 in postage (not including the box and other packing material costs.) So if you order a wax melt, there is an initial charge of $1.00. But it's only on the first wax melt. Each individual wax melt is charged .50 cents in shipping. So if you only ordered one wax melt, you would be charged $1.50 to help pay for the shipping, but as I said, we're subsidizing the postage costs for you. It actually costs us more than that to send. But we certainly can't run a biz in the red, so we had to add the charge because there's so little profit margin on the wax melts at all. So anyway, the first wax melt will bill you $1.50 in shipping, and then for each after that, it goes up just .50 cents more per unit. Make sense? Thanks for the question - sorry if I made it confusing for you!
  11. Gawd, what I week I've had! I feel like I've been through a boxing match, and lost. Just had to break from the Q's for a moment to meet a publishing deadline. I contributed an article to a medieval reenactment society newspaper about the use of scent to complete your "character". Ah, just got it in on time. Will be back to the Q's after a short break...be back soon. xoxoxoxox
  12. Yes, thanks for pointing that out, Skye! The US post has been refusing packages addressed to Canada due to the strike. We have a couple of boxes sitting here waiting until they give us the go ahead again.
  13. Yes, you can use these as a body scrub/toning bar in the shower. They are quite nice and scrubby. I do not know what Danna's recipe was, and I will likely make them a touch different each time myself, depending on what butters I have around. I'm planning on adding avocado butter to my next batch - in this one I used grapeseed and soy. These are quite large bars - 7+ ounces in size, 6+ oz in weight. If you use it only for perfume removal it'll last you months probably, but if you leave it in the shower, I'm guessing maybe only two weeks.
  14. Thanks for letting me know, Jo Anna - I fixed it! That was one of the reasons I stopped programming at 6 am - I was getting lags and glitches on the cart system too and it wouldn't save my changes. I appreciate it whenever you guys report a missing picture or some other error in the listings - always let me know if you see something amiss. Thanks so much!
  15. Ugh, I wrote my post at 9 am, but didn't hit the send button until noon, thus causing more confusion than fixing. So sorry. No, I am not adding more wax melts at this time. I made at least 40 units of each kind, nothing is in danger of selling out yet, and if it does, I'll just make more. No worries. JUST programming the wax tarts took me 7 hours of programming, it was somewhat tricky to do. Their ultimate home will be on the Home Fragrance page, but I will leave them on the New Release page for 3 months so people can see that they are there. Will also list the Phero Melts on the Pheromone page. The Home Fragrance page needs a few hours of updating not only to add the wax melts to it, but additional lanterns and warmers I have here that aren't listed yet. Will go question by question now....
  16. LADIES! Check in the New Release area of the cart - the Wax Melts are up and orderable there. I have not yet completed it's *final home*, the Home Fragrance page - still more to add before that page is UP, as you may have noticed I had the THIRD outage of the weekend to deal with and I have not yet slept, so am going to do the cat nap thing now, and finish programming later today. If we still have a running forum in a few hours, will answer the rest of everyone's Qs then. HUGE apologies for all the outages and frustrations of this New Release weekend! xoxoxox Mara
  17. We have oil warmers and ceramic ones in our web store that are suitable for the wax melts as well as oil. Will finish uploading those and our melts later this eve. You can put anything into an oil warmer...with pheros or without, because the oil never touches an open flame.
  18. Correct Calii, thank you. JOC, there are no aggressive pheros in either blend whatsoever.
  19. Yup, both of our former fields have long been intimately related. And Beccah, during our outage I called our mutual friend Mark of Phero Truth today and he helped clarify things for me regarding how our account was being (mis)handled. He's a gem, an absolute super-knowledgeable pro, and on the side, we had a chat about how much we both adore and respect you. I know that you ALREADY know that, but anyway...you are loved and appreciated all over the place. It can't hurt to hear it more. For those of you that are unaware...Beccah has recently been made an ADMIN over at a site called PheroTruth.com (is that right Beccah?) It's a great message board forum that exists soley so that people can review phero offerings from any company on the planet without fear of being edited or banned for their opinions.
  20. Welcome back, Ms Luna!!! You've been missed! :Sexy Girl/Girl Smooch: (HEY! Don't look, you guys!) Perves! On another note.... Wow. So happy to be back up. You have NO IDEA the fracking FIGHT I had to deal with to get the board back up today, and we lost a whole day. I was derailed due to this and was prevented from programming because of it. I will TRY to get everything up tonight, but have a biz date tomorrow morn, so I don't know how much I can finish but I will try. Sorry for the wait, everyone, and thanks for the mega amounts of emails. I promise you, EVERYTHING will be up and orderable by Sunday night. Apologies, and LOVE to you all!
  21. Front page and Perfumerie section are up, including all of Naughty Jester's faboo full descripts! It's 3:20 am here, so I think the cart will have to wait for tomorrow. (Or, in non-musician terms, later today. Hey, if it's still dark, it's still yesterday!) I promise everything will be up by tomorrow, (aka Saturday) including all the melts and other lovelies. A lot of extra programming this time. Sorry for the wait! ETA: Trial Vial page is up in the cart now, so is the PE section.
  22. I think I have 2 Honey Flower, and 2 Marshmallow Egg. Email if you want any. xoxoxox
  23. Not sure what a "hot pot" is, but if it is just a warmer, and the pheros don't touch flame, it's fine. (I check the boards while things are loading)
  24. Have you been hanging out with Tyvey? Nope - it does have a little bit of foaming soap butter in it for some light sudsiness. Other than that, everything else in it is edible, but the soap makes eating it a no-no. Sorry!
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