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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I'll put these up with the new releases coming up this week. Adding to the list, this weekend I made: * Summer Love Sensation w/ Open Windows * Sugared Resins w/ Treasured Hearts * Sugared Resins * Sugared Magi (Frankincense, Myrrh & Fig - a fave of the BF, by special request) * NOX w/ B2 * NOX Thinking about a chocolate almond cream kind of scent...thoughts?
  2. Moved the OT responses regarding Raq On's gorgeous bathroom, et al to it's own thread, because it deserves it! Raq On's Awesome Home Remodel.... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=5830
  3. These are long gone - we only made 50 of them and they went with the first 50 orders. I still have several ounces of the oil John made for the salts, and no shortage of the other ingredients, so we can make more. If you guys tell me who wants and how much, we shall mix it up for you special. And what size containers would you like it in? Let me know and I'll figure out the cost per unit. Glad you are enjoying it!
  4. Hi ODG! We DO offer optional Priority and Express, etc. It's located at the top of this page: http://lovepotionperfume.com/shoppe/ And here's a direct link: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Add...l_Services.html
  5. Actually, I do get what Cherie means by piercing. (And yes, you are perfectly welcome to post a less than glowing review - I expect and respect honesty. THANK YOU for the review!) I think it is musk that you perceive that way - to me, it can be very soapy and "sharp", and that's why I tend to use the "white" varieties which are softer and smoother, but apparently you can't really handle even the light versions. Also, (and this is a guess, but I have a pretty good nose) I do believe that what is known as "white amber" in the perfume biz is in fact amber with a little musk added, and what is known as "white musk" is musk with a little amber added. So, I think they both have musk in them, but in different measure. Have you had the same problems with the more animalic musks, like in Sexology? Or is it just the "powdery" type musks that bug you?
  6. I'm really aiming the admonition toward those who buy three $25 items in a week - with us having to pay for shipping and packaging three times instead of one, plus higher paypal charges for each. There are also a few who place another small order the moment they get the ship notice for the last one, because they think they'll get more freebies that way. These kind of practices are killing us in unnecessary charges. And the frustrating part of it is, those of you who are considerate and don't do these kinds of things get nervous and upset on our behalf, while those that are the worst offenders never think the rule applies to them. Truly, if someone is placing two $100 orders in a month, I have absolutely NO complaints. It's the small but multiple per week, or even multiple per day, orders that are seriously endangering our free shipping and sampler programs. And I KNOW that if people were charged a shipping charge every time they made an order, they wouldn't dream of ordering in this fashion, but because the fees are "hidden" to the customer, the fact that they still cost us a considerable sum is just not taken into consideration.
  7. That's adorable. But trust me - you don't want this smell in your house.
  8. Ha, don't feel so bad. I can't figure out how to make the search function work either.
  9. Yeah, but...but...but... thank the gods for the perfume removing coffee soap - I had to use it 4 times to get all of the musky stanky off of me! I think I'm going to have to triple bag it and dispose of it like toxic waste. Sigh. I was hoping it would work this time.
  10. Looks like I may have been mistaken - John says there's two more bottles of Focus Pocus on our list - he is going to go check the warehouse to make sure and report back. A general note, once again....the review section is for reviews, the trading post is for trading. Please do not conduct trades within the review areas - the posts will be deleted. thank you!
  11. Yes you can, but you might want to dilute it because a little will go a long way. You can use unscented oil or even water, just put a few drops of perfume floating on top of the water. Be careful though of perfumes with a lot of spice. Too much spice up in the air can burn your eyes. Another way to enjoy the oils if they are not wearable as perfumes for you, is to use them in your bathtub. Makes for a lovely relaxing scented bath.
  12. Ok, I know this is totally off topic but since we started the discussion here...will say that my kitty-love blend, planned for this month, FAILED. This is my second attempt at such...tried a few years ago and scrapped that one too. It works on the cats alright, I just can't get it to smell good, so out the window this idea goes...again. It came out like Jouir De - Part Deux....mixed with Get Stuffed. Ack. No. Sorry.
  13. Sorry, no, I think Focus Pocus is sold out.
  14. Oh, no, I'm sorry, they are all gone. I think everything that is still available in now in the cart, in the PE section. Here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Private_Editions.html
  15. Well, just a tip.... You really can't go wrong with Alpha-Nol, Beta-Nol, Est, and Copulins. These are pretty easy and forgiving molecules. Even using them to amp an existing blend is a pretty safe bet. BUT! The other ones? One really needs to know what they are doing. Some need to be used in MICRO-FRACTIONS to be used properly. Beware you don't create a big expensive pile of NOTHING. I say this glaring at my first two attempts to create Sexpionage (and Compromising Positions with it)...I had my levels wrong and KNEW I wasn't getting the vibe I required but couldn't figure out why until Ail swooped in and helped me with the percentages. No kidding, I wasted over $4,000 in materials with that little experiment...perfume oils and phero ingredients combined. So, yeah, it may seem like fun...but it's expensive to experiment and it's not so easy to get it right. I've learned a lot about the "language of pheromones" over the past 4 years I've been working with them, but I'll tell you - Dr Stone, Chris, and Ail - they are the BEST in the business, and their blends work great because they really understand what they are doing. They may make it look easy, but it isn't!
  16. Yes, you HAVE to do that. It's your blend, you must tell me the ratios so we can mix it for you!
  17. Yes, Skye, I'll hold one for you, thank you! Worried about that postal strike! :sock puppet shaking no ha:
  18. This is something that I just programmed last night for the guys on another forum who wanted the option. I made them their own page because they said ours was too confusing for them. If you want to look at it..... http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/Products_for_Men.html
  19. Wow, where did you get that idea from? No, I had the idea for this blend quite a while ago...maybe a year and a half to two years ago, and had to wait to get the ingredients. I wanted to make something that acted like a raw testosterone boost to both males and females, and then I tempered it with a little bit of Alpha-Nol to it steer it in a more light-hearted direction.
  20. AG, if you've never redeemed before, you have $35 in credits saved up. Remember, this needs to be accompanied by a $25 cash order. You would redeem in the following way: AncientGoddess - 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 Enter 7 in quantity box I ask that it be done this way, because pretty much every time someone writes 200-800, they end up counting them wrong. Have fun!
  21. hmmm, well, still have a few left! Glad everyone is enjoying it!
  22. Such a wonderful report Cherie! So happy that it made you feel good, and more like YOU - I love that.
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