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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Very well done, BRAVO! Keep the scent, ditch the EX.
  2. We find that layering a fragranced moisturizer along with the scent makes them last longer because the moisturizer helps the perfume oil not just get sucked up by thirsty skin. The moisturizers are fragranced more lightly than the perfume oils, but if worn together, you're going to get a stronger effect in total. If worn alone, the scented lotion will not last as long as the perfume oil.
  3. Oh, I'm sorry Invidiana, I didn't realize you were waiting for an invoice. You can do it yourself (everyone else has been doing it this way) by just clicking on the Gift Cert button x5, and then writing in the item that you want. Invoice sent, thank you!
  4. Thank you, Elizabeth! :SMOOCHES!: I too just find your love for each other so heart warming and adorable. I love how you've described everything. xoxoxoxoxoxox
  5. No ingredients in common with Frog. Interesting phenom with this blend, I've noticed that my bottles tend to crystallize a little inside the bottle....like rock candy.
  6. Hi Cherie, This is not sold out. We have 18 bottles in the cart, and 18 trial vials as well.
  7. Wow, such great story telling. I feel like I'm glued to a soap! The phero blend in Voracious is very much an alpha-dominant blend. It's supposed to make girls melt and make other guys defer to you. I can see that working on putting your EX in her place as well. But I'm still biting my nails over that situation....don't let your guard down yet! (See, it's like I'm yelling at the hero on the television to watch out what's coming up behind him!) In some situations, you might have other alpha-dudes want to face off with you, challenge you for supremacy as it were...but hopefully that's only with very strong dosing. And it sounds like you're wearing the perfect amount.
  8. D'oh! I don't think I'm smart enough to understand what you just said.
  9. The peppermint note is subliminal really, it's not prominent. Yup! Sangreal means Holy Grail, while Sang Real as two words means royal blood. The picture I used on the label is an Arthur Rackham illustration from the Grail Quest stories of King Arthur....she's supposed to be holding the Holy Grail. I love it when people "get it."
  10. Not sure what you mean by "safe" but it certainly wasn't intended for a work environment. It's meant to heighten sexual arousal, etc.
  11. Sexology perfume is absolutely NOT an office friendly blend! (And it's not going to work with men who like nothing but clean scents either.) This is purposely a down and dirty sexual animalistic smell. For the guys that respond to those sorts of triggers, it works AMAZINGLY. One really shouldn't wear this one out of the house. It's a play-time scent.
  12. Funnier and funnier. I LOVE you guys. (Lady Luna's furry niece, Kitty Luna would also offer to share her bukkit, if there was any room, but there is not.)
  13. RE-POST! I'll let everyone else describe their own, but since Celrynnya is hardly ever on the boards, I will post her description for you....
  14. So you won't have to scroll back to the other pages... Here's what I have: 6 bottles of Lady Victoria's Sugar Kisses (1 bottle for CheshireKitten, 1 bottle for Gaia, 1 bottle for Tyvey, 1 bottle for LadyV, 1 bottle for JOC, 1 bottle for MyDogDaisy) 6 bottles of Tyvey's Purple Cupcake (1 bottle Snowflake, 1 bottle Cherie, 1 bottle for Invidiana, 1 bottle for Ravenwing) 6 bottles of Celrynnya's Hint of Danger (1 bottle for Gaia, 1 bottle for Luna) 4 bottles of Brandy's Blushing Bride (3 bottles for Ravenwing, 1 bottle Bumbob) 2 bottles of Tyvey's Coffee Cake (but I can make more of this one!) (1 bottle for Calii, 1 bottle for Tyvey) Making more for: Elizabeth OSP, Lady Victoria, Invidiana, and...? 3 bottles of ElizabethOSP's Hound Dog (1 bottle for Luna, 1 bottle for Rinster?, 1 bottle ElizabethOSP) Will invoice later when you guys are ready, or yes, you can buy a GC x 5 and write that it's for one of these PEs.
  15. That just made me SCREAM with laughter! BWAHA! Ok, the cart is up! Thanks everyone!
  16. JUST A REMINDER! Don't forget about your free T-shirt or hat, and those of you who have PEs or Wax Melts reserved from the other threads, please use the Gift Cert option and write in the blends that you want in the area provided. Thank you!!
  17. The front page/perfumerie is UP! Just loading the shopping cart now. The readings may begin. (Thank you, Royal Scribe!)
  18. Ummm, the thingy on the label, yes, and more. HEY! You're peeking in my head!
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