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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. You DID add it! I know which one you want! It just didn't make it into the last box apparently! Will put it into your new box. No worries. SO SORRY ABOUT THAT!!!
  2. You can order sampler sets now. It's going to take me until Friday or maybe Saturday to have everything up and orderable in the cart.
  3. Ravenwing...did you get your T-Shirt in your last box? John and I got confused whether it got in there or not. Everyone got checked off the list except for you!
  4. LOL! Glad you like! Yeah, we had some fun with these! Rainbow Falls has Treasured Hearts in it, with an extra boost of Alpha-Nol. 80% Treasured Hearts / 20% Alpha-Nol Was going for a lighthearted summer party type of feel good aura - there's a little sparkle in there too. Also note that it says COLOGNE Spray, rather than perfume spray. It's a tiny touch lighter on the fragrance than our usual, although there is still 333 mcg of pheros per bottle. Wanted to make a spritz-all-over party glow for warm weather. This one will sell for $36.95 per 1 fl.oz. spray bottle. So...what do you think the Gallimaufry one is about?
  5. LOL! Nope. That was always the name. I was stunned when several of you used that very word to describe it's effects!
  6. New Mamelon de Cerise (it means Cherry Nipples!) Gallimaufry Catie Scarlet's Bewitched & Beguiled Phero Enhanced with Blatant Invitation Nookie Cookie And Shelly B's Private Edition: Shelly B's Bodacious Bomb (I have around a dozen of these available)
  7. Heart 2 Heart - Empathy Potion UNscented Pheromone Blend for Women Rainbow Falls Pheromone Enhanced Cologne Spray Perty Flirty Song of the Desert Skools Out! Rapturous Reverie (or maybe Raptor-ish Reverie) :dino7:
  8. Before I show off the new labels, just a couple of notes.... In honor of Father's Day, from now throughout the month of June, we are discounting ALL LP Men's Fragrance Sprays by $10.00 per bottle! (This includes phero-enhanced fragrance sprays, but NOT UNscented product.) We know how a lot of guys prefer to just "spritz and go" rather than dealing with a roll on bottle, so we hope our LP Dudes will take note of this offer, and perhaps our LP Ladies will take advantage of this Men's Sale to treat their Dads, Sons, Brothers or Mates to one or more of our large variety of men's fragrances available here at Love Potion! Choose a spray from the Men's Scents on this page: http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/Fragrances_for_Men.html Redeem Coupon on this page: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Redeem_Coupon.html For each bottle selected, redeem a coupon in the quantity of 2 (= $10) and use the code LP-DAD-2011 Also, we're not going to do a sugar scrub this month because we still have some Honey Flower and a few Marshmallow Egg scrubs left from the past 2 months. They are still available by buying in the usual manner, just let me know which one you would like in your notes or via email. Ok, now on with the show! D'oh! Edited to add...John John made some Free Gifties for you Ladies! (Will include in orders over $25.00 while supplies last.) And they are so very pretty too! LeWizard’s Rejuvenating Glamour Bath Revive and Rejuvenate your Mind, Body and Soul in a bath of this luxurious blend of Spa Salts, Rose Petals, Chamomile Blossoms and Essential oils of Peppermint, Orange Blossoms and Lotus! You deserve a few moments of Bliss! Magical Ingredient Lore: Orange & Blossoms for Eternal Love and Happiness Peppermint for Restoration and Relaxation Plumeria for Love Water Lotus for Illumination, Inspiration and Clarity Papaya for Health of Body and Mind Sweet Amber Musk for Creativity and Confidence Chamomile Blossoms for Calming and Soothing Rose Petals for Divination and Clairvoyance Salt for Purification and Grounding Ingredients: salts, citric acid, fragrance and flower blossoms. Instructions for use: Pour contents into a tub of water and enjoy!
  9. Ok, Gals, GREAT JOB on the reports, all of you! Thanks so much! Later today, I am planning on posting the new labels for the month's releases, and this one will be in the bunch, so if you have anything else to add before the unveiling, now's the time! xoxoxoxox Oh, P.S. Am interested in how long this tester supply lasted you. 2x in 4 ml spray. How many days of testing did that cover? Do you have any left?
  10. UN phero is short for UNscented Pheromone Blend. Which doesn't mean that they have no odor, it means that they have no perfume added.
  11. This is classically masculine. I don't think this is one of the borderline scents that can be worn by both sexes, but you can always give a trial vial a try and see. It's ALL man to me, though.
  12. Shelly, Do you have a friend or coworker that might consent to wearing a spritz while you are with her for a few hours? I'd love to hear what kind of effect this blend has on you if someone else is wearing it.
  13. Yes, there is a small difference. While the list of ingredients is the same, the amount of each ingredient is different. Some people prefer one over the other. Some people like them both equally and can't tell them apart.
  14. Yes, Ma'am! Do you want me to invoice you for it, or do you want to do the GCx5 thingy? Take your time in any case, will hold it for you.
  15. Info on Shelly's latest invention: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=5627 An update on other PEs avail....still have on my shelf: 2 bottles Victoria's Sugar Kisses 3 bottles Tyvey's Purple Cupcake - 1 for Tyvey 11 bottles Tyvey's Coffee Cake (yup, I made more!) 4 bottles Celrynnya's Hint of Danger 1 bottle Elizabeth OSP's Hound Dog ElizabethOSP 1 bottle Shelly's Gettin' Fresh also....not sure if these are still in the cart but I have them on the rack here in the studio: 1 bottle Jo Anna's Sweet Winter Chai 1 bottle Rosebud's Snuggle Cookie 4 bottles Christine's Yin Ylang - 1 for bruiseviolet 3 bottles Ann's Tea Party 3 bottles Beccah's Secret
  16. I must compliment everyone for the absolutely amazing reviews. This is completely fascinating to me. I can't wait to discuss it, once testing is over. A couple of people haven't even rec'd their test vials yet, but those last couple are going out today. Thanks everyone!
  17. Alpha-Nol is not strongly scented to my nose, not at all. I was wondering if you had one of those rare "super-sniffers" and were detecting more of an odor from it than most of us do.
  18. Ok, finished brewing the latest round of Cuddle Bunny perfume, so it's back in the cart and orderable again, and those who have been waiting for it...your orders either went out today or are going out on Monday. All caught up! YAY!
  19. Potion Master

    Egg 2011

    Yes, back when I first started making EGG, there were NO marshmallow fragrance oils on the market - not from my high end suppliers anyway. So I used baker's flavorings instead, and they needed to be shaken. Finally, ONE of my suppliers came out with a marshmallow scented oil that I thought was comparable to the flavoring....thus, this version does not need to be shaken and doesn't turn white when shaken like the older versions. I used the marshmallow flavoring in the EGG scrub of the month though, and I thought they smelled right close. If that's not the case, we can go back to using the flavoring oil for the next batch.
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