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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. These were the names of products offered by another company that we no longer use in our fragrances.
  2. You've ordered 12 samples of phero enhanced perfumes. If you are seeking notable personal effects, perhaps trying an unscented pheromone is the way to go, as the dosage is 3x as strong.
  3. I have a couple "on deck" but nothing finished and ready yet. Will let everyone know if there is anything left over from the PE orders when finished.
  4. The balance of the ingredients is different, as noted in the descriptions. Weighting the ingredients differently produces unique effects.
  5. They are both "foody" sweet coconuts in each case, but the presentation is entirely different. I doubt you would find the two scents at all similar.
  6. I think I can make the blend that was in Phero Boy again....getting some more phero ingredients next week. I vote for Leather for you, Darbla.
  7. Beccah - yup, I can definitely phero boost the simmer oils. Bumbob - yes, the simmer oils smell the same as the wax melts because I am using the same candle oils in each case. What I do not know, is if there is a difference in the throw, like if the wax makes it last longer or throw wider or something. I have experimented a little with the Winter Woody scent and both seem the same but that one is a very pervasive scent. Anyone try a comparison yet?
  8. Everything that is left is shown on this post: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.p...st&p=128564 I think I only have three units still available. I will make more in the future, but I have not had a chance yet. Sorry!
  9. The cart is up, thus the samples are now orderable too. (And added the last few Nommy Butters to the Bath & Body section of the Shoppe.) Done, I think! Let me know if you spot any errors, please! Thank you lovely ladies!!!
  10. I made some things secret because I want them tried before opinions are made! Once you get your samplers, I will let you GUESS, and tell you if you are right!
  11. The front page and Perfumerie section are up! I am working on the cart now... MUST read Luna's descripts...I think she outdid herself this month. LOVE them!!!! Note: I added some new descriptive scent categories, you will see at the bottom of the perfumerie pages. I will reprogram the older pages to better reflect these categories after I am done with the cart. It should make the sorting feature of the Perfumerie section work better. Edit: Oh yes, and please remember to order your Scrub of the Month at the same time as your perfume order. This month we've got Marshmallow Egg scented Sugar Scrub!
  12. I plan to have them up and orderable by this evening. Thank you for the patience!
  13. Took the words right out of my mouth... WELCOME, Ishtar!
  14. Civit is a very dirty musky smell, it has a lush flowery cast to it, but to some people it can smell like cat peeeeeeeee! It is the musk of civit cats in reality - but is no longer a legal ingredient to add to perfume, so modern civit is synthesized.
  15. The way we package this one is in the pretty faceted bottle with a silver top, and a hang tag. But also included in the package is a second cap, a roll-on cap that you can swap for the silver decorative one. We don't package them with the roll-on caps to start with because that particular type leaks during transport. You can't carry it around in your purse with that roller cap, but if it's staying at home on your dresser it's fine. So anyway, it comes with two caps, one decorative, and one roller.
  16. Girly Twirly Phero Enhanced with Lace + Cops Naked Twilight Naked Dawn Open Sesame Neverland For boys & girls of all ages
  17. EGG 2011 Love PotionĀ®: Spring Equinox 2011 The Smoking Bun A-Bun-Dance Butterfly Kisses
  18. Yeah, I burn one at the doorway between three rooms, and it covers around 800 square feet quite thoroughly. I also noticed that if you have a fan on and it wafts the smoke around, you get MORE scent and pheros in the air.
  19. Yes, Veronica said that she sprayed it in her mother's hair and they thought it smelled like weeeeeeeeeee. But I spray Est in my hair ALL THE TIME and have not had that issue. I think it's one of the best ways to diffuse that particular molecule.
  20. Yes, Dolly answered you above, and she is correct:
  21. Skye, here is the list - there's only like 3 choices left: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.p...st&p=128564
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