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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. BWAHA! It has some of my favorite notes in it...(and no, there's no vanilla in here)...more than that, we shall wait for Luna's brilliant descripts!
  2. Yah! That was the whole point! John called it a "triple entendre"...bwaha!
  3. Awww, Le Wiz, you are truly my Knight in Shining Armor! xoxoxox
  4. LOL! And I want everyone to know that you have Luna to thank for the much more elegant title of "A Regal Confection", because I was gonna call it "Let them eat...Willy Cake"!
  5. AND, I am giving away a royal gift with each order over $50! Remember the box of SWAG I won from The Princess Diaries in the Hollywood auction? I am sharing it with you all. With an order of $50 or more, you may choose a T-shirt, baseball hat, visor or tote bag from the fictional Royal Country of Genovia! To make your choice, please write in which item you would like in the space provided on the form we use for monthly forum freebies. It's the last thingy on this page: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Redeem_Coupon.html And you should probably add a second color choice too, just in case I run out of the one you want. (Offer is limited to one per household, from now through the end of May) Here's what you've got to choose from: Size Large T shirts, featuring the Genovian Royal Crest. Available in the following colors: Denim Blue, Superman Blue, Orange, Beige or Light Khaki, Dark Khaki, Light Pumpkin, Red, or White. Size Medium, Ladies style t-shirts, featuring the Genovian Royal Crest. Available in the following colors: Pastel Pumpkin, Pastel Peach, Dark Lavender (not pictured), Light Lilac, White, Pastel Yellow, Aqua. Both T-shirt styles are 100% pre-shrunk cotton and very nice quality. Really nice quality cotton Baseball Hats, featuring the Genovian *G*. And by the way, these can be seen in the parade scene of Princess Diaries II! Available in the following colors: Denim Blue (not pictured), Yellow, Pastel Pumpkin, Pastel Green, Khaki. Really nice quality cotton Visors, with an adjustable size velcro thingy on the back, featuring the Genovian *G*. Available in the following colors: Denim Blue, Light Tangerine, Red, Beige And lastly, great quality canvas tote bags. There's only three of these - I have 2 in "Natural" and one in Red. They are open on top with gusseted sides and bottom. Bag dimensions: 14 inches tall x 10 inches wide x 5 inches deep. Oh yes, one more thing, those of you who have PEs or Wax Melts reserved from the other threads, please use the Gift Cert option and write in the blends that you want in the area provided. Thank you!!
  6. The Alabaster Queen Tiare Tiara You can just SMELL the diamonds! Pomander Royale Oleander the Great Phero Enhanced with Swimming with Sharks so you too can conquer the world! A Night at the Round Table No, it doesn't smell like pizza. But it IS crafted after an authentic recipe that would have been served during King Arthur's time, circa the 500's!
  7. This month, we're going ROYAL! (Yes, Lady V, you were correct!) A Regal Confection A delicious ode to Prince William's Groom Cake Flowers in the Moat Rose of Shrewsbury Castle Crumble (The UK ladies can explain to the Americans what a crumble is!) Lion Heart I made this one for the Gents, but I think many of the Ladies will like it too! Sang Real Which means, Royal Blood!
  8. The X Factor of Mr X Game is now live, in the journal area. Welcome.
  9. Oh, Honey. You can curse as much as you like here! (In the Journal area.) The Journal area is for members only and not open to strangers - but all members can see it. PMs are disabled here, I am sorry. We've had a hideous history of spam and stalking and we chose this route for the protection of all of us. However, we swap personal email addresses upon request. My email is CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com If you wish to PM someone, send an email there and we will share the email addresses between the consenting parties...no interference on our part after that. We just act as chaperon for the original contact.
  10. For those with the multiple version question, please allow me to explain why I do things the way I do... I believe Luna and Ail have chimed in, in the past, and their understanding is pretty well spot on from the perspective of how I craft certain fragrances with scent ingredients that match and amplify the intent of the phero blends. (You might want to read this: http://lovepotionperfume.com/reading_room/articles/Intent ).That's all true. But there are other *business* concerns for not offering multiple versions of each scent. Please understand, I run a small artisan business with a tremendous amount of love and integrity poured into each offering. I have a limited amount of space in which to house literally at LEAST 15,000 bottles of ingredients, master bottles and finished product. We are ALWAYS panicking about space and currently have to rent three separate locations to hold everything, with at least 20 new products every month. Properly reorganizing stock in alphabetical order can take days when things get disarranged. I have tried the experiment of offering certain scents in both phero and non phero form, and for those particular scents, (and most users understand that the scent design and the phero formula go hand in hand), the sales for the non-phero version were less than 10%. The actual follow-through in buying the non-pheroed versions of the very few scents that we offer pheromone enhanced is incredibly small - to the point where even those people that ask for them don't necessarily even buy them. Where do I put the extra bottles? How long do I hold this reserve aside before I end up adding pheros to them anyway, because the phero version has sold out, and the actual sales of the non-phero-version did not match the pleading requests even in this forum for them? (And just FYI - Super for Men and UN for Men were never offered at the same time - they did not represent several bottles of the same thing on the shelf at the same time.) So, I understand to you it may seem a simple request of having an additional option. I get that and I respect that. But from my perspective, and I invite you to correct me if I am wrong, I think that I offer more options than any other perfumer OR pheromone provider on the planet at this moment. I offer so many options, that most have to be hand prepared per each person's order, making my work week an average of over 80 hours per. And ALL OF THIS ASIDE, my MAIN point that I would like to discuss on the matter is that less than TEN percent of our fragrances are phero enhanced. 90% of the catalog is phero-free!! We are and will always be, primarily an artisan perfume house. It really does baffle me when people read a great review about a phero enhanced scent, crafted with great research, integrity and intent, with the scent ingredients designed to compliment and enhance the intent of the phero blend, and then ask for it without the pheros. Ok. And that's not even the part I don't get. The part I don't get, is that, in MOST of these cases, the people asking for phero-free versions of scents designed to be paired with pheros, HAVE NEVER BOTHERED TO TRY OUR NON-PHERO SCENTS. HOW do you know that I do not have something that will satisfy that fragrant need in your life? Truly, there is not a ONE of the customers asking for non-phero versions of the mere 10% of our catalog that have adequately explored what we already offer, phero-free. NOT ONE. Before a person asks me to create a dupe of a scent I crafted as phero compliment....have they even LOOKED in our catalog to see if there is already something there, WITHOUT PHEROS, along the same lines? 99% of the time, the answer is no. If you do not want to buy our phero enhanced male scents, we have nearly ONE HUNDRED alternatives for you. If you do not want to buy our phero enhanced female scents, we have nearly THREE HUNDRED alternatives for you. But what happens, is that someone posts a FAB review of a phero-married potion, and they only want THAT ONE. NOT INTERESTED in seeing what else we have to offer. "I want THAT ONE, that the other person got such great results with, but without a key ingredient that made it what it was." What would really, really, really impress me, is if someone, anyone, actually took the time to sample (and, dare I ask, report on) the phero-free offerings, and could still ask the original question posed. I don't think you could. It's a challenge. Anyone up for it? I could take the request truly to heart if anyone took that challenge. I really hope I did not come off bitchy in this post. I am a matter-of-fact New Yorker, rocker girl type of communicator. I felt no animosity or aggression when writing this post, but I am aware that I do come off that way to some people. I just simply wanted to express my perspective and hope that comes across as laying it out, without any anger, because I truly felt none. P.S. If you like Voracious and want to try a phero-free cousin, try The Masked Man! Mara
  11. XGame, thank you for taking the time to craft your fabulous report, I was glued to every word! Yes, I will make an exception in this case for a journal being granted prior to the 100 post minimum, because I think your idea of doing week long reports would be fascinating, beneficial for all, and a unique approach to how our journal area is being utilized at the moment. I thank you for the offer. Do you have an idea what you would like your journal title to be? We tend to be quite silly here when left to our own devices. Welcome to our forum, and thanks again for wonderfully detailed report!
  12. Labels in the morning, I promise! Sorry for the wait! I planned to get them up tonight but I ran out of steam.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............
  13. Welcome back, CC! You've been missed!!! Yes, I do think you will like Upstairs, Downstairs!
  14. Working on the new releases now..................a few more days..................
  15. Hi Daisy! You can find short snippets of info on the Pheromone page of the shopping area. http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/Pheromone_Blends.html For example, I just copied/pasted this for you from there: Beta-Androstenol is known for creating rapport and a sense of bonding between people, and instilling trust. It lends an impression that you have known a person a long time - even if you have only just met. Used in high concentration, it can have a truth-serum type effect on people. May be worn by both women and men. FYI: A little of this pheromone goes a long way - one needs to use a smaller amount of beta-nol to produce a larger effect than other molecules of greater concentration.
  16. I suggest trying a men's sampler kit so you have ten to choose from and see what you like best! Available at the bottom of this page: http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/Fragrances_for_Men.html
  17. Couldn't you just SWOON at the beautifulness of this painting????!!!! OMG, I LOVE this! ElizabethOSP, you are amazing!
  18. Yeah, MUST let the copulins dry down. It's always gonna smell kinda rotten upon application. Apply at least 20 minutes before Shadow-time!
  19. It SHOULD. There's only one way to find out!!!
  20. Hi Lyric, Whew, that was a tough one. I finally found your order, but it took me quite a while. Please read this, thanks.: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.p...ost&p=40393 Lyric, your order is in the queue and right on schedule. You ordered a special item (not straight off the rack) that needs to be created especially for you. While many times it's faster, our posted turn around time is two weeks from order to delivery at your door, and for items made special just for the customer, it can be up to 3 weeks. Your item should be in the mail to you within the next 2 days, and to your door within our posted turn around time. Ok?
  21. It makes ALL the sense, sweetie. That's the whole basis for what I do. I've been crafting scents designed to inspire feelings, emotions and evoke memories for over 25 years. Here's a couple of short notes on the subject: http://lovepotionperfume.com/reading_room/articles/Intent http://lovepotionperfume.com/reading_room/articles/about_us
  22. Really? I have a fine time wearing my perfume and spraying phero on top. I haven't tried spraying anything with strong copulins it in, tho. Cherie, trying adding 20%, aka 1/5th, of a bottle of perfume oil to what you have left to make it "lightly scented". That's only 2 mls of perfume oil, it won't dilute it much.
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